The DirectX Tool Kit provides a number of helpers that are designed to simplify Direct3D 11 programming in the tradition of the original D3DX library. You can find the library on CodePlex and GitHub.
ID3DX10Sprite |
ID3DX10Font |
ID3DX10Mesh |
D3DXCreateBox |
D3DX11CreateShaderResourceViewFromFile |
D3DX11CreateShaderResourceViewFromResource |
D3DX11CreateTextureFromFile |
D3DX11CreateTextureFromResource |
D3DX11SaveTextureToFile |
The HLSL compiler, shader reflection API, and related functionality has been broken out into it's own D3DCompileDLL for some time. D3DCompile is in the Windows 8.x SDK and is included with VS 2012 and VS 2013 Preview.
D3DXCompileShaderFromFile |
D3DCompileFromFile |
D3DXCompileShader |
D3DCompile |
D3DXCompileShaderFromResource |
No direct equivalent. Can use resource APIs and then D3DCompile above. |
D3DXPreprocessShader |
D3DPreprocess |
D3DXDisassembleShader |
D3DDisassemble |
D3D10ReflectShader |
D3DReflect D3D11Reflect |
ID3DXBuffer |
ID3DBlob |
D3DXCreateBuffer |
D3DCreateBlob |
D3D10GetInputSignatureBlob |
D3DGetBlobPart |
The DirectXTex library is primarily intended for texture processing offline with tools, although it can also be used at runtime for doing texture block compression, mipmap generation, or handling more general image processing needs. DirectXTK is intended for use at runtime with light-weight helpers and image loaders, but does not provide support for general runtime texture format conversion. You can find both libraries on CodePlex and GitHub.
D3DX11ComputeNormalMap |
DirectXTex library, |
D3DX11CreateShaderResourceViewFromFile |
DDSTextureLoader: DirectXTex library (tools), |
D3DX11CreateShaderResourceViewFromMemory |
DDSTextureLoader: DirectXTex library (tools), |
D3DX11CreateShaderResourceViewFromResource |
No direct equivalent, can use Win32 resource functions and then the ‘from memory’ APIs above. |
D3DX11FilterTexture |
DirectXTex library, |
D3DX11GetImageInfoFromFile |
DirectXTex library, |
D3DX11GetImageInfoFromMemory |
DirectXTex library, |
D3DX11GetImageInfoFromResource |
No direct equivalent, can use Win32 resource functions and then the ‘from memory’ APIs above. |
D3DX11LoadTextureFromTexture |
DirectXTex library, |
D3DX11SaveTextureToFile |
ScreenGrab: DirectXTex library, |
D3DX11SaveTextureToMemory |
DirectXTex library, |
The DirectXMesh library is intended for geometry processing offline with tools, although it can be used at runtime. You can find the library on CodePlex and GitHub.
D3DXCleanMesh |
Clean |
D3DXComputeNormals |
ComputeNormals |
D3DXComputeTangent |
ComputeTangentFrame |
ID3DX10Mesh::GenerateAdjacencyAndPointReps |
GenerateAdjacencyAndPointReps |
ID3DX10Mesh::GenerateGSAdjacency |
GenerateGSAdjacency |
ID3DX10Mesh::Optimize |
AttributeSort |
D3DXOptimizeFaces |
OptimizeFaces |
D3DXOptimizeVertices |
OptimizeVertices |
D3DXValidMesh |
Validate |
The legacy D3DXMath library has been replaced by DirectXMath. The library is in the Windows 8.x SDK and is included with VS 2012 and VS 2013 Preview.
