Android8.0 Binder之面向HAL服务(一)

前两篇文章我们简要分析了Android8.0系统下框架层的Binder框架,包括servicemanager, native和java层面的binder顶层框架。今天我们来看binder在HAL层是如何实现跨进程管理的,在Android8.0的HAL层,HAL通过Binder将各种硬件驱动抽象为硬件服务,以削弱快速的版本更新带来的影响,通过只更新Framework层来达到消灭系统碎片化。废话少说,我们来一探究竟。

1. HAL层的Binder

在HAL的binder框架与framework层的框架略有不同,let’s see the code!

class IBinder : public virtual RefBase

    virtual status_t        transact(   uint32_t code, //顶层函数
                                        const Parcel& data,
                                        Parcel* reply,
                                        uint32_t flags = 0,
                                        TransactCallback callback = nullptr) = 0;
    virtual BHwBinder*        localBinder();
    virtual BpHwBinder*       remoteBinder();

    virtual          ~IBinder();


继承自IBinder, 实现了transact()函数

class BpHwBinder : public IBinder
                        BpHwBinder(int32_t handle);

    inline  int32_t     handle() const { return mHandle; }

    virtual status_t    transact(   uint32_t code,
                                    const Parcel& data,
                                    Parcel* reply,
                                    uint32_t flags = 0,
                                    TransactCallback callback = nullptr);
    virtual BpHwBinder*   remoteBinder();

            status_t    setConstantData(const void* data, size_t size);
            void        sendObituary();
    virtual             ~BpHwBinder();
    virtual void        onFirstRef();
    virtual void        onLastStrongRef(const void* id);
    virtual bool        onIncStrongAttempted(uint32_t flags, const void* id);



class BHwBinder : public IBinder

    virtual status_t    transact(   uint32_t code,
                                    const Parcel& data,
                                    Parcel* reply,
                                    uint32_t flags = 0,
                                    TransactCallback callback = nullptr);

    virtual             ~BHwBinder();

    virtual status_t    onTransact( uint32_t code, //接受处理来自Binder驱动的指令
                                    const Parcel& data,
                                    Parcel* reply,
                                    uint32_t flags = 0,
                                    TransactCallback callback = nullptr);
    int                 mSchedPolicy; // policy to run transaction from this node at
    // priority [-20..19] for SCHED_NORMAL, [1..99] for SCHED_FIFO/RT
    int                 mSchedPriority;
                        BHwBinder(const BHwBinder& o);
            BHwBinder&    operator=(const BHwBinder& o);

    class Extras;

    std::atomic<Extras*> mExtras;
            void*       mReserved0;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

class BpHwRefBase : public virtual RefBase  // 内部类,持有远程Binder的引用
                            BpHwRefBase(const sp<IBinder>& o);
    virtual                 ~BpHwRefBase();
    virtual void            onFirstRef();
    virtual void            onLastStrongRef(const void* id);
    virtual bool            onIncStrongAttempted(uint32_t flags, const void* id);

    inline  IBinder*        remote() const          { return mRemote; } //远程Binder

                            BpHwRefBase(const BpHwRefBase& o);
    BpHwRefBase&              operator=(const BpHwRefBase& o);

    IBinder* const          mRemote;
    RefBase::weakref_type*  mRefs;
    std::atomic<int32_t>    mState;

}; // namespace hardware
}; // namespace android


class IInterface : public virtual RefBase
            static sp<IBinder>  asBinder(const IInterface*);
            static sp<IBinder>  asBinder(const sp<IInterface>&);
    virtual                     ~IInterface();
    virtual IBinder*            onAsBinder() = 0;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

template<typename INTERFACE> //服务端
class BnInterface : public INTERFACE, public IInterface, public BHwBinder
                                BnInterface(const sp<INTERFACE>& impl);
    const sp<INTERFACE>         mImpl;
    virtual IBinder*            onAsBinder();

template<typename INTERFACE>
inline BnInterface<INTERFACE>::BnInterface(
        const sp<INTERFACE>& impl) : mImpl(impl)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

template<typename INTERFACE> //代理端
class BpInterface : public INTERFACE, public IInterface, public BpHwRefBase
                                BpInterface(const sp<IBinder>& remote);
    virtual IBinder*            onAsBinder();

