商务英语·流利说文本笔记-Level6 Unit1 part 2 Disadvantages


Despite the growth in e-commerce sales,studies show that the majority of Americans prefer shopping in physical stores.

Here are some reasons why people still have reservations about online shopping

ps: reservations英 [ˌrɛzəˈveɪʃənz]  美 [ˌrɛzərˈveɪʃənz] n.预订;预约;保留意见;疑惑;(美国为土著美洲人划出的)保留地,居留地reservation的复数

Why people shop online, if often requires no human interaction.

ps: interaction相互影响;交互作用;交相感应;干扰

But some people like having a personal experience,such as talking to a salesperson.

ps: personal experience个人经验;个人经历;个人体验;个人体会;体认

People also like touching a product and seeing what they're buying in person.

So not being able to experience the product first hand may make it harder for customers to trust a brand.

ps: 因此,不能亲身体验产品可能会使客户更难信任品牌。

first hand【体】第一家

make it到达; 及时赶上参加; 成功

harder努力地; 费力地; 艰难地; 猛力地; 猛烈地; 彻底认真地; 坚固的; 坚硬的; 结实的; 难做的; 难懂的; 难以回答的; 困苦的; 艰苦的; 艰难的; hard的比较级

customers顾客; 主顾; 客户; 家伙; customer的复数

trust相信; 信任; 信赖; 委托; 信托; 信托财产; 受托基金机构; 受托团体; 认为可靠; 想; 希望; 期望

brand品牌; 类型; 烙印; 丑化,败坏名声; 给打烙印

E-commerce companies may drastically alter images of their products to make them look more appealing.

ps: 电子商务公司可能会彻底改变产品的形象,使其看起来更有吸引力。

companies公司; 商号; 商行; 剧团; 演出团; 陪伴; 做伴; company的复数


alter改变,更改,改动; 修改

appealing有吸引力的; 有感染力的; 令人感兴趣的; 恳求的; 可怜的; 希望同情的; 上诉

This can lead to disappointment for customers because the goods they receive may be far from their expectations.

ps: 与他们的期望相去甚远。

She prefers shopping in physical stores for clothes because she can try them on before she buys them。

The salesperson did a great job assisting me in purchasing the right smartphone.

ps: assisting帮助; 协助; 援助; 促进; assist的现在分词

She asked for a refund because the dress she purchased looked nothing like the one in the picture.

ps: 她买的衣服和照片上的不一样。

nothing like丝毫不像; 绝对不

in the picture牵涉其中; 在局内

If the image was an honest representation of the actual product, it probably wouldn't have sold so many times.

ps: 如果这张照片是真实产品的真实写照,它可能不会卖那么多次。

representation表现; 描述; 描绘; 表现形式; 有代理人; 代表; 维护; 支持; 陈述; 抗议

Identity theft and credit card fraud are potential risks when purchasing goods online.

ps: 身份盗窃和信用卡诈骗是网上购物的潜在风险

credit card fraud信用卡行骗

potential潜在的; 可能的; 可能性; 潜在性; 潜力; 潜质; 电位; 电势; 电压

risks危险; 风险; 危险人物; 会带来风险的事物; 借款人,保险对象; 使…冒风险; 冒…的风险; 冒险做; 大胆做; risk的第三人称单数和复数

purchasing购买; 采购; 买; purchase的现在分词

goods商品; 货品; 动产; 私人财产; 运载的货物; good的复数

online在线的; 联网的; 联机的

Hackers may gain access to customer‘s credit card information and steal from them.

ps: 黑客可能获取客户的信用卡信息并从中窃取。

gain access to进入…

customer顾客; 主顾; 客户; 家伙

credit card信用卡

information信息; 消息; 情报; 资料; 资讯

steal from从…偷窃; 从…用诡计获得

To reduce this risk, e-commerce companies can invest in cybersecurity and suspend suspicious accounts.

ps: 为了降低这种风险,电子商务公司可以投资网络安全,并暂停可疑账户。

suspend悬; 挂; 吊; 暂停; 中止; 使暂停发挥作用; 延缓; 暂缓; 推迟

suspicious感觉可疑的; 怀疑的; 令人怀疑的; 可疑的; 不信任的; 持怀疑态度的

accounts账户; 账目; 赊销账; 赊欠账; 赊购; 认为是; 视为; account的第三人称单

cybersecurity 网络安全 cyber英 ['saɪbə]  美 ['saɪbə] adj.电脑(网络)的

Because e-commerce has a large market, the competition is fierce.

ps: fierce英 [fɪəs]  美 [fɪrs] adj.凶猛的;凶狠的;凶残的;狂热的;强烈的;猛烈的;狂暴的;恶劣的

Numerous companies are selling similar products at low prices to attract customers.

This competition has led many e-commerce companies to operate with very thin profit margins.

ps: 利润率很低

margins英 [ˈmɑːdʒɪnz]  美 [ˈmɑrdʒənz] n.页边空白;白边;(获胜者在时间或票数上领先的)幅度,差额,差数;余地;备用的时间(或空间、金钱等)

He was a victim of credit card fraud after making an online purchase.

ps: 他在网上购物后成为信用卡诈骗的受害者。

victim受害者; 罹难者; 罹病者; 牺牲品; 受骗者; 上当的人; 为祭祀杀死的动物; 祭品; 牺牲

card卡片纸; 厚纸片; 薄纸板; 卡片; 信用卡; 现金卡; 储值卡; 梳理; 要求出示身份证

fraud欺诈罪; 欺骗罪; 骗子; 行骗的人; 伪劣品; 冒牌货

The company implemented new security measures to reduce the risk of credit card fraud.

ps: 该公司实施了新的安全措施,以降低信用卡欺诈的风险。

implemented使生效; 贯彻; 执行; 实施; implement的过去分词和过去式

reduce减少,缩小; 蒸发; 减轻体重; 节食

risk危险; 风险; 危险人物; 会带来风险的事物; 借款人,保险对象; 使…冒风险; 冒…的风险; 冒险做; 大胆做

fraud欺诈罪; 欺骗罪; 骗子; 行骗的人; 伪劣品; 冒牌货

E-commerce companies need to be innovative if they want to survive the fierce competition in the market.

ps: 电子商务企业要想在激烈的市场竞争中生存下来,就需要创新。

innovative引进新思想的; 采用新方法的; 革新的; 创新的

Many e-commerce companies have gone bankrupt because of the fierce competition。

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