1. 引言
1.1 什么是 QUIC
QUIC(Quick UDP Internet Connections)是 chromium 的一个项目,这是一个体验的协议,旨在降低基于 TCP 通讯的 Web 延迟。QUIC 非常类似 TCP+TLS+SPDY ,但是基于 UDP 实现的。因为 TCP 是由操作系统内核或者是 middlebox 固件实现,因此对 TCP 进行大幅改造不太可能。所以 Google 开发了 QUIC 基于 UDP 来避免 TCP 的一些限制。
QUIC 与已有的 TCP+TLS+SPDY 比较关键的特性:
- 降低了连接建立时间
- 改进了握手控制
- 多路复用
- 可对错误连接进行转发
- 连接移植
1.2 了解 HTTP/3
运行在 QUIC 之上的 HTTP 协议被称为 HTTP/3 (HTTP-over-QUIC)。QUIC 协议 (Quick UDP Internet Connection) 基于 UDP,正是看中了 UDP 的速度与效率。同时 QUIC 也整合了 TCP、TLS 和 HTTP/2 的优点,并加以优化。
- 减少了握手的延迟(1-RTT 或 0-RTT)
- 多路复用,并且没有 TCP 的阻塞问题
- 连接迁移,(主要是在客户端)当由 Wifi 转移到 4G 时,连接不会被断开
- 集成了 TLS 1.3 加密
- HTTP/3 与 HTTP/1.1 和 HTTP/2 没有直接的关系,也不是 HTTP/2 的扩展
- HTTP/3 将会是一个全新的 WEB 协议
- HTTP/3 目前处于制订和测试阶段
2. 服务端
2.1 F5 BIG-IP HTTP/3
从 BIG-IP 开始,F5 引入了 HTTP/3 和 QUIC 作为实验特性。BIG-IP 系统的中 HTTP/3 和 QUIC profiles 分别基于 draft-ietf-quic-http-24 和 draft-ietf-quic-transport-24 实验性实现。
使用 TMUI 创建 HTTP/3 virtual server
Log in to the Configuration utility.
Go to Local Traffic > Virtual Servers.
Select Create.
Provide appropriate values for Name, Destination Address/Mask.
For Service Port, enter an appropriate port number. For example, 4433.
For Protocol , select UDP . Note: HTTP/3 and QUIC use the UDP protocol. By selecting UDP, options for HTTP/3 and QUIC profiles will be available for selection in the Acceleration section of the page.
For Protocol Profile (Server) , select tcp . Note: As HTTP/3 server side is currently not supported, you cannot use any of the UDP protocols on the server side.
For HTTP Profile (Client), select http.
For SSL Profile (Client), select clientssl-quic.
For SSL Profile (Server), select an appropriate Server SSL profile to communicate with your pool member.
Optional: For Source Address Translation, select Auto Map.
Select the HTTP MRF Router check box.
For QUIC Profile (experimental) , select quic.
Note: To create your own QUIC profile, go to Local Traffic > Profiles > Services > QUIC (experimental) and select Create. -
For HTTP/3 Profile (experimental) , select http3.
Note: To create your own HTTP/3 profile, go to Local Traffic > Profiles > Services > HTTP/3 (experimental) and select Create. -
Under Default Pool, select your pool.
- Select Finished.