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// No user-serviceable parts after this...
template<typename INTERFACE>
IBinder* BnInterface<INTERFACE>::onAsBinder()
    return this;

template<typename INTERFACE>
inline BpInterface<INTERFACE>::BpInterface(const sp<IBinder>& remote)
    : BpHwRefBase(remote)

template<typename INTERFACE>
inline IBinder* BpInterface<INTERFACE>::onAsBinder()
    return remote();


2. 服务管理



int main() {
    return defaultPassthroughServiceImplementation<IPower>();


Interface 模板参数为 IPower

template<class Interface>
status_t defaultPassthroughServiceImplementation(std::string name,
                                            size_t maxThreads = 1) {
    configureRpcThreadpool(maxThreads, true);
    status_t result = registerPassthroughServiceImplementation<Interface>(name); //调用注册

    if (result != OK) {
        return result;

    return 0;
template<class Interface>
status_t registerPassthroughServiceImplementation( //注册
        std::string name = "default") {
    sp<Interface> service = Interface::getService(name, true /* getStub */); //查询服务

    if (service == nullptr) {
        ALOGE("Could not get passthrough implementation for %s/%s.",
            Interface::descriptor, name.c_str());
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    LOG_FATAL_IF(service->isRemote(), "Implementation of %s/%s is remote!",
            Interface::descriptor, name.c_str());

    status_t status = service->registerAsService(name); //注册服务

    if (status == OK) {
        ALOGI("Registration complete for %s/%s.",
            Interface::descriptor, name.c_str());
    } else {
        ALOGE("Could not register service %s/%s (%d).",
            Interface::descriptor, name.c_str(), status);

    return status;

Android8.0引入HIDL接口定义语言,通过编译以后会在out目录下生成相对的cpp文件,在 out/soong/.intermediates/hardware/interfaces/power目录下对应编译生成的power交互文件,头文件在 out/soong/.intermediates/hardware/interfaces/power/1.0/[email protected]_genc++_headers/gen/android/hardware/power/1.0目录下,实现文件在 out/soong/.intermediates/hardware/interfaces/power/1.0/[email protected]_genc++/gen/android/hardware/power/1.0 目录下


struct IPower : public ::android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase {
    virtual bool isRemote() const override { return false; }


struct IBase : virtual public ::android::RefBase {
    virtual bool isRemote() const { return false; }

我们会退到主线继续, BpHwPower继承了BpInterface,从上文知道BpInterface实现了BpHwBinder

struct BpHwPower : public ::android::hardware::BpInterface<IPower>, public ::android::hardware::details::HidlInstrumentor {
    explicit BpHwPower(const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::IBinder> &_hidl_impl);

    typedef IPower Pure;

    virtual bool isRemote() const override { return true; }


struct BnHwPower : public ::android::hidl::base::V1_0::BnHwBase {
    explicit BnHwPower(const ::android::sp<IPower> &_hidl_impl);
    explicit BnHwPower(const ::android::sp<IPower> &_hidl_impl, const std::string& HidlInstrumentor_package, const std::string& HidlInstrumentor_interface);

    virtual ~BnHwPower();

    ::android::status_t onTransact(
            uint32_t _hidl_code,
            const ::android::hardware::Parcel &_hidl_data,
            ::android::hardware::Parcel *_hidl_reply,
            uint32_t _hidl_flags = 0,
            TransactCallback _hidl_cb = nullptr) override;

    typedef IPower Pure;

