2.3 一周 整理

An outing day

1.We met up with a group offriends at the parking lot, and by then I was alreadystunnedby the dreamy meadowsdappledwith flowers, thecrystal-clear sapphire sky and theshimmering autumn waterin this place.

Stun: If you are stunned by something , you

are extremely shocked or surprised by it and therefore unable to speak or do


Syndrome: amaze shock overcome confuse

Hisannouncement did not produce any immediate cheers , only a stunned silencewhile the work sank in.


To mark or become marked by with spots or patches of

different color, motte

Example Sentence

His destrier also had seen better days and

the dust of the road covered his coat thickly.


If something shimmers , it shines with a

faint, unsteady light or has an unclear ,unstable appearance

Syndromes : gleam twinkle glimmer dance

The lights shimmered on the water

we either musclepaddledto race with each other or just laidback letting the boatsdrift

with the tide. Occasional motor-boatsswooshedround of excited screams.


If you paddle a boat , you move through

water using a paddle


Row pull scow scull

5.drift with the tight

When something drifts somewhere, it is carried

by the movement of wind or water

Syndrome: float bob coast

We proceeded to drift on up the river


to make or cause to make a rustling or

swirling sound ,especially when moving or pouring out

There was the sound of a step, the faint

swoosh of a sliding door

Angela Merkel

7.The church’s charity base, alsothe home of young Angela Kasner (Kasner is her maiden name),crammedhundreds ofhandicap people in a handful of small rooms and was called “a grim place”.


If you cram things or people into a container or certain

place , you put them into it , although there is hardly enough room for it .

Syndrome: pack ,fill ,stuff

While nobody was looking, she squashed her school hat and

crammed it into a basket.

Cheetah Prey

Yet they have to strike precisely andquickly since that extraordinary speeddrainstheir energy pretty quickly, so the windowof opportunity for catching a prey is limited by their ownphysique.


If you drain a place or an object, you dry it by causing

water out of it . If a place or object drains, water flows out of it until its


The cheetahlurks in a shadow, perfectlycamouflagedby hisbrownish fur that resemble the tall sun-scorched grass of the African Savannah


Ifsomeone lurks somewhere, they wait there secretly so they can not been seen ,usually because they intend to do something bad


Concealed or disguised

Cheetah’s earsflincheda bit, so minute a move that itcould be taken as the windcaressing

the grass.

11 .Flinch

If you flinch , you make a small sound movement ,especiallywhen something surprises you or hurts you


If you caress someone ,you stroke them gently and affectionately.

Music Show

but we know this cat has a tiger’sstripesand a leopard’sspots, seeing each reference-animal being imitated by one of the catsrompingat the sides.


A stripe is a long line which is different

color from the areas next to it.

She wore a big green jogging suit with a

white stripe down the side.


Journalists usesrompin expressions like romp home, or romp to victory , to say that a person or ahorse won a race or a competition easily.

Mr Foster romp home with 141 votes.

13. where all the roach soldiersstrideout in goodformation waving the silver wares as swords and knives, which strikes a perfectharmony with their tapping steps.


Astride is a long step which you take when you are walking or running.

With every stride, runners hit the ground

with up to five times their body weight .

House renovation

Iknocked down all counters, the white double-fold-door corner cabinet sandwichedbetween the side deck and the living room, and the dry wall which originallyadjoinedthe said cabinetand had the living room on the other side.


If one room , place , or objects adjoins another

, they are next to each other.

We waited in adjoining office.

15.and in the middle of the room, a thorough passage has replaced the barsticking outin betweenthe French-windowed corner withvaultedceiling and the cooking cabinetries.


If something sticks out , it is very

noticeable because it is very unusual

The things that stuck out is his cockiness

and his four letter words.

16. vaulted

Built with an arched roof, having a vault


A surface that is concave curves inwards in

the middle,

The concave bottom of an empty hair spray


18.Now with all theoverhungcabinets gone


Ifone thing overhangs another , it sticks out over and above it

Partof the rock wall overhang the path at one point.

Theshelves have a very tall bottom shelf and hence leave much space underneath,where I could still put in avasewith flowers


Avase is a jar, usually made of glass or pottery , used for holding cut flowersor as an ornament.

20.I removed the old fridge, re-plumbed andclada new sink into the new dark marble counter.


A building, part of the building , or mountain that is clad with something is covered bythat thing .


walls and floors are clad with ceramic tiles.

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