public class Handler.A Handler allows you to send and process Message and Runnable objects associated with a thread's MessageQueue. Each Handler instance is associated with a single thread and that thread's message queue. When you create a new Handler, it is bound to the thread / message queue of the thread that is creating it -- from that point on, it will deliver messages and runnables to that message queue and execute them as they come out of the message queue.
There are two main uses for a Handler: (1) to schedule messages and runnables to be executed as some point in the future; and (2) to enqueue an action to be performed on a different thread than your own.
public class Thread. extends Object implements Runnable.A thread is a thread of execution in a program. The Java Virtual Machine allows an application to have multiple threads of execution running concurrently.
Every thread has a priority. Threads with higher priority are executed in preference to threads with lower priority. Each thread may or may not also be marked as a daemon. When code running in some thread creates a new Thread object, the new thread has its priority initially set equal to the priority of the creating thread, and is a daemon thread if and only if the creating thread is a daemon.
public class HandlerThread. extends Thread. Handy class for starting a new thread that has a looper. The looper can then be used to create handler classes. Note that start() must still be called.
观察HandlerThread的官方文档的两句:①Thread. Handy class for starting a new thread that has a looper.②The looper can then be used to create handler classes.
Andriod提供了 Handler 和 Looper 来满足线程间的通信。 Handler 先进先出原则。 Looper 类用来管理特定线程内对象之间的消息交换 (MessageExchange) 。
1)Looper: 一个线程可以产生一个 Looper 对象,由它来管理此线程里的 MessageQueue( 消息队列 ) 和对消息进行循环。
2)Handler: 你可以构造 Handler 对象来与 Looper 沟通,以便 push 新消息到 MessageQueue 里 ; 或者接收 Looper 从 Message Queue 取出 所送来的消息。
3) Message Queue( 消息队列 ): 用来存放线程放入的消息。
4) Message:是线程间通讯的消息载体。两个码头之间运输货物,Message充当集装箱的功能,里面可以存放任何你想传递的消息。
private HandlerThread mHandlerThread;
mHandlerThread = new HandlerThread("HandlerThread");
final Handler handler = new Handler(mHandlerThread.getLooper()){
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {