IE 下的array 的splice方法的bug

今天写代码,才发现 IE 下的array 的splice方法的bug

   var a=["a","b"];

   alert(a.length)  //  在IE 下是2, 在谷歌下是 0



经查证,问题出在IE8及以下版本,可以修复此bug, 网上给的方案是

// check if it is IE and it's version is 8 or older
    if (document.documentMode && document.documentMode < 9) {
    	// save original function of splice
    	var originalSplice = Array.prototype.splice;
    	// provide a new implementation
    	Array.prototype.splice = function() {
    	    var arr = [],  i = 0,  max = arguments.length;
    	    for (; i < max; i++){
    	    // if this function had only one argument
    	    // compute 'deleteCount' and push it into arr
    	    if (arr.length==1) {
    	        arr.push(this.length - arr[0]);
    	    // invoke original splice() with our new arguments array
    	    return originalSplice.apply(this, arr);

