

    • BatchNormalization
        • 反向传播
    • 其他Normalization方法
        • LayerNormalization
        • InstanceNormalization
        • GroupNormalization

神经网络中有很多层的叠加,数据经过每一层后,其分布会发生变化,给下一层的训练带来麻烦,这一现象称为Internal Covariate Shift。在bn之前一般通过减小学习率、初始化权重、以及细致训练策略来解决。


BatchNormalization就是将每一层数据拉回均值为0,方差为1的正太分布上。同时为了保证其还有学习到的特征,再对数据进行缩放和平移。假设输入为 x x x,大小为(N,D),则算法如下:

  1. 沿着通道D计算均值: μ B = 1 n ∑ i = 1 n x i \mu _ { \mathcal { B } } = \frac { 1 } { n } \sum _ { i = 1 } ^ { n } x _ { i } μB=n1i=1nxi
  2. 沿通道D计算方差: σ B 2 = 1 n ∑ i = 1 n ( x i − μ B ) 2 \sigma _ { \mathcal { B } } ^ { 2 }= \frac { 1 } { n } \sum _ { i = 1 } ^ { n } \left( x _ { i } - \mu _ { \mathcal { B } } \right) ^ { 2 } σB2=n1i=1n(xiμB)2
  3. 将数据拉回正态分布: x ^ i = x i − μ B σ B 2 + ϵ \widehat { x } _ { i } = \frac { x _ { i } - \mu _ { \mathcal { B } } } { \sqrt { \sigma _ { \mathcal { B } } ^ { 2 } + \epsilon } } x i=σB2+ϵ xiμB
  4. 进行平移和缩放: y i = γ x ^ i + β y _ { i } = \gamma \widehat { x } _ { i } + \beta yi=γx i+β


def batchnorm_forward(x, gamma, beta, bn_param):
    - x: Data of shape (N, D)
    - gamma: Scale parameter of shape (D,)
    - beta: Shift paremeter of shape (D,)
    - bn_param: Dictionary with the following keys:
      - mode: 'train' or 'test'; required
      - eps: Constant for numeric stability
      - momentum: Constant for running mean / variance.
      - running_mean: Array of shape (D,) giving running mean of features
      - running_var Array of shape (D,) giving running variance of features
    Returns a tuple of:
    - out: of shape (N, D)
    - cache: A tuple of values needed in the backward pass
    mode = bn_param['mode']
    eps = bn_param.get('eps', 1e-5)
    momentum = bn_param.get('momentum', 0.9)

    N, D = x.shape
    running_mean = bn_param.get('running_mean', np.zeros(D, dtype=x.dtype))
    running_var = bn_param.get('running_var', np.zeros(D, dtype=x.dtype))

    out, cache = None, None
    if mode == 'train':
        sample_mean = np.mean(x,axis=0,keepdims=True)
        sample_var = np.var(x,axis=0,keepdims=True)
        sample_sqrtvar = np.sqrt(sample_var+eps)
        x_norm = (x-sample_mean)/sample_sqrtvar
        out = x_norm*gamma+beta
        cache = (x,x_norm,gamma,beta,eps,sample_mean,sample_var,sample_sqrtvar)
        running_mean = momentum * running_mean + (1 - momentum) * sample_mean
        running_var = momentum * running_var + (1 - momentum) * sample_var
    elif mode == 'test':
      	x_norm = (x-running_mean)/np.sqrt(running_var+eps)
        out = x_norm*gamma+beta

    # 将滑动均值和滑动方差保存或更新
    bn_param['running_mean'] = running_mean
    bn_param['running_var'] = running_var

    return out, cache


sample_mean = np.mean(x,axis=(0,1,2), keepdims=True)
sample_var = np.var(x,axis=(0,1,2), keepdims=True)


另外,在cs231n中较难的一点是batchnorm的反向传播算法。下面为batchnorm的计算图。我们要计算的是 ∂ L ∂ γ \frac { \partial L } { \partial \gamma } γL ∂ L ∂ β \frac { \partial L} { \partial \beta } βL ∂ L ∂ x \frac { \partial L} { \partial x } xL
首先计算比较容易的 ∂ l ∂ γ \frac { \partial l } { \partial \gamma } γl ∂ l ∂ β \frac { \partial l } { \partial \beta } βl

  • ∂ L ∂ γ = ∑ i = 1 n ∂ L ∂ y i x ^ i \frac { \partial L } { \partial \gamma } = \sum _ { i = 1 } ^ { n } \frac { \partial L} { \partial y _ { i } } \widehat { x } _ { i } γL=i=1nyiLx i
  • ∂ L ∂ β = ∑ i = 1 n ∂ L ∂ y i \frac { \partial L} { \partial \beta } = \sum _ { i = 1 } ^ { n } \frac { \partial L } { \partial y _ { i } } βL=i=1nyiL

