
接前一篇用一句SQL计算出进口价格定基价格指数,这一篇将介绍一句SQL搞定 2个指标在不同时差范围内的相关性系数。

公式如下:Y ,X 分别表示2个指标,这2个指标必须有可比性,最齐码变化频率一样。比如都是一月一次的数据。




-----L  以参数的形式传入,从0 开始到 L的正向序列 
with   lv   as (select LEVEL-1 lv from dual CONNECT BY LEVEL <=11+1), 
       ---C0A0101 cpi 基准指标
       xy   as (select indi_date,max(case when indi_id='C0A0101' then indi_value else null end) as y,
                       ----C0A010D rpi 可选参数  【工业生产者出厂价格指数(PPI同比) C0A0201】【M1同比增速  C070104】
                               max(case when indi_id='C0A010D' then indi_value else null end) as x
              from indi_value where indi_id in ('C0A0101','C0A010D') and indi_date between '20130101' and '20130731'
              group by indi_date),
       --获取均值   cpi 均值 & rpi 均值
      xyavg as ( select avg(y) as ya,avg(x) as xa from xy where y is not null and x is not null), 
      fxy  as (select  indi_date, y,x,
                       lag(y,lv) OVER(partition  by lv order by  indi_date ) as yy,
                       lag(x,lv) OVER(partition  by lv order by  indi_date ) as xx,
                      (select ya from xyavg ) as ya,(select xa from xyavg) as xa,lv
               from xy join lv on 1=1 where y is not null and x is not null)  
      --L>0 时 y 从第一个元素开始 x 从第 1+L个元素开始
      select lv as L, sum((xx-xa)*(y-ya))/sqrt(sum((xx-xa)*(xx-xa))*sum((y-ya)*(y-ya))) as r
      from fxy where yy is not null and xx is not null
      group by lv 
      --L<0 时,x 从一个元素开始,y 从第1-L个元素开始      
      select -lv as L, sum((x-xa)*(yy-ya))/sqrt(sum((x-xa)*(x-xa))*sum((yy-ya)*(yy-ya))) as r
      from fxy where yy is not null and xx is not null
      group by lv 


