CMU 11-785 L16 Connectionist Temporal Classification

Sequence to sequence

  • Sequence goes in, sequence comes out
  • No notion of “time synchrony” between input and output
    • May even nots maintain order of symbols (from one language to another)

With order synchrony

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  • The input and output sequences happen in the same order
    • Although they may be time asynchronous
    • E.g. Speech recognition
      • The input speech corresponds to the phoneme sequence output
  • Question
    • How do we know when to output symbols
    • In fact, the network produces outputs at every time
    • Which of these are the real outputs?

Option 1

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  • Simply select the most probable symbol at each time
  • Merge adjacent repeated symbols, and place the actual emission of the symbol in the final instant
  • Problem
    • Cannot distinguish between an extended symbol and repetitions of the symbol
    • Resulting sequence may be meaningless

Option 2

  • Impose external constraints on what sequences are allowed
    • E.g. only allow sequences corresponding to dictionary words


  • The process of obtaining an output from the network

  • Time-synchronous & order-synchronous sequence

    • aaabbbbbbccc => abc (probility 0.5)
      aabbbbbbbccc => abc (probility 0.001)
      cccddddddeee => cde (probility 0.4)
      cccddddeeeee => cde (probility 0.4)
    • So abc is the most likely time-synchronous output sequence
    • But cde is the the most likely order-synchronous sequence
  • Option 2 is in fact a suboptimal decode that actually finds the most likely time-synchronous output sequence

  • The “merging” heuristics do not guarantee optimal order-synchronous sequences

No timing information provided

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  • Only the sequence of output symbols is provided for the training data
    • But no indication of which one occurs where

Guess the alignment

  • Initialize
    • Assign an initial alignment
    • Either randomly, based on some heuristic, or any other rationale
  • Iterate
    • Train the network using the current alignment
    • Reestimate the alignment for each training instance

Constraining the alignment

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  • Try 1
    • Block out all rows that do not include symbols from the target sequence
    • E.g. Block out rows that are not /B/ /IY/ or /F/
  • Only decode on reduced grid
    • We are now assured that only the appropriate symbols will be hypothesized
  • But this still doesn’t assure that the decode sequence correctly expands the target symbol sequence
    • Order variance
  • Try 2
    • Explicitly arrange the constructed table
    • Arrange the constructed table so that from top to bottom it has the exact sequence of symbols required
      • If a symbol occurs multiple times, we repeat the row in the appropriate location

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  • Constrain that the first symbol in the decode must be the top left block

    • The last symbol must be the bottom right
    • The rest of the symbols must follow a sequence that monotonically travels down from top left to bottom right
    • This guarantees that the sequence is an expansion of the target sequence
  • Compose a graph such that every path in the graph from source to sink represents a valid alignment

    • The “score” of a path is the product of the probabilities of all nodes along the path
    • Find the most probable path from source to sink using any dynamic programming algorithm (viterbi algorithm)

Viterbi algorithm

  • Main idea

    • The best path to any node must be an extension of the best path to one of its parent nodes
  • Dynamically track the best path (and the score of the best path) from the source node to every node in the graph

    • At each node, keep track of
      • The best incoming parent edge (BP)
      • The score of the best path from the source to the node through this best parent edge (Bscr)
  • Process
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  • Algorithm
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D I V = ∑ t X e n t ( Y t , s y m b o l t b e s t p a t h ) = − ∑ t log ⁡ Y ( t , s y m b o l t b e s t p a t h ) D I V=\sum_{t} X e n t\left(Y_{t}, s y m b o l_{t}^{b e s t p a t h}\right)=-\sum_{t} \log Y\left(t, s y m b o l_{t}^{b e s t p a t h}\right) DIV=tXent(Yt,symboltbestpath)=tlogY(t,symboltbestpath)

  • The gradient w.r.t the -th output vector Y t Y_t Yt
    ∇ Y t D I V = [ 0 0 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ − 1 Y ( t , s y m b o l t b e s t p a t h ) 0 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 0 ] \nabla_{Y_{t}} D I V=[0 \quad 0 \cdot \cdot \cdot \frac{-1}{Y(t, s y m b o l_{t}^{b e s t p a t h})} \quad 0 \cdot \cdot \cdot 0] YtDIV=[00Y(t,symboltbestpath)100]

