
Usually I will comment myself have good study ability and improving from mistakes.  However I behaved stupidly when in a relationship. As if every pattern I learned and every book I read are all gone. Is it inexperience? Is it lack of emotional intelligence? Is there empty in my mind? Yesterday I suddenly review myself and found that I was probably just timid.


I treasured my staffs that I use from time to time. They are still bright as new even if has been used for several years. Like my phones, laptops, computers, headsets, pens, etc., are all very well preserved. The only reason you can think of, besides being careful when using it, is to be afraid. The fear of damaging  it, of destroying it, of losing it(reminds me of the story of the TV remote control wrapped in plastic paper), of not make the best use of everything.


Too scared to everything, that’s what comment to my self. What’s the result then? Fear, insecurity, clinginess, and caring too much, all of these limit their true value. It’s all clear in the relationship, lack of security, sticky, hot face stick cold bottom, there are worse that can’t be told. Some said it likes break a fly upon a wheel. And it become impossible to say whether a girl’s taste is the issue, if you didn’t behave as yourself.


There is a line in the movie said “ Patience is  the courage!”. That’s true, patience is courage. Stir-fired dishes will be out of pot ahead of time for fear of being burnt, either not hot enough or undercooked. Stock market is another good example, calm down, hold back for a while, may be through clouds to see the sun. Simple trust each other is a easy way to manage a relationship. The seed sown also would succeed every time. Get into a good mood, be mature to face the difficulties, and learn to say goodbye quietly, instead of the drastic friend removement or get drunk.

        记得在一部电影中看到一句台词说:“Patience is  the courage!”。没错,耐心就是勇气。怎么解释?炒菜会怕烧焦就提前出锅,不是火候不够就是半生不熟。炒股更是很好的例子,沉住气,憋一阵,可能拨云见日。感情呢?很简单,就是要相信对方!种子播下去也有不长苗的,心态放好,真的喜欢就不要在乎那一点点。然后呢,都成熟了,学会默默的告别,而不是轰轰烈烈的删好友再大醉一场。