使用 tmsh 创建 HTTP/3 virtual server
Log in to the TMOS Shell ( tmsh ) by entering the following command: tmsh
To create an HTTP/3 virtual server, use the following command syntax:
create ltm virtual
ip-protocol udp destination : pool source-address-translation {type } profiles add { udp { context clientside } tcp { context serverside } { context clientside } {context serverside } { context clientside } { context clientside } httprouter } For example, enter the following command to create an HTTP/3 virtual server that contains the attributes in the table that follows:
create ltm virtual quic_vs ip-protocol udp destination pool example_pool source-address-translation {type automap} profiles add { udp { context clientside } tcp { context serverside } clientssl-quic { context clientside } serverssl {context serverside } quic { context clientside } http3 { context clientside } http httprouter }
Option Value Virtual Server name quic_vs Destination Address/Mask Service Port 4433 Protocol UDP Protocol Profile (Client) udp Protocol Profile (Server) tcp HTTP Profile http SSL Profile (Client) clientssl-quic SSL Profile (Server) serverssl Source Address Translation Auto Map HTTP MRF Router Enabled QUIC Profile (experimental) quic HTTP/3 Profile (experimental) http3 Pool example_pool
2.2 Nginx HTTP/3
参考:Introducing a Technology Preview of NGINX Support for QUIC and HTTP/3
2020年6月10日,NGINX 宣布了 NGINX 的官方 QUIC 和 HTTP/3 实现的初始版本,即 http_v3_module。这是一个技术预览,应该被视为实验性的 - 它不适用于生产环境。在编写本文时,QUIC 标准尚未定稿,并且此初始版本是针对当前草案的一个子集实现的。
经过几个月的设计和开发,http_v3_module 已经准备好进行互操作性测试。我们也欢迎一般的反馈和代码贡献。请注意,http_v3_module 在 NGINX 开源主线开发分支中不可用(也不是 NGINX Plus 的任何版本);因为它仍处于试验阶段,所以它是一个独立的开发分支,位于 https://hg.nginx.org/nginx-quic。
还请注意,这个 QUIC + HTTP/3 的实现是全新的,与 Cloudflare 作为其 quiche 项目的一部分提供的修补程序无关。
对于那些熟悉 NGINX 配置的人来说,启用 QUIC + HTTP/3 非常简单。
server {
listen 443 ssl; # TCP listener for HTTP/1.1
listen 443 http3 reuseport; # UDP listener for QUIC+HTTP/3
ssl_protocols TLSv1.3; # QUIC requires TLS 1.3
ssl_certificate ssl/www.example.com.crt;
ssl_certificate_key ssl/www.example.com.key;
add_header Alt-Svc 'quic=":443"'; # Advertise that QUIC is available
add_header QUIC-Status $quic; # Sent when QUIC was used
2.3 Microsoft HTTP/3
Microsoft 在最新的 Windows Insider Preview Builds 中支持 QUIC 和 HTTP/3,并将其开源,名为 MsQuic。
MsQuic is Open Source
Microsoft 正在开发开源的 QUIC library,叫做 MsQuic, 在 GitHub 基于 MIT license. MsQuic 是一个跨平台的通用库,它实现了 QUIC 传输协议。QUIC 正在由互联网工程工作组(IETF)制定标准。MsQuic 是一个针对多种使用模式优化的客户机和服务器解决方案,并被多个 Microsoft 产品和服务使用。MsQuic 目前处于预览阶段,支持 Windows 和 Linux。
Windows 10
在 Windows 10 上,MsQuic 依赖于 Schannel 对于 TLS 1.3 功能的内置支持。MsQuic 以 msquic.sys
驱动程序的方式封装在 Windows 内核之中,以支持内置的 HTTP 和 SMB 功能。用户模式应用程序使用msquic.dll
Important This configuration requires running the latest Windows Insider Preview Builds for Schannel's TLS 1.3 support.
Important This configuration does not support 0-RTT due to Schannel's current lack of support.
以下是在 Windows Insider Build 20175 中的 IIS 绑定一个 HTTPS 站点的截图,可以看到如同 HTTP/2 的设置,TLS 1.3 和 QUIC 默认将启用,除非手动勾选禁用。
2.4 Apache httpd
暂时没有 Apache httpd 支持 HTTP/3 的消息。Apache 目前还没有承诺何时进行相关的支持工作。
LiteSpeed is an Apache alternative supporting many of the same features, but with strong QUIC and HTTP/3 support.
