% Loader Octave packages
pkg load signal
% Sample Rate
Fs = 48000;
% Designed by personal tool Math.exe
% Math.exe filter --design -t 3 -w 1000 -f 48000 -b 10.0 -g 0.0 -s 8.0
% Fs : 48000
% Fc : 1000
% Boost : 10.0
% Gain : 0.0
% Slope : 8.0
A_PEAK = [+1.000000, -1.973835, +0.990867];
B_PEAK = [+1.009874, -1.973835, +0.980993];
% Generate response matrix that size is Fs.
[H_PEAK, w_PEAK] = freqz(B_PEAK, A_PEAK, Fs);
% Transfer from Rad to Hz.
F_PEAK = (w_PEAK / (2 * pi)) * Fs;
% Transfer from Magnitude to DB
Hf_PEAK = mag2db(abs(H_PEAK));
Hx_PEAK = angle(H_PEAK);
clear figure
% Plot Magnitude VS Frequency
% Range: 1 ~ (Fs / 6) / 2 = 1 ~ 4000
% Because Freqz only return half result (1, +pi) rather than (-pi, +pi),
% So divided by 2.
subplot(2, 1, 1);
plot(F_PEAK(1:Fs/6,1), Hf_PEAK(1:Fs/6,1));
% Plot Phase VS Frequency
subplot(2, 1, 2);
plot(F_PEAK(1:Fs/6,1), Hx_PEAK(1:Fs/6,1));
% Loader Octave packages
pkg load signal
% Sample Rate
Fs = 48000;
% Corner Frequency
F0 = 1000;
Wn = [(F0-100)/(Fs/2), (F0+100)/(Fs/2)];
[B_PASS, A_PASS] = butter(2, Wn, 'pass');
% Generate response matrix that size is Fs.
[H_PASS, w_PASS] = freqz(B_PASS, A_PASS, Fs);
% Transfer from Rad to Hz.
F_PASS = (w_PASS / (2 * pi)) * Fs;
% Transfer from Magnitude to DB
Hf_PASS = mag2db(abs(H_PASS));
Hx_PASS = angle(H_PASS);
clear figure
% Plot Magnitude VS Frequency
% Range: 1 ~ (Fs / 6) / 2 = 1 ~ 4000
% Because Freqz only return half result (1, +pi) rather than (-pi, +pi),
% So divided by 2.
subplot(2, 1, 1);
plot(F_PASS(1:Fs/6,1), Hf_PASS(1:Fs/6,1));
% Plot Phase VS Frequency
subplot(2, 1, 2);
plot(F_PASS(1:Fs/6,1), Hx_PASS(1:Fs/6,1));
% Loader Octave packages
pkg load signal
% Sample Rate
Fs = 48000;
% Corner Frequency
F0 = 1000;
Wn = [(F0-100)/(Fs/2), (F0+100)/(Fs/2)];
[B_STOP, A_STOP] = butter(2, Wn, 'stop');
% Generate response matrix that size is Fs.
[H_STOP, w_STOP] = freqz(B_STOP, A_STOP, Fs);
% Transfer from Rad to Hz.
F_STOP = (w_STOP / (2 * pi)) * Fs;
% Transfer from Magnitude to DB
Hf_STOP = mag2db(abs(H_STOP));
Hx_STOP = angle(H_STOP);
clear figure
% Plot Magnitude VS Frequency
% Range: 1 ~ (Fs / 6) / 2 = 1 ~ 4000
% Because Freqz only return half result (1, +pi) rather than (-pi, +pi),
% So divided by 2.
subplot(2, 1, 1);
plot(F_STOP(1:Fs/6,1), Hf_STOP(1:Fs/6,1));
% Plot Phase VS Frequency
subplot(2, 1, 2);
plot(F_STOP(1:Fs/6,1), Hx_STOP(1:Fs/6,1));