    ::android::sp<IPower> getImpl() { return _hidl_mImpl; };


struct BnHwBase : public ::android::hardware::BHwBinder, public ::android::hardware::details::HidlInstrumentor {
    explicit BnHwBase(const ::android::sp<IBase> &_hidl_impl);
    explicit BnHwBase(const ::android::sp<IBase> &_hidl_impl, const std::string& HidlInstrumentor_package, const std::string& HidlInstrumentor_interface);

    virtual ~BnHwBase();

    ::android::status_t onTransact(
            uint32_t _hidl_code,
            const ::android::hardware::Parcel &_hidl_data,
            ::android::hardware::Parcel *_hidl_reply,
            uint32_t _hidl_flags = 0,
            TransactCallback _hidl_cb = nullptr) override;

    typedef IBase Pure;

    ::android::sp<IBase> getImpl() { return _hidl_mImpl; };


const char* IPower::descriptor("[email protected]::IPower");

__attribute__((constructor))static void static_constructor() {
            [](void *iIntf) -> ::android::sp<::android::hardware::IBinder> {
                return new BnHwPower(static_cast<IPower *>(iIntf));
            [](void *iIntf) -> ::android::sp<::android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase> {
                return new BsPower(static_cast<IPower *>(iIntf));

__attribute__((destructor))static void static_destructor() {

由此在执行 sp service = Interface::getService(name, true /* getStub */); 函数时将会执行PowerAll.cpp的getService()函数

::android::sp<IPower> IPower::getService(const std::string &serviceName, const bool getStub) {
    sp<IPower> iface = nullptr;

    const sp<::android::hidl::manager::V1_0::IServiceManager> sm = defaultServiceManager();
    if (sm == nullptr) {
        ALOGE("getService: defaultServiceManager() is null");
        return nullptr;
    Return<Transport> transportRet = sm->getTransport(IPower::descriptor, serviceName);

    if (!transportRet.isOk()) {
        ALOGE("getService: defaultServiceManager()->getTransport returns %s", transportRet.description().c_str());
        return nullptr;
    Transport transport = transportRet;
    const bool vintfHwbinder = (transport == Transport::HWBINDER);
    const bool vintfPassthru = (transport == Transport::PASSTHROUGH);


    for (int tries = 0; !getStub && (vintfHwbinder || (vintfLegacy && tries == 0)); tries++) {
        if (tries > 1) {
            ALOGI("getService: Will do try %d for %s/%s in 1s...", tries, IPower::descriptor, serviceName.c_str());
        if (vintfHwbinder && tries > 0) {
            waitForHwService(IPower::descriptor, serviceName);
        Return<sp<::android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase>> ret = 
                sm->get(IPower::descriptor, serviceName);
        if (!ret.isOk()) {
            ALOGE("IPower: defaultServiceManager()->get returns %s", ret.description().c_str());
        sp<::android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase> base = ret;
        if (base == nullptr) {
            if (tries > 0) {
                ALOGW("IPower: found null hwbinder interface");
        Return<sp<IPower>> castRet = IPower::castFrom(base, true /* emitError */); //转换
        if (!castRet.isOk()) {
            if (castRet.isDeadObject()) {
                ALOGW("IPower: found dead hwbinder service");
            } else {
                ALOGW("IPower: cannot call into hwbinder service: %s; No permission? Check for selinux denials.", castRet.description().c_str());
        iface = castRet;
        if (iface == nullptr) {
            ALOGW("IPower: received incompatible service; bug in hwservicemanager?");
        return iface;
    if (getStub || vintfPassthru || vintfLegacy) {
        const sp<::android::hidl::manager::V1_0::IServiceManager> pm = getPassthroughServiceManager();
        if (pm != nullptr) {
            Return<sp<::android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase>> ret = 
                    pm->get(IPower::descriptor, serviceName); //获取服务
            if (ret.isOk()) {
                sp<::android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase> baseInterface = ret;
                if (baseInterface != nullptr) {
                    iface = IPower::castFrom(baseInterface); //转换 IBase -> IPower(Binder类型)
                    if (!getStub || trebleTestingOverride) {
                        iface = new BsPower(iface); //非Stub模式
    return iface; //返回服务