XMVECTOR is used rather than having unique types, so you will likely need to use an XMFLOAT4 |
XMFLOAT4 (or if you can guarantee the data is 16-byte aligned, XMVECTOR orXMFLOAT4A ) |
D3DXToRadian |
XMConvertToRadians |
D3DXToDegree |
XMConvertToDegrees |
D3DXBoxBoundProbe |
BoundingBox::Intersects(XMVECTOR, XMVECTOR, float&) |
D3DXComputeBoundingBox |
BoundingBox::CreateFromPoints |
D3DXComputeBoundingSphere |
BoundingSphere::CreateFromPoints |
D3DXSphereBoundProbe |
BoundingSphere::Intersects(XMVECTOR, XMVECTOR, float&) |
D3DXIntersectTriFunction |
TriangleTests::Intersects |
D3DXFloat32To16Array |
XMConvertFloatToHalfStream |
D3DXFloat16To32Array |
XMConvertHalfToFloatStream |
D3DXVec2Length |
XMVector2Length or XMVector2LengthEst |
D3DXVec2LengthSq |
XMVector2LengthSq |
D3DXVec2Dot |
XMVector2Dot |
XMVector2Cross |
D3DXVec2Add |
XMVectorAdd |
D3DXVec2Subtract |
XMVectorSubtract |
D3DXVec2Minimize |
XMVectorMin |
D3DXVec2Maximize |
XMVectorMax |
D3DXVec2Scale |
XMVectorScale |
D3DXVec2Lerp |
XMVectorLerp or XMVectorLerpV |
D3DXVec2Normalize |
XMVector2Normalize or XMVector2NormalizeEst |
D3DXVec2Hermite |
XMVectorHermite or XMVectorHermiteV |
D3DXVec2CatmullRom |
XMVectorCatmullRom or XMVectorCatmullRomV |
D3DXVec2BaryCentric |
XMVectorBaryCentric or XMVectorBaryCentricV |
D3DXVec2Transform |
XMVector2Transform |
D3DXVec2TransformCoord |
XMVector2TransformCoord |
D3DXVec2TransformNormal |
XMVector2TransformNormal |
D3DXVec2TransformArray |
XMVector2TransformStream |
D3DXVec2TransformCoordArray |
XMVector2TransformCoordStream |
D3DXVec2TransformNormalArray |
XMVector2TransformNormalStream |
D3DXVec3Length |
XMVector3Length or XMVector3LengthEst |
D3DXVec3LengthSq |
XMVector3LengthSq |
D3DXVec3Dot |
XMVector3Dot |
D3DXVec3Cross |
XMVector3Cross |
D3DXVec3Add |
XMVectorAdd |
D3DXVec3Subtract |
XMVectorSubtract |
D3DXVec3Minimize |
XMVectorMin |
D3DXVec3Maximize |
XMVectorMax |
D3DXVec3Scale |
XMVectorScale |
D3DXVec3Lerp |
XMVectorLerp or XMVectorLerpV |
D3DXVec3Normalize |
XMVector3Normalize or XMVector3NormalizeEst |
D3DXVec3Hermite |
XMVectorHermite or XMVectorHermiteV |
D3DXVec3CatmullRom |
XMVectorCatmullRom or XMVectorCatmullRomV |
D3DXVec3BaryCentric |
XMVectorBaryCentric or XMVectorBaryCentricV |
D3DXVec3Transform |
XMVector3Transform |
D3DXVec3TransformCoord |
XMVector3TransformCoord |
D3DXVec3TransformNormal |
XMVector3TransformNormal |
D3DXVec3TransformArray |
XMVector3TransformStream |
D3DXVec3TransformCoordArray |
XMVector3TransformCoordStream |
D3DXVec3TransformNormalArray |
XMVector3TransformNormalStream |
D3DXVec3Project |
XMVector3Project |
D3DXVec3Unproject |
XMVector3Unproject |
D3DXVec3ProjectArray |
XMVector3ProjectStream |
D3DXVec3UnprojectArray |
XMVector3UnprojectStream |
D3DXVec4Length |
XMVector4Length or XMVector4LengthEst |
D3DXVec4LengthSq |
XMVector4LengthSq |
D3DXVec4Dot |
XMVector4Dot |
D3DXVec4Add |
XMVectorAdd |
D3DXVec4Subtract |
XMVectorSubtract |
D3DXVec4Minimize |
XMVectorMin |
D3DXVec4Maximize |
XMVectorMax |
D3DXVec4Scale |
XMVectorScale |
D3DXVec4Lerp |
XMVectorLerp or XMVectorLerpV |
D3DXVec4Cross |
XMVector4Cross |
D3DXVec4Normalize |
XMVector4Normalize or XMVector4NormalizeEst |
D3DXVec4Hermite |
XMVectorHermite or XMVectorHermiteV |
D3DXVec4CatmullRom |
XMVectorCatmullRom or XMVectorCatmullRomV |
D3DXVec4BaryCentric |
XMVectorBaryCentric or XMVectorBaryCentricV |
D3DXVec4Transform |
XMVector4Transform |
D3DXVec4TransformArray |
XMVector4TransformStream |
D3DXMatrixIdentity |
XMMatrixIdentity |
D3DXMatrixDeterminant |
XMMatrixDeterminant |
D3DXMatrixDecompose |
XMMatrixDecompose |
D3DXMatrixTranspose |
XMMatrixTranspose |
D3DXMatrixMultiply |
