1、将以下代码添加到主题的 functions.php里
function recently_updated_posts( n u m = 10 , num=10, num=10,days=7) {
if( !$recently_updated_posts = get_option(‘recently_updated_posts’) ) {
while ( have_posts() && i < i< i<num ) : the_post();
if (current_time(‘timestamp’) - get_the_time(‘U’) > 606024*$days) {
r e c e n t l y u p d a t e d p o s t s . = ′ < l i > < a h r e f = " ′ . g e t p e r m a l i n k ( ) . ′ " t i t l e = " ′ . recently_updated_posts.='
.KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '&' at position 53: …atetime">
&̲raquo; 修改时间: ' …recently_updated_posts) ) update_option(‘recently_updated_posts’, $recently_updated_posts);
r e c e n t l y u p d a t e d p o s t s = ( recently_updated_posts=( recentlyupdatedposts=(recently_updated_posts == ‘’) ? ‘
function clear_cache_zww() {
update_option(‘recently_updated_posts’, ‘’); // 清空 recently_updated_posts
add_action(‘save_post’, ‘clear_cache_zww’); // 新发表文章/修改文章时触发更新
以下代码中 8 为展示文章数量,15 指15天内发表的文章除外,具体使用的时候可以根据自己的情况修改这两个参数。
add_action( ‘submitpost_box’, ‘lxtx_fo_submit_box’);
function lxtx_fo_submit_box( ){
echo ‘
if( wp_is_post_revision($post_ID) ){
global w p d b , wpdb, wpdb,post;
// 读数据库,获取文章的所有用户的email并且不重复
$emailauthor != ‘你自己的邮箱’;
$wp_user_emails = $wpdb->get_results(“SELECT DISTINCT comment_author, comment_author_email FROM w p d b − > c o m m e n t s W H E R E T R I M ( c o m m e n t a u t h o r e m a i l ) I S N O T N U L L A N D T R I M ( c o m m e n t a u t h o r e m a i l ) ! = ′ ′ A N D T R I M ( c o m m e n t a u t h o r e m a i l ) ! = ′ wpdb->comments WHERE TRIM(comment_author_email) IS NOT NULL AND TRIM(comment_author_email) != '' AND TRIM(comment_author_email) != ' wpdb−>commentsWHERETRIM(commentauthoremail)ISNOTNULLANDTRIM(commentauthoremail)!=′′ANDTRIM(commentauthoremail)!=′emailauthor’ AND comment_post_ID = $post->ID”);
// 获取博客名称
$blogname = wp_specialchars_decode(get_option(‘blogname’), ENT_QUOTES);
// 获取博客URL
$blogurl = get_bloginfo(“siteurl”);
p o s t l i n k = g e t p e r m a l i n k ( post_link = get_permalink( postlink=getpermalink(post_ID);
//文章标题$post -> post_title
p o s t t i t l e = s t r i p t a g s ( post_title = strip_tags( posttitle=striptags(_POST[‘post_title’]);
p o s t c o n t e n t = s t r i p t a g s ( post_content = strip_tags( postcontent=striptags(_POST[‘post_content’]);
KaTeX parse error: Undefined control sequence: \x at position 30: …replace('/^(?:[\̲x̲00-\x7F]|[\xC0-…post_content).’…’;
$message_headers = “Content-Type: text/html; charset=“utf-8”\n”;
// 邮件标题
s u b j e c t = ′ 您 曾 经 来 访 过 的 《 ′ . subject = '您曾经来访过的《'. subject=′您曾经来访过的《′.post_title.’》文章更新通知。’;
foreach ( $wp_user_emails as $wp_user_email )
// 邮件内容
$message = ’
您可以点击链接 '.$blogname.' > '.$post_title.' 详细查看
来自: '.$blogname.'