涉及到的技术点包括: QtQuick界面技术, 跨平台开发技巧(Win,Android,Mac,IOS,Linux),Qml与C++交互,MVC模式,Webengine/WebView,ffmpeg音视频编解码,动态换肤,动态国际化,分布式数据存储,P2P,IOCP,epoll,在线升级,插件系统,服务器高并发,udp可靠传输,二维码,安装程序开发,文件传输,图片浏览,截屏,部署打包.
QML是与HTML类似的一种标记语言。在QtQuick中将由标签组成的元素封装在大括号中Item{}。这样的设计重新定义了界面的创建方式,对于开发者而言更加简单易读。可以使用JavaScript开发界面功能,也可以使用本地Qt C++函数接口扩展界面功能。简单来说,声明式的UI被称作前端,本地C++部分称作后端,将复杂的计算过程与本地设备操作从界面开发中分离。+
在一个典型的Qt5项目中,前端采用QML/JaveScript开发界面,后端采用Qt C++与系统交互并完成复杂的运算逻辑,将侧重设计的界面开发与功能开发的工作内容分离。通常后端开发者可以使用Qt的单元测试框架完成单元测试后将函数接口提供给前端开发者使用。
下面摘抄Qt官网的对于Qml与Qt Quick的解释:
What is QML?
QML is a user interface specification and programming language. It allows developers and designers alike to create highly performant, fluidly animated and visually appealing applications. QML offers a highly readable, declarative, JSON-like syntax with support for imperative JavaScript expressions combined with dynamic property bindings.
The QML language and engine infrastructure is provided by the Qt QML module. For in-depth information about the QML language, please see the Qt QML module documentation.
What is Qt Quick?
Qt Quick is the standard library of types and functionality for QML. It includes visual types, interactive types, animations, models and views, particle effects and shader effects. A QML application developer can get access to all of that functionality with a single import statement.
The QtQuick QML library is provided by the Qt Quick module. For in-depth information about the various QML types and other functionality provided by Qt Quick, please see the Qt Quick module documentation.
作者 | 郑天佐 |
278969898 | |
主页 | http://www.camelstudio.cn |
邮箱 | [email protected] |
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