那么 getPassthroughServiceManager 又是如何获取ServiceManager呢,在ServiceManagerment.cpp中

sp<IServiceManager1_0> getPassthroughServiceManager() {
    return getPassthroughServiceManager1_1();
sp<IServiceManager1_1> getPassthroughServiceManager1_1() {
    static sp<PassthroughServiceManager> manager(new PassthroughServiceManager());
    return manager;

PassthroughServiceManager实现了IServiceManager, get()函数调用了openLibs

struct PassthroughServiceManager : IServiceManager {
    static void openLibs(const std::string& fqName,
            std::function<bool /* continue */(void* /* handle */,
                const std::string& /* lib */, const std::string& /* sym */)> eachLib) {
        //fqName looks like [email protected]::IFoo
        size_t idx = fqName.find("::");

        if (idx == std::string::npos ||
                idx + strlen("::") + 1 >= fqName.size()) {
            LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid interface name passthrough lookup: " << fqName;

        std::string packageAndVersion = fqName.substr(0, idx);
        std::string ifaceName = fqName.substr(idx + strlen("::"));

        const std::string prefix = packageAndVersion + "-impl";
        const std::string sym = "HIDL_FETCH_" + ifaceName; //非常重要

        const int dlMode = RTLD_LAZY;
        void *handle = nullptr;

        dlerror(); // clear

        std::vector<std::string> paths = {HAL_LIBRARY_PATH_ODM, HAL_LIBRARY_PATH_VENDOR,
                                          HAL_LIBRARY_PATH_VNDK_SP, HAL_LIBRARY_PATH_SYSTEM};
        const char* env = std::getenv("TREBLE_TESTING_OVERRIDE");
        const bool trebleTestingOverride = env && !strcmp(env, "true");
        if (trebleTestingOverride) {
            const char* vtsRootPath = std::getenv("VTS_ROOT_PATH");
            if (vtsRootPath && strlen(vtsRootPath) > 0) {
                const std::string halLibraryPathVtsOverride =
                    std::string(vtsRootPath) + HAL_LIBRARY_PATH_SYSTEM;
        for (const std::string& path : paths) { //遍历.so文件路径
            std::vector<std::string> libs = search(path, prefix, ".so");

            for (const std::string &lib : libs) {
                const std::string fullPath = path + lib;

                if (path != HAL_LIBRARY_PATH_SYSTEM) {
                    handle = android_load_sphal_library(fullPath.c_str(), dlMode);
                } else {
                    handle = dlopen(fullPath.c_str(), dlMode); //打开

                if (handle == nullptr) {
                    const char* error = dlerror();
                    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to dlopen " << lib << ": "
                               << (error == nullptr ? "unknown error" : error);

                if (!eachLib(handle, lib, sym)) {

    Return<sp<IBase>> get(const hidl_string& fqName, //返回管理服务
                          const hidl_string& name) override {
        sp<IBase> ret = nullptr;

        openLibs(fqName, [&](void* handle, const std::string &lib, const std::string &sym) {
            IBase* (*generator)(const char* name); //函数指针
            *(void **)(&generator) = dlsym(handle, sym.c_str()); //调用Linux系统函数打开.so
            if(!generator) {
                const char* error = dlerror();
                LOG(ERROR) << "Passthrough lookup opened " << lib
                           << " but could not find symbol " << sym << ": "
                           << (error == nullptr ? "unknown error" : error);
                return true;

            ret = (*generator)(name.c_str()); //返回

            if (ret == nullptr) {
                return true; // this module doesn't provide this instance name

            registerReference(fqName, name); // 注册
            return false;

        return ret;

    Return<bool> add(const hidl_string& /* name */,
                     const sp<IBase>& /* service */) override {
        LOG(FATAL) << "Cannot register services with passthrough service manager.";
        return false;