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  • Problem

    • Approach heavily dependent on initial alignment
    • Prone to poor local optima
      • Because we commit to the single “best” estimated alignment
      • This can be way off, particularly in early iterations, or if the model is poorly initialized
  • Alternate view

    • There is a probability distribution over alignments of the target Symbol sequence (to the input)
    • Selecting a single alignment is the same as drawing a single sample from it
  • Instead of only selecting the most likely alignment, use the statistical expectation over all possible alignments

    • D I V = E [ − ∑ t log ⁡ Y ( t , s t ) ] D I V=E\left[-\sum_{t} \log Y\left(t, s_{t}\right)\right] DIV=E[tlogY(t,st)]

    • Use the entire distribution of alignments

    • This will mitigate the issue of suboptimal selection of alignment

  • Using the linearity of expectation

    • D I V = − ∑ t E [ log ⁡ Y ( t , s t ) ] D I V=-\sum_{t} E\left[\log Y\left(t, s_{t}\right)\right] DIV=tE[logY(t,st)]

    • D I V = − ∑ t ∑ S ∈ S 1 … S K P ( s t = S ∣ S , X ) log ⁡ Y ( t , s t = S ) D I V=-\sum_{t} \sum_{S \in S_{1} \ldots S_{K}} P\left(s_{t}=S | \mathbf{S}, \mathbf{X}\right) \log Y\left(t, s_{t}=S\right) DIV=tSS1SKP(st=SS,X)logY(t,st=S)

A posteriori probabilities of symbols

  • P ( s t = S ∣ S , X ) P(s_{t}=S | \mathbf{S}, \mathbf{X}) P(st=SS,X) is the probability of seeing the specific symbol s s s at time t t t, given that the symbol sequence is an expansion of S = s 0 , . . . , S K − 1 S = s_0,...,S_{K-1} S=s0,...,SK1 and given the input sequence X = X o , . . . , X N − 1 X = X_o,...,X_{N-1} X=Xo,...,XN1

    • P ( s t = S r ∣ S , X ) ∝ P ( s t = S r , S ∣ X ) P\left(s_{t}=S_{r} | \mathbf{S}, \mathbf{X}\right) \propto P\left(s_{t}=S_{r}, \mathbf{S} | \mathbf{X}\right) P(st=SrS,X)P(st=Sr,SX)
  • P ( s t = S r , S ∣ X ) P\left(s_{t}=S_{r}, \mathbf{S} | \mathbf{X}\right) P(st=Sr,SX) is the total probability of all valid paths in the graph for target sequence S S S that go through the symbol S r S_r Sr (the r t h r^{th} rth symbol in the sequence S 0 , . . . , S K − 1 S_0,...,S_{K-1} S0,...,SK1 ) at time

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  • For a recurrent network without feedback from the output we can make the conditional independence assumption

P ( s t = S r , S ∣ X ) = P ( S 0 … S r , s t = S r ∣ X ) P ( s t + 1 ∈ succ ⁡ ( S r ) , succ ⁡ ( S r ) , … , S K − 1 ∣ X ) P\left(s_{t}=S_{r}, \mathbf{S} | \mathbf{X}\right)=P\left(S_{0} \ldots S_{r}, s_{t}=S_{r} | \mathbf{X}\right) P\left(s_{t+1} \in \operatorname{succ}\left(S_{r}\right), \operatorname{succ}\left(S_{r}\right), \ldots, S_{K-1} | \mathbf{X}\right) P(st=Sr,SX)=P(S0Sr,st=SrX)P(st+1succ(Sr),succ(Sr),,SK1X)

  • We will call the first term the forward probability α ( t , r ) \alpha(t,r) α(t,r)
  • We will call the second term the backward probability β ( t , r ) \beta(t,r) β(t,r)

Forward algorithm

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  • In practice the recursion will gererally underflow

α ( t , l ) = ( α ( t − 1 , l ) + α ( t − 1 , l − 1 ) ) y t S ( l ) \alpha(t, l)=(\alpha(t-1, l)+\alpha(t-1, l-1)) y_{t}^{S(l)} α(t,l)=(α(t1,l)+α(t1,l1))ytS(l)

  • Instead we can do it in the log domain

log ⁡ α ( t , l ) = log ⁡ ( e log ⁡ α ( t − 1 , l ) + e log ⁡ α ( t − 1 , l − 1 ) ) + log ⁡ y t S ( l ) \log \alpha(t, l)=\log \left(e^{\log \alpha(t-1, l)}+e^{\log \alpha(t-1, l-1)}\right)+\log y_{t}^{S(l)} logα(t,l)=log(elogα(t1,l)+elogα(t1,l1))+logytS(l)

