Apache Shiro 1.2.0版发布

2012年1月24日,Shiro小组发布了Apache Shiro 1.2.0版。此版本在修改BUG的同时增加了一些新功能。


  • The ability to disable sessions per filter chain or entirely for anapplication.
  • Servlet Context Listener initialization in web apps (to allowcomponents to utilize Shiro before Filter initialization)
  • A command line program to securely hash passwords (or any url, fileor stream input for that matter).
  • New secure password hash formats that adhere to Modular Crypt Formatconventions. These secure password hashes can be computed with theabove named command line program and saved in text config (e.g.shiro.ini) directly. Plaintext passwords should never be stored. Forthose familiar with the Apache HTTPD passwd program, this achieves thesame benefits.
  • A new LogoutFilter, as many apps don't need to show a view duringlogout (just logout and redirect to some known location).
  • Shiro filters can be enabled or disabled without removing them fromthe filter chain - useful in development (e.g. turn ssl requirementoff in dev, but keep it on in production).
  • A lot of work has gone into making secure password hash storage andcomparison a much simpler task in Shiro, focused around the newconcept of a PasswordService. You can use a PasswordService directlyin your application code to hash passwords securely. You can thenconfigure a PasswordMatcher on your Realm(s) to use the samePasswordService for password comparisons. See the PasswordServiceJavaDoc for example .ini configuration:
    • PasswordService:http://shiro.apache.org/static/current/apidocs/org/apache/shiro/authc/credential/PasswordService.html
    • PasswordMatcher:http://shiro.apache.org/static/current/apidocs/org/apache/shiro/authc/credential/PasswordMatcher.html

More complete PasswordService and related configdocumentation will beadded to the Shiro website in the next few days - itwas better torelease now for the many who are waiting on the release, andfollow upwith this part of the documentation shortly.

  • Three new 'support' modules:
    • Apache Karaf features (shiro-features-1.2.0.jar)
    • Google Guice:http://shiro.apache.org/guice.html
    • Jasig CAS:http://shiro.apache.org/cas.html

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