Daily paper reading

20180207 Nature Review: Studying and modifying brain function with non-invasive brain stimulation
  • Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF):
    • A protein encoded by the BDNF gene that is highly relevant for NIBS research
    • BDNF gene polymorphisms have been shown to have an impact on NIBS-induced plasticity
    • BDNF is one of the many factors that should be taken into account when considering potential sources of behavioral and physiological variability in NIBS-induced efects
  • Long-term potentiation (LTP): A facilitation of synaptic transmission that is considered to be one of the main mechanisms underlying learning and memory formation.
    • long-term depression (LTD): inhibition of synaptic transmission.
    • Longlasting neurophysiological facilitation or inhibition induced
      by NIBS is believed to relate to LTP- or LTD-like changes.
  • Stochastic resonance:
    • A phenomenon referring to a situation
      in which a signal that is too weak to be detected by a sensor is
      enhanced by adding an optimal level of noise.
    • Recent studies have suggested that tRNS can be used as a tool to investigate the stochastic resonance principle in the human cortex