然后根据链式求导计算 ∂ L ∂ x \frac { \partial L} { \partial x } xL

  1. ∂ L ∂ x ^ = ∂ L ∂ y γ \frac { \partial L } { \partial \widehat { x } } = \frac { \partial L } { \partial y } \gamma x L=yLγ
  2. ∂ L ∂ ( x − μ ) 1 = ∂ L ∂ x ^ 1 σ B 2 + ϵ = ∂ L ∂ y γ σ B 2 + ϵ ∂ L ∂ 1 σ B 2 + ϵ = ∑ i = 1 N ∂ L ∂ y γ ∗ ( x − μ ) \frac { \partial L } { \partial { (x -\mu)_1} } = \frac { \partial L } { \partial \widehat { x } }\frac{1}{ \sqrt { \sigma _ { \mathcal { B } } ^ { 2 } + \epsilon } } =\frac { \partial L } { \partial y } \frac{\gamma}{ \sqrt { \sigma _ { \mathcal { B } } ^ { 2 } + \epsilon } }\quad\frac { \partial L } { \partial\frac{1}{ \sqrt { \sigma _ { \mathcal { B } } ^ { 2 } + \epsilon } } } =\sum _ { i = 1 } ^ { N } \frac { \partial L } { \partial y } \gamma *( x -\mu) (xμ)1L=x LσB2+ϵ 1=yLσB2+ϵ γσB2+ϵ 1L=i=1NyLγ(xμ)
  3. ∂ L ∂ σ 2 + ϵ = − ∂ L ∂ 1 σ + ϵ 1 σ 2 + ϵ \frac { \partial L } { \partial{ \sqrt { \sigma ^ { 2 } + \epsilon } } }=-\frac { \partial L } { \partial\frac{1}{ \sqrt { \sigma + \epsilon } } }\frac{1}{{ \sigma ^ { 2 } + \epsilon } } σ2+ϵ L=σ+ϵ 1Lσ2+ϵ1
  4. ∂ L ∂ ( σ 2 ) = 1 2 ∂ L ∂ σ 2 + ϵ ( σ 2 + ϵ ) − 1 2 = − 1 2 ∑ i = 1 N ∂ L ∂ y γ ∗ ( x − μ ) ( σ 2 + ϵ ) − 3 2 \frac { \partial L } { \partial{ (\sigma ^ { 2 } )} }=\frac{1}{2}\frac { \partial L } { \partial{ \sqrt { \sigma ^ { 2 } + \epsilon } } }( \sigma ^ { 2 } + \epsilon )^{-\frac{1}{2}}={-\frac{1}{2}}\sum _ { i = 1 } ^ { N } \frac { \partial L } { \partial y } \gamma *( x -\mu)( \sigma ^ { 2 } + \epsilon )^{-\frac{3}{2}} (σ2)L=21σ2+ϵ L(σ2+ϵ)21=21i=1NyLγ(xμ)(σ2+ϵ)23
  5. ∂ L ∂ ( x − μ ) 2 = 2 N [ 1 ⋯ 1 ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ 1 ⋯ 1 ] ( N × D ) ∂ L ∂ ( σ 2 ) ( x − μ ) \frac { \partial L } { \partial { (x -\mu)_2} }=\frac { 2 } { N } \left[ \begin{array} { c c c } { 1 } & { \cdots } & { 1 } \\ { \vdots } & { \ddots } & { \vdots } \\ { 1 } & { \cdots } & { 1 } \end{array} \right] ^ { ( N \times D ) }\frac { \partial L } { \partial{ (\sigma ^ { 2 } )} }(x-\mu) (xμ)2L=N21111(N×D)(σ2)L(xμ)
  6. ∂ L ∂ μ = ∂ L ∂ μ − γ σ B 2 + ϵ ∑ i = 1 N ∂ L ∂ y − 2 N ∂ L ∂ ( σ 2 ) ∑ i = 1 N ( x − μ ) \frac { \partial L } { \partial { \mu} }=\frac { \partial L } { \partial { \mu} }- \frac{\gamma}{ \sqrt { \sigma _ { \mathcal { B } } ^ { 2 } + \epsilon } }\sum _ { i = 1 } ^ { N }\frac { \partial L } { \partial y } -\frac { 2 } { N }\frac { \partial L } { \partial{ (\sigma ^ { 2 } )} }\sum _ { i = 1 } ^ { N }(x-\mu) μL=μLσB2+ϵ γi=1NyLN2(σ2)Li=1N(xμ)
  7. ∂ L ∂ x 1 = ∂ μ ∂ x = 1 N [ 1 ⋯ 1 ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ 1 ⋯ 1 ] ( N × D ) ∂ L ∂ μ \frac { \partial L } { \partial { x_1} } = \frac { \partial \mu } { \partial { x} }=\frac { 1 } { N } \left[ \begin{array} { c c c } { 1 } & { \cdots } & { 1 } \\ { \vdots } & { \ddots } & { \vdots } \\ { 1 } & { \cdots } & { 1 } \end{array} \right] ^ { ( N \times D ) }\frac { \partial L } { \partial{ \mu} } x1L=xμ=N11111(N×D)μL
  8. ∂ L ∂ x 2 = ∂ ( x − μ ) 1 ∂ x + ∂ ( x − μ ) 2 ∂ x = ∂ L ∂ y γ σ B 2 + ϵ + 2 N [ 1 ⋯ 1 ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ 1 ⋯ 1 ] ( N × D ) ∂ L ∂ ( σ 2 ) ( x − μ ) \frac { \partial L } { \partial { x_2} }=\frac { \partial { (x-\mu)}_1 } { \partial x }+\frac { \partial { (x-\mu)}_2 } { \partial x }=\frac { \partial L } { \partial y } \frac{\gamma}{ \sqrt { \sigma _ { \mathcal { B } } ^ { 2 } + \epsilon } }+\frac { 2 } { N } \left[ \begin{array} { c c c } { 1 } & { \cdots } & { 1 } \\ { \vdots } & { \ddots } & { \vdots } \\ { 1 } & { \cdots } & { 1 } \end{array} \right] ^ { ( N \times D ) }\frac { \partial L } { \partial{ (\sigma ^ { 2 } )} }(x-\mu) x2L=x(xμ)1+x(xμ)2=yLσB2+ϵ γ+N21111(N×D)(σ2)L(xμ)
  9. ∂ L ∂ x = ∂ L ∂ x 1 + ∂ L ∂ x 2 \frac { \partial L } { \partial { x} }=\frac { \partial L } { \partial { x_1} }+\frac { \partial L } { \partial { x_2} } xL=x1L+x2L


