【Leetcode】30. Substring with Concatenation of All Words 串联所有单词的子串

【Leetcode】30. Substring with Concatenation of All Words 串联所有单词的子串_第1张图片



class Solution(object):
    def findSubstring(self, s, words):
        :type s: str
        :type words: List[str]
        :rtype: List[int]
        if len(words)==0:
            return []
        from collections import defaultdict,Counter
        wid = defaultdict()
        wid.default_factory = wid.__len__
        counter = Counter()
        for w in words:
            counter[wid[w]] += 1
        l = len(words)
        m = len(words[0])
        n = len(s)
        f = [-1]*n
        for i,c in enumerate(s[:n-m+1]):
            substr = s[i:i+m]
            if substr in wid:
                f[i] = wid[substr] 
        def check(i):
            mine = Counter([f[x] for x in xrange(i,i+m*l,m)])
            return sum((mine-counter).values())==0
        ans = filter(lambda x:check(x),xrange(n-m*l+1))
        return ans


class Solution(object):
    def findSubstring(self, s, words):
        :type s: str
        :type words: List[str]
        :rtype: List[int]
        if len(words)==0:
            return []
        from collections import defaultdict,Counter
        wid = defaultdict()
        wid.default_factory = wid.__len__
        counter = Counter()
        for w in words:
            counter[wid[w]] += 1
        l = len(words)
        m = len(words[0])
        n = len(s)
        f = [-1]*n
        for i,c in enumerate(s[:n-m+1]):
            substr = s[i:i+m]
            if substr in wid:
                f[i] = wid[substr]
        ans = []
        for b in xrange(m):
            if b+l*m>n:break
            mine = Counter([f[x] for x in xrange(b,b+l*m,m)])
            if sum((mine-counter).values())==0:
            for r in xrange(b+l*m,n,m):
                mine[f[r]] += 1
                mine[f[r-l*m]] -= 1
                if sum((mine-counter).values())==0:
        return ans
