书 Books

Books are not all good for you... Sometimes you pick up a book and think you may like reading it... However, the more you read, the more painful and tortured you are... You read for long but you don't know what you are reading... The same words that make other books interesting and enticing are now muddleheaded Sphinx riddles in this book... You bite your teeth tight and decide to keep on reading, yet unfortunately you get more and more lost in those weird words which seem to be swallowing all your energy and love for books... Every paragraph is scoffing at your inability... Every page is challenging your intellegence... The images depicted by words are all blurred pictures, as if severely damaged by some unknown evil monster... Then you begin to doubt the meaning of reading... You even begin to doubt life... Suddenly you make up your mind to give it up and finally awaken from the nightmarish reading experience... Not all books are the best-friend kind...

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