XMMatrixMultiply |
D3DXMatrixMultiplyTranspose |
XMMatrixMultiplyTranspose |
D3DXMatrixInverse |
XMMatrixInverse |
D3DXMatrixScaling |
XMMatrixScaling |
D3DXMatrixTranslation |
XMMatrixTranslation |
D3DXMatrixRotationX |
XMMatrixRotationX |
D3DXMatrixRotationY |
XMMatrixRotationY |
D3DXMatrixRotationZ |
XMMatrixRotationZ |
D3DXMatrixRotationAxis |
XMMatrixRotationAxis |
D3DXMatrixRotationQuaternion |
XMMatrixRotationQuaternion |
D3DXMatrixRotationYawPitchRoll |
XMMatrixRotationRollPitchYaw (Note the order of parameters is different: D3DXMath takes yaw, pitch, roll, DirectXMath takes pitch, yaw, roll) |
D3DXMatrixTransformation |
XMMatrixTransformation |
D3DXMatrixTransformation2D |
XMMatrixTransformation2D |
D3DXMatrixAffineTransformation |
XMMatrixAffineTransformation |
D3DXMatrixAffineTransformation2D |
XMMatrixAffineTransformation2D |
D3DXMatrixLookAtRH |
XMMatrixLookAtRH |
D3DXMatrixLookAtLH |
XMMatrixLookAtLH |
D3DXMatrixPerspectiveRH |
XMMatrixPerspectiveRH |
D3DXMatrixPerspectiveLH |
XMMatrixPerspectiveLH |
D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovRH |
XMMatrixPerspectiveFovRH |
D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovLH |
XMMatrixPerspectiveFovLH |
D3DXMatrixPerspectiveOffCenterRH |
XMMatrixPerspectiveOffCenterRH |
D3DXMatrixPerspectiveOffCenterLH |
XMMatrixPerspectiveOffCenterLH |
D3DXMatrixOrthoRH |
XMMatrixOrthographicRH |
D3DXMatrixOrthoLH |
XMMatrixOrthographicLH |
D3DXMatrixOrthoOffCenterRH |
XMMatrixOrthographicOffCenterRH |
D3DXMatrixOrthoOffCenterLH |
XMMatrixOrthographicOffCenterLH |
D3DXMatrixShadow |
XMMatrixShadow |
D3DXMatrixReflect |
XMMatrixReflect |
D3DXQuaternionLength |
XMQuaternionLength |
D3DXQuaternionLengthSq |
XMQuaternionLengthSq |
D3DXQuaternionDot |
XMQuaternionDot |
D3DXQuaternionIdentity |
XMQuaternionIdentity |
D3DXQuaternionIsIdentity |
XMQuaternionIsIdentity |
D3DXQuaternionConjugate |
XMQuaternionConjugate |
D3DXQuaternionToAxisAngle |
XMQuaternionToAxisAngle |
D3DXQuaternionRotationMatrix |
XMQuaternionRotationMatrix |
D3DXQuaternionRotationAxis |
XMQuaternionRotationAxis |
D3DXQuaternionRotationYawPitchRoll |
XMQuaternionRotationRollPitchYaw (Note the order of parameters is different: D3DXMath takes yaw, pitch, roll, DirectXMath takes pitch, yaw, roll) |
D3DXQuaternionMultiply |
XMQuaternionMultiply |
D3DXQuaternionNormalize |
XMQuaternionNormalize or XMQuaternionNormalizeEst |
D3DXQuaternionInverse |
XMQuaternionInverse |
D3DXQuaternionLn |
XMQuaternionLn |
D3DXQuaternionExp |
XMQuaternionExp |
D3DXQuaternionSlerp |
XMQuaternionSlerp or XMQuaternionSlerpV |
D3DXQuaternionSquad |
XMQuaternionSquad or XMQuaternionSquadV |
D3DXQuaternionSquadSetup |
XMQuaternionSquadSetup |
D3DXQuaternionBaryCentric |
XMQuaternionBaryCentric or XMQuaternionBaryCentricV |
D3DXPlaneDot |
XMPlaneDot |
D3DXPlaneDotCoord |
XMPlaneDotCoord |
D3DXPlaneDotNormal |
XMPlaneDotNormal |
D3DXPlaneScale |
XMVectorScale |
D3DXPlaneNormalize |
XMPlaneNormalize or XMPlaneNormalizeEst |
D3DXPlaneIntersectLine |
XMPlaneIntersectLine |
D3DXPlaneFromPointNormal |
XMPlaneFromPointNormal |
D3DXPlaneFromPoints |
XMPlaneFromPoints |
D3DXPlaneTransform |
XMPlaneTransform |
D3DXPlaneTransformArray |
XMPlaneTransformStream |
D3DXColorNegative |
XMColorNegative |
D3DXColorAdd |
XMVectorAdd |
D3DXColorSubtract |
XMVectorSubtract |
D3DXColorScale |
XMVectorScale |
D3DXColorModulate |
XMColorModulate |
D3DXColorLerp |
XMVectorLerp or XMVectorLerpV |
D3DXColorAdjustSaturation |
XMColorAdjustSaturation |
D3DXColorAdjustContrast |
XMColorAdjustContrast |
D3DXFresnelTerm |
XMFresnelTerm |
The SHmath library is available as an add-on for DirectXMath.
