class TComMv
Short m_iHor; ///< horizontal component of motion vector
Short m_iVer; ///< vertical component of motion vector
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// constructors
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TComMv() :
TComMv( Short iHor, Short iVer ) :
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// set
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Void set ( Short iHor, Short iVer) { m_iHor = iHor; m_iVer = iVer; }
Void setHor ( Short i ) { m_iHor = i; }
Void setVer ( Short i ) { m_iVer = i; }
Void setZero () { m_iHor = m_iVer = 0; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// get
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Int getHor () const { return m_iHor; }
Int getVer () const { return m_iVer; }
Int getAbsHor () const { return abs( m_iHor ); }
Int getAbsVer () const { return abs( m_iVer ); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// operations
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const TComMv& operator += (const TComMv& rcMv)
m_iHor += rcMv.m_iHor;
m_iVer += rcMv.m_iVer;
return *this;
const TComMv& operator-= (const TComMv& rcMv)
m_iHor -= rcMv.m_iHor;
m_iVer -= rcMv.m_iVer;
return *this;
const TComMv& operator>>= (const Int i)
m_iHor >>= i;
m_iVer >>= i;
return *this;
const TComMv& operator<<= (const Int i)
m_iHor <<= i;
m_iVer <<= i;
return *this;
const TComMv operator - ( const TComMv& rcMv ) const
return TComMv( m_iHor - rcMv.m_iHor, m_iVer - rcMv.m_iVer );
const TComMv operator + ( const TComMv& rcMv ) const
return TComMv( m_iHor + rcMv.m_iHor, m_iVer + rcMv.m_iVer );
Bool operator== ( const TComMv& rcMv ) const
return (m_iHor==rcMv.m_iHor && m_iVer==rcMv.m_iVer);
Bool operator!= ( const TComMv& rcMv ) const
return (m_iHor!=rcMv.m_iHor || m_iVer!=rcMv.m_iVer);
const TComMv scaleMv( Int iScale ) const
Int mvx = Clip3( -32768, 32767, (iScale * getHor() + 127 + (iScale * getHor() < 0)) >> 8 );
Int mvy = Clip3( -32768, 32767, (iScale * getVer() + 127 + (iScale * getVer() < 0)) >> 8 );
return TComMv( mvx, mvy );
//! \}
/// parameters for AMVP
typedef struct _AMVPInfo
TComMv m_acMvCand[ AMVP_MAX_NUM_CANDS_MEM ]; ///< array of motion vector predictor candidates 运动矢量候选列表
Int iN; ///< number of motion vector predictor candidates 运动矢量候选数量
} AMVPInfo;
/// class for motion vector with reference index
class TComMvField
TComMv m_acMv; //MV信息
Int m_iRefIdx; //索引
TComMvField() : m_iRefIdx( NOT_VALID ) {}
Void setMvField( TComMv const & cMv, Int iRefIdx ) //设置MV和索引
m_acMv = cMv;
m_iRefIdx = iRefIdx;
Void setRefIdx( Int refIdx ) { m_iRefIdx = refIdx; } //设置索引
TComMv const & getMv() const { return m_acMv; } //获取MV
TComMv & getMv() { return m_acMv; }
Int getRefIdx() const { return m_iRefIdx; } //获取索引
Int getHor () const { return m_acMv.getHor(); } //获取MV水平分量
Int getVer () const { return m_acMv.getVer(); } //获取MV垂直分量
在TComDataCU中定义了m_acCUMvField[NUM_REF_PIC_LIST_01],用于存储CU的MV信息。还定义了 getCUMvField函数,用于获取m_acCUMvField。
/// class for motion information in one CU
class TComCUMvField
TComMv* m_pcMv; //MV
TComMv* m_pcMvd; //MVD
Char* m_piRefIdx; //索引
UInt m_uiNumPartition; //分块
AMVPInfo m_cAMVPInfo; //AMVP信息
template T >
Void setAll( T *p, T const & val, PartSize eCUMode, Int iPartAddr, UInt uiDepth, Int iPartIdx );
TComCUMvField() : m_pcMv(NULL), m_pcMvd(NULL), m_piRefIdx(NULL), m_uiNumPartition(0) {}
~TComCUMvField() {}
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// create / destroy
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Void create( UInt uiNumPartition );
Void destroy();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// clear / copy
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Void clearMvField(); //清理MV
Void copyFrom( TComCUMvField const * pcCUMvFieldSrc, Int iNumPartSrc, Int iPartAddrDst );
Void copyTo ( TComCUMvField* pcCUMvFieldDst, Int iPartAddrDst ) const;
Void copyTo ( TComCUMvField* pcCUMvFieldDst, Int iPartAddrDst, UInt uiOffset, UInt uiNumPart ) const;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// get
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TComMv const & getMv ( Int iIdx ) const { return m_pcMv [iIdx]; }
TComMv const & getMvd ( Int iIdx ) const { return m_pcMvd [iIdx]; }
Int getRefIdx( Int iIdx ) const { return m_piRefIdx[iIdx]; }
AMVPInfo* getAMVPInfo () { return &m_cAMVPInfo; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// set
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Void setAllMv ( TComMv const & rcMv, PartSize eCUMode, Int iPartAddr, UInt uiDepth, Int iPartIdx=0 );
Void setAllMvd ( TComMv const & rcMvd, PartSize eCUMode, Int iPartAddr, UInt uiDepth, Int iPartIdx=0 );
Void setAllRefIdx ( Int iRefIdx, PartSize eMbMode, Int iPartAddr, UInt uiDepth, Int iPartIdx=0 );
Void setAllMvField( TComMvField const & mvField, PartSize eMbMode, Int iPartAddr, UInt uiDepth, Int iPartIdx=0 );
Void setNumPartition( Int iNumPart )
m_uiNumPartition = iNumPart;
Void linkToWithOffset( TComCUMvField const * src, Int offset )
m_pcMv = src->m_pcMv + offset;
m_pcMvd = src->m_pcMvd + offset;
m_piRefIdx = src->m_piRefIdx + offset;
Void compress(Char* pePredMode, Int scale);