    Return<Transport> getTransport(const hidl_string& /* fqName */,
                                   const hidl_string& /* name */) {
        LOG(FATAL) << "Cannot getTransport with passthrough service manager.";
        return Transport::EMPTY;

    Return<void> list(list_cb /* _hidl_cb */) override {
        LOG(FATAL) << "Cannot list services with passthrough service manager.";
        return Void();
    Return<void> listByInterface(const hidl_string& /* fqInstanceName */,
                                 listByInterface_cb /* _hidl_cb */) override {
        // TODO: add this functionality
        LOG(FATAL) << "Cannot list services with passthrough service manager.";
        return Void();

    Return<bool> registerForNotifications(const hidl_string& /* fqName */,
                                          const hidl_string& /* name */,
                                          const sp<IServiceNotification>& /* callback */) override {
        // This makes no sense.
        LOG(FATAL) << "Cannot register for notifications with passthrough service manager.";
        return false;
        hidl_vec<InstanceDebugInfo> vec;
        size_t idx = 0;
        for (auto&& pair : map) {
            vec[idx++] = std::move(pair.second);
        return Void();

    Return<void> registerPassthroughClient(const hidl_string &, const hidl_string &) override {
        // This makes no sense.
        LOG(FATAL) << "Cannot call registerPassthroughClient on passthrough service manager. "
                   << "Call it on defaultServiceManager() instead.";
        return Void();


const std::string sym = “HIDL_FETCH_” + ifaceName; 给出了要调用的函数,那么这个函数在哪里呢,回到hardware/interfaces目录下Power.cpp文件中,将走著名的HAL模块,这一块暂且跳过。

IPower* HIDL_FETCH_IPower(const char* /* name */) {
    const hw_module_t* hw_module = nullptr;
    power_module_t* power_module = nullptr;
    int err = hw_get_module(POWER_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, &hw_module);
    if (err) {
        ALOGE("hw_get_module %s failed: %d", POWER_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, err);
        return nullptr;

    if (!hw_module->methods || !hw_module->methods->open) {
        power_module = reinterpret_cast<power_module_t*>(
    } else {
        err = hw_module->methods->open(
            hw_module, POWER_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID,
        if (err) {
            ALOGE("Passthrough failed to load legacy HAL.");
            return nullptr;
    return new Power(power_module);

继续服务的注册部分 registerReference()

static void registerReference(const hidl_string &interfaceName, const hidl_string &instanceName) {
    sp<IServiceManager1_0> binderizedManager = defaultServiceManager();
    if (binderizedManager == nullptr) {
        LOG(WARNING) << "Could not registerReference for "
                     << interfaceName << "/" << instanceName
                     << ": null binderized manager.";
    auto ret = binderizedManager->registerPassthroughClient(interfaceName, instanceName); //注册
    if (!ret.isOk()) {
        LOG(WARNING) << "Could not registerReference for "
                     << interfaceName << "/" << instanceName
                     << ": " << ret.description();
    LOG(VERBOSE) << "Successfully registerReference for "
                 << interfaceName << "/" << instanceName;

那么 registerPassthroughClient又是在哪里调用呢,在Servicemanager.cpp中,Servicemanager继承自IServicemanager可以看出它是通过一个二元结构存储IBase的

Return<void> ServiceManager::registerPassthroughClient(const hidl_string &fqName,
        const hidl_string &name) {
    pid_t pid = IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingPid();
    if (!mAcl.canGet(fqName, pid)) { //权限
        /* We guard this function with "get", because it's typically used in
         * the getService() path, albeit for a passthrough service in this
         * case
        return Void();

    PackageInterfaceMap &ifaceMap = mServiceMap[fqName]; //服务map

    if (name.empty()) {
        LOG(WARNING) << "registerPassthroughClient encounters empty instance name for "
                     << fqName.c_str();
        return Void();

    HidlService *service = ifaceMap.lookup(name); //name不为空

    if (service == nullptr) {
        auto adding = std::make_unique<HidlService>(fqName, name);
    } else {
    return Void();