XMSHEvalDirection |
Evaluates the Spherical Harmonic basis functions. Equivalent toD3DXSHEvalDirection function. |
XMSHRotate |
Rotates SH vector by a rotation matrix. Equivalent to the D3DXSHRotate function. |
XMSHRotateZ |
Rotates the SH vector in the Z axis by an angle. Equivalent to the D3DXSHRotateZfunction. |
Adds two SH vectors. Equivalent to the D3DXSHAdd function. |
XMSHScale |
Scales a SH vector. Equivalent to the D3DXSHScale function. |
Computes the dot product of two SH vectors. Equivalent to the D3DXSHDotfunction. |
XMSHMultiply2 |
Computes the product of two functions represented using SH. Equivalent toD3DXSHMultiply2, D3DXSHMultiply3, D3DXSHMultiply4, D3DXSHMultiply5, andD3DXSHMultiply6. |
XMSHEvalDirectionalLight |
Evaluates a directional light and returns spectral SH data. Equivalent to theD3DXSHEvalDirectionalLight function. |
XMSHEvalSphericalLight |
Evaluates a spherical light and returns spectral SH data. Equivalent to theD3DXEvalSphericalLight function. |
XMSHEvalConeLight |
Evaluates a light that is a cone of constant intensity and returns spectral SH data. Equivalent to the D3DXSHEvalConeLight function. |
XMSHEvalHemisphereLight |
Evaluates a light that is a linear interpolant between two colors over the sphere. Equivalent to the D3DXSHEvalHemisphereLight function. |
SHProjectCubeMap |
Projects a function represented in a cube map into spherical harmonics. Equivalent to the D3DX11SHProjectCubeMap function. |
The Effects system for Direct3D 11 is primarily provided as a porting aid for older code. The library is available onCodePlex and GitHub.
D3DXCreateEffect |
D3DXCreateEffectFromFile |
D3D10CreateEffectFromMemory |
D3DXCreateEffectPool |
Effects 11 does not support 'effect pools' |
D3DXDisassembleEffect |
D3DX9 included the entry-points intercepted by PIX for Windows for performance profiling. This is now handled by the DirectX runtime directly and is monitored by the Visual Studio Graphics Diagnostics tool.
D3DPERF_BeginEvent |
ID3DUserDefinedAnnotation which is supported by the DirectX 11.1 runtime on Windows 8.x and Windows 7 Service Pack 1 + KB2670838 If using DirectX 11.2+, you can use ID3D11DeviceContext2 directly for BeginEventInt, SetMarkerInt, and EndEvent. |
The UVAtlas library is intended for isochart creation offline with tools, although it can be used at runtime. You can find the library on CodePlex and GitHub.
D3DXUVAtlasCreate |
UVAtlasCreate |
D3DXUVAtlasPartition |
UVAtlasPartition |
D3DXUVAtlasPack |
UVAtlasPack |
D3DXComputeIMTFromPerVertexSignal |
UVAtlasComputeIMTFromPerVertexSignal |
D3DXComputeIMTFromPerTexelSignal |
UVAtlasComputeIMTFromPerTexelSignal |
D3DXComputeIMTFromSignal |
UVAtlasComputeIMTFromSignal |
D3DXComputeIMTFromTexture |
UVAtlasComputeIMTFromTexture |
Careful readers will note that there are a few omissions from this table.
from D3DXMath doesn't have a new version, but it's actually pretty easy to implement your own. If someone has a burning need for this, please comment below.