3. 客户端
3.1 Firefox
Firefox 75 及以上版本支持 HTTP/3
启用方法:在地址栏输入 'about:config',配置 network.http.http3.enabled = true
通过 “Web 开发者” 可以看到 “版本:HTTP/3” “协议版本:: TLSv1.3”
3.2 Chrome、Edge
Chrome 83 及以上版本支持 HTTP/3,使用命令行增加如下启动参数:
$ ./chrome --enable-quic --quic-version=h3-27
Running on Windows
cd C:\Users\$USER\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application
chrome.exe --enable-quic --quic-version=h3-27
(replace $USER with the name of your account on Windows)
Running on macOS
/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome --enable-quic --quic-version=h3-27
Microsoft Edge (based on Chromium) 与 Chrome 同步支持,例如在 macOS 中运行 Edge:
/Applications/Microsoft\ Edge.app//Contents/MacOS/Microsoft\ Edge --enable-quic --quic-version=h3-27
3.3 Curl
文档显示 Curl 7.66 及以上支持 HTTP/3,使用 --http3 参数,但实际上需要额外配置才能支持!
Ubuntu 20.04 自带 7.68 但不可直接使用
- CentOS 8 自带 7.61,更新也不可直接使用:
rpm -Uvh http://www.city-fan.org/ftp/contrib/yum-repo/rhel8/x86_64/city-fan.org-release-2-1.rhel8.noarch.rpm
dnf --enablerepo=city-fan.org install libcurl libcurl-devel
- macOS 10.15.5 自带 7.64,更新后也不可直接使用:
brew install curl
ln /usr/local/bin/curl /usr/local/Cellar/curl/7.71.1/bin/curl
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/curl
curl --http3 -s -o /dev/null -v https://sysin.org
curl: option --http3: the installed libcurl version doesn't support this
curl: try 'curl --help' or 'curl --manual' for more information
解决办法:创建支持 HTTP/3 的 curl:参看 HTTP3 (and QUIC)
Linux: ngtcp2 version curl Build with OpenSSL
Build (patched) OpenSSL
git clone --depth 1 -b OpenSSL_1_1_1d-quic-draft-27 https://github.com/tatsuhiro-t/openssl
cd openssl
./config enable-tls1_3 --prefix=/usr/local/openssl
make install_sw
Build nghttp3
cd ..
git clone https://github.com/ngtcp2/nghttp3
cd nghttp3
autoreconf -i
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/nghttp3 --enable-lib-only
make install
Build ngtcp2
cd ..
git clone https://github.com/ngtcp2/ngtcp2
cd ngtcp2
autoreconf -i
./configure PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/openssl/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/nghttp3/lib/pkgconfig LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,/lib" --prefix=/usr/local/ngtcp2
make install
Build curl
cd ..
git clone https://github.com/curl/curl
cd curl
LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/openssl/lib" ./configure --with-ssl=/usr/local/openssl --with-nghttp3=/usr/local/nghttp3 --with-ngtcp2=/usr/local/ngtcp2 --enable-alt-svc
也可以 Build with GnuTLS
macOS:Curl + Quiche
Homebrew formula for curl + quiche to easily build and test HTTP/3 on MacOS.
Install homebrew from https://brew.sh/
This will replace your current curl installation. Run the following commands to install required dependencies and to build curl with quiche support.
- Uninstall curl if you already have:
brew remove -f curl
- Build curl with quiche:
brew install -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cloudflare/homebrew-cloudflare/master/curl.rb
At the end curl binary will be installed on "/usr/local/opt/curl/bin", so you need to add to your $PATH
ln /usr/local/opt/curl/bin/curl /usr/local/bin/curl
Check if curl with H3 support is built properly:
curl --help | egrep 'alt-svc|http3'
--alt-svc Enable alt-svc with this cache file
--http3 Use HTTP v3
Now, you can try curl on any H3 enabled sites.
curl --http3 -I https://sysin.org
curl --http3 -I https://cloudflare-quic.com
3.4 在线检测网站