Backward algorithm

β ( t , r ) = P ( s t + 1 ∈ succ ⁡ ( S r ) , succ ⁡ ( S r ) , … , S K − 1 ∣ X ) \beta(t, r)=P\left(s_{t+1} \in \operatorname{succ}\left(S_{r}\right), \operatorname{succ}\left(S_{r}\right), \ldots, S_{K-1} | \mathbf{X}\right) β(t,r)=P(st+1succ(Sr),succ(Sr),,SK1X)

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The joint probability

P ( s t = S r , S ∣ X ) = α ( t , r ) β ( t , r ) P\left(s_{t}=S_{r}, \mathbf{S} | \mathbf{X}\right)=\alpha(t, r) \beta(t, r) P(st=Sr,SX)=α(t,r)β(t,r)

  • Need to be normalized, get posterior probability

γ ( t , r ) = P ( s t = S r ∣ S , X ) = P ( s t = S r , S ∣ X ) ∑ S r ′ P ( s t = S r ′ , S ∣ X ) = α ( t , r ) β ( t , r ) ∑ r ′ α ( t , r ′ ) β ( t , r ′ ) \gamma(t,r) = P\left(s_{t}=S_{r} | \mathbf{S}, \mathbf{X}\right)=\frac{P\left(s_{t}=S_{r}, \mathbf{S} | \mathbf{X}\right)}{\sum_{S_{r}^{\prime}} P\left(s_{t}=S_{r}^{\prime}, \mathbf{S} | \mathbf{X}\right)}=\frac{\alpha(t, r) \beta(t, r)}{\sum_{r^{\prime}} \alpha\left(t, r^{\prime}\right) \beta\left(t, r^{\prime}\right)} γ(t,r)=P(st=SrS,X)=SrP(st=Sr,SX)P(st=Sr,SX)=rα(t,r)β(t,r)α(t,r)β(t,r)

  • We can also write this using the modified beta formula as (you will see this in papers)

γ ( t , r ) = 1 y t S ( r ) α ( t , r ) β ^ ( t , r ) ∑ r ′ 1 y t S ( r ) α ( t , r ) β ^ ( t , r ) \gamma(t, r)=\frac{\frac{1}{y_{t}^{S(r)}} \alpha(t, r) \hat{\beta}(t, r)}{\sum_{r^{\prime}} \frac{1}{y_{t}^{S(r)}} \alpha(t, r) \hat{\beta}(t, r)} γ(t,r)=rytS(r)1α(t,r)β^(t,r)ytS(r)1α(t,r)β^(t,r)

The expected divergence

D I V = − ∑ t ∑ s ∈ S 0 … S K − 1 P ( s t = s ∣ S , X ) log ⁡ Y ( t , s t = s ) D I V=-\sum_{t} \sum_{s \in S_{0} \ldots S_{K-1}} P\left(s_{t}=s | \mathbf{S}, \mathbf{X}\right) \log Y\left(t, s_{t}=s\right) DIV=tsS0SK1P(st=sS,X)logY(t,st=s)

D I V = − ∑ t ∑ r γ ( t , r ) log ⁡ y t S ( r ) D I V=-\sum_{t} \sum_{r} \gamma(t, r) \log y_{t}^{S(r)} DIV=trγ(t,r)logytS(r)

  • The derivative of the divergence w.r.t the output Y t Y_t Yt of the net at any time

∇ Y t D I V = [ d D I V d y t S 0 d D I V d y t S 1 ⋯ d D I V d y t S L − 1 ] \nabla_{Y_{t}} D I V=\left[\begin{array}{llll} \frac{d D I V}{d y_{t}^{S_{0}}} & \frac{d D I V}{d y_{t}^{S_{1}}} & \cdots & \frac{d D I V}{d y_{t}^{S_{L-1}}} \end{array}\right] YtDIV=[dytS0dDIVdytS1dDIVdytSL1dDIV]

  • Compare to Viterbi algorithm, components will be non-zero only for symbols that occur in the training instance

