
一、ERROR in Template execution failed: ReferenceError: htmlwebpackPlugin is not defined


webpack App




二、ERROR in ./app.vue
Module Error (from ./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/index.js):
vue-loader was used without the corresponding plugin. Make sure to include VueLoaderPlugin in your webpack config.

在webpack.prod.config.js和webpack.config.js分别var VueLoaderPlugin = require("vue-loader/lib/plugin");new VueLoaderPlugin(),

三、WARNING in configuration
The 'mode' option has not been set, webpack will fallback to 'production' for this value. Set 'mode' option to 'development' or 'production' to enable defaults for each environment.
You can also set it to 'none' to disable any default behavior. Learn more: https://webpack.js.org/configuration/mode/


四、Invalid configuration object. Webpack has been initialised using a configuration object that does not match the API schema.
 - configuration.plugins[1] should be one of these:
   object { apply, … } | function
   -> Plugin of type object or instanceof Function

     new MiniCssExtractPlugin,({
              filename: "main.css"

改为 new MiniCssExtractPlugin({
              filename: "main.css"

五、Entrypoint undefined = index.html

module.exports增加配置stats: { children: false }
