
'Do you have dreams? ' Asked Sophie.

---'Yes, dozens and dozens, piles and piles,  in the jars nook and cranny of the shelves. ' Came the answer.

'No, BFG.  I mean dreams, your own dreams, not the ones which were been captured.'

---'Ah, just single one. I invented it while I is sleeping in a blue baboon, the only once sleeping.'

'Was it beautiful?'

---'Yes, my, you could hear a ladybug walking across a leaf, clumpety-clumpety-clump, and there has the sound of a flower blooming, the silvery river chattering.'

'What a beautiful and precious thing, such a sweetie-your dream. I myself have dreams, fruity, horrid, excited and some just plain. Some were vivid, some were blurred.

---But they were also wonderful, like clouds, pebbles, balloons,marshrooms and butterflies.'

'You is a goody girl, you deserve them.'

'Hey, Murphy, do you have a  dream?'


Oh, don't be ridiculous! Grownups don't have time to dream , instead they have to live, so many things to be considered are waiting. What about the living, the money , the bills, the house, the work, the tomorrow's bread...'

'Oh, bother , the boring adults, BFG, I think it's time we left.'

  --'Wait, wait, where are you going , I'm not finished...'

(mumbling to myself, openning a can)' Hey, pussy , pussy, come here,that's my girl.

What's your dream ha?'


-'Yes, wet food.How clever and simple you are! You are the real part of my stary sky dream.

Dream, dream, a dream's supposed to pass the time , not fill it. Why do people always pursue these titchy and clossal, near and far things?'


The end