  • Compute derivative

d D I V d y t l = − ∑ r : S ( r ) = l d d y t S ( r ) γ ( t , r ) log ⁡ y t S ( r ) \frac{d D I V}{d y_{t}^{l}}=-\sum_{r: S(r)=l} \frac{d}{d y_{t}^{S(r)}} \gamma(t, r) \log y_{t}^{S(r)} dytldDIV=r:S(r)=ldytS(r)dγ(t,r)logytS(r)

d d y t S ( r ) γ ( t , r ) log ⁡ y t S ( r ) = γ ( t , r ) y t S ( r ) + d γ ( t , r ) d y t S ( r ) log ⁡ y t S ( r ) \frac{d}{d y_{t}^{S(r)}} \gamma(t, r) \log y_{t}^{S(r)}=\frac{\gamma(t, r)}{y_{t}^{S(r)}}+\frac{d \gamma(t, r)}{d y_{t}^{S(r)}} \log y_{t}^{S(r)} dytS(r)dγ(t,r)logytS(r)=ytS(r)γ(t,r)+dytS(r)dγ(t,r)logytS(r)

  • Normally we ignore the second term, and think of as a maximum-likelihood estimate
  • And the derivatives at both these locations must be summed if occurs repetition

d D I V d y t l = − ∑ r : S ( r ) = l γ ( t , r ) y t S ( r ) \frac{d D I V}{d y_{t}^{l}}=-\sum_{r: S(r)=l} \frac{\gamma(t, r)}{y_{t}^{S(r)}} dytldDIV=r:S(r)=lytS(r)γ(t,r)

Repetitive decoding problem

  • Cannot distinguish between an extended symbol and repetitions of the symbol
    • We have a decode: R R R O O O O O D
    • Is this the symbol sequence ROD or ROOD?
  • Solution: Introduce an explicit extra symbol which serves to separate discrete versions of a symbol
    • A “blank” (represented by “-”)
    • RRR—OO—DDD = ROD
    • RR-R—OO—D-DD = RRODD

Modified forward algorithm

  • A blank is mandatory between repetitions of a symbol but not required between distinct symbols
  • Skips are permitted across a blank, but only if the symbols on either side are different

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Modified backward algorithm

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Overall training procedure

  1. Setup the network

    • Typically many-layered LSTM
  2. Initialize all parameters of the network

    • Include a 「blank」 symbol in vocabulary
  3. Foreach training instance

    • Pass the training instance through the network and obtain all symbol probabilities at each time
    • Construct the graph representing the specific symbol sequence in the instance
  4. Backword pass

    • Perform the forward backward algorithm to compute α ( t , r ) \alpha(t,r) α(t,r) and β ( t , r ) \beta(t,r) β(t,r)

    • Compute derivative of divergence ∇ Y t D I V \nabla_{Y_{t}} D I V YtDIV for each Y t Y_t Yt

    • ∇ Y t D I V = [ d D I V d y t 0 d D I V d y t 1 ⋯ d D I V d y t L − 1 ] \nabla_{Y_{t}} D I V=\left[\begin{array}{llll}\frac{d D I V}{d y_{t}^{0}} & \frac{d D I V}{d y_{t}^{1}} & \cdots & \frac{d D I V}{d y_{t}^{L-1}}\end{array}\right] YtDIV=[dyt0dDIVdyt1dDIVdytL1dDIV]

    • d D I V d y t l = − ∑ r : S ( r ) = l γ ( t , r ) y t S ( r ) \frac{d D I V}{d y_{t}^{l}}=-\sum_{r: S(r)=l} \frac{\gamma(t, r)}{y_{t}^{S(r)}} dytldDIV=r:S(r)=lytS(r)γ(t,r)

    • Aggregate derivatives over minibatch and update parameters

  • CTC: Connectionist Temporal Classification
    • The overall framework is referred to as CTC
    • This is in fact a suboptimal decode that actually finds the most likely time-synchronous output sequence
  • Actual decoding objective
    • S ^ = argmax ⁡ s α S ( S K − 1 , T − 1 ) \hat{\mathbf{S}}=\underset{\mathbf{s}}{\operatorname{argmax}} \alpha_{\mathbf{S}}\left(S_{K-1}, T-1\right) S^=sargmaxαS(SK1,T1)
    • Explicit computation of this will require evaluate of an exponential number of symbol sequences

Beam search

  • Only used in test
  • Uses breadth-first search to build its search tree
    • Choose top k words for next prediction (prone)

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  • Reference