def batchnorm_backward_alt(dout, cache)
    dx, dgamma, dbeta = None, None, None

    N,D = dout.shape
    x,x_norm,gamma,beta,eps,sample_mean,sample_var,sample_sqrtvar = cache
    dbeta = np.sum(dout,axis=0)
    dgamma = np.sum(dout*x_norm, axis=0)
    dx_norm = dout * gamma
    dvar = np.sum((dx_norm * (x-sample_mean) * (-0.5) * np.power(sample_var+eps, -1.5)),axis = 0)  # (D,)
    dmean = np.sum(dx_norm * (-1) * np.power(sample_var + eps, -0.5), axis = 0)
    dmean += dvar * np.sum(-2 * (x - sample_mean), axis = 0) / N
    dx = dx_norm * np.power(sample_var + eps, -0.5) + dvar*2*(x - sample_mean) / N + dmean / N

    return dx, dgamma, dbeta





  • bn中每个神经元输入(即通道)有不同的均值,一个batch中的不同样本有相同的均值
  • ln中每个神经元输入有相同的均值,不同样本间的均值不同。
def layernorm_forward(x, gamma, beta, ln_param):
    - x: Data of shape (N, D)
    - gamma: Scale parameter of shape (D,)
    - beta: Shift paremeter of shape (D,)
    - ln_param: Dictionary with the following keys:
        - eps: Constant for numeric stability
    Returns a tuple of:
    - out: of shape (N, D)
    - cache: A tuple of values needed in the backward pass
    out, cache = None, None
    eps = ln_param.get('eps', 1e-5)
    sample_mean = np.mean(x,axis=1,keepdims=True)
    sample_var = np.var(x,axis=1,keepdims=True)
    sample_sqrtvar = np.sqrt(sample_var+eps)
    x_norm = (x-sample_mean)/sample_sqrtvar
    out = x_norm*gamma+beta
    cache = (x,x_norm,gamma,beta,eps,sample_mean,sample_var,sample_sqrtvar)
    return out, cache


sample_mean = np.mean(x,axis=(1,2,3), keepdims=True)
sample_var = np.var(x,axis=(1,2,3), keepdims=True)



def instance_forward(x, gamma, beta, ln_param):
    out, cache = None, None
    eps = ln_param.get('eps', 1e-5)
   	sample_mean = np.mean(x,axis=(1,2), keepdims=True)
	sample_var = np.var(x,axis=(1,2), keepdims=True)
    sample_sqrtvar = np.sqrt(sample_var+eps)
    x_norm = (x-sample_mean)/sample_sqrtvar
    out = x_norm*gamma+beta
    cache = (x,x_norm,gamma,beta,eps,sample_mean,sample_var,sample_sqrtvar)
    return out, cache



def group_forward(x, gamma, beta, ln_param):
    out, cache = None, None
    eps = ln_param.get('eps', 1e-5)
    x = np.reshape(x, (x.shape[0], x.shape[1], x.shape[2],G,x.shape[3]/G))
   	sample_mean = np.mean(x,axis=(1,2,4), keepdims=True)
	sample_var = np.var(x,axis=(1,2,4), keepdims=True)
    sample_sqrtvar = np.sqrt(sample_var+eps)
    x_norm = (x-sample_mean)/sample_sqrtvar
    out = x_norm*gamma+beta
    cache = (x,x_norm,gamma,beta,eps,sample_mean,sample_var,sample_sqrtvar)
    return out, cache

