似然比检验 LRT

似然比检验(likelihood ratio test, LRT)是一种检验参数能否反映真实约束的方法(分布或模型的某参数 \theta 等于 \theta_0 是否为真实约束)。似然比检验的思想是:“如果参数约束是有效的,那么加上这样的约束不应该引起似然函数最大值的大幅度降低。也就是说似然比检验的实质是在比较有约束条件下的似然函数最大值与无约束条件下似然函数最大值。” 可以看出,似然比检验是一种通用的检验方法(比 t 检验、\chi ^2 检验等具有更广的适用范围)。


考虑多元正态分布N_q(\theta ,I),为了检验 \theta 是否等于 \theta_0,我们建立检验问题:

      H_0:\theta =\theta _0

      H_1: 对\theta没有约束

或者等价地,\Omega _0=\left \{ \theta _0 \right \}, \Omega _1=R^q

定义 L_j^*=maxL(X;\theta ) 为每个假设似然函数的最大值。考虑似然比(LR):

      \lambda (X)=\frac{L_0^*}{L_1^*}      或者写成对数形式  -2log\lambda =2(l_1^*-l_2^*)   

[ 注:通常写成乘以2形式是为了之后推导中近似变换为卡方值,即-2log\lambda 的渐进分布是 \chi _{q-r}^2 ,其中 \Omega _0\in \Omega _1 是 r 维 ]

如果LR值比较高,则倾向于接受 H_0 ,否则倾向于接受 H_1 。






均值向量的比较:以二维向量为例,比如同时检验A、B两组人群的身高 x_1 和 体重 x_2 是否来自同一总体,可将身高和体重的均值组合成向量,即A组的均值向量为 \vec{\mu}_A=(x_{1A},x_{2A}),B组的均值向量为 \vec{\mu}_B=(x_{1B},x_{2B}),对这两组均值向量进行检验(此处LRT其实等价于Hotelling's T2检验)。均值向量的问题,其实本质上是线性假设(线性约束)问题,并且也可以用作回归系数的假设检验。



  1. 基于平行的定义,这些轮廓相似吗(轮廓是否平行,注意这里不相交便意味着平行)?
  2. 如果轮廓是平行的,二者处于同一水平吗(两组轮廓是否为同一轮廓)?
  3. 如果轮廓是平行的,但二者不处于同一水平,轮廓存在治疗效应吗(无论接受何种治疗,轮廓是否始终保持相同,趋势是否一致)?






似然比检验用来评估两个模型中那个模型更适合当前数据分析。具体来说,一个相对复杂的模型与一个简单模型比较,来检验它是不是能够显著地适合一个特定的数据集。如果可以,那么这个复杂模型的附加参数能够用在以后的数据分析中。LRT应用的一个前提条件是这些待比较的模型应该是分级的巢式模型。具体来讲,是说相对于简单模型,复杂模型仅仅是多了一个或者多个附加参数。增加模型参数必定会导致高似然值成绩。因此根据似然值的高低来判断模型的适合度是不准确的。LRT提供了一个客观的标准来选择合适的模型。LRT检验的公式: LR = 2*(InL1- InL2)

其中L1为复杂模型最大似然值,L2为简单标准模型最大似然值LR近似的符合卡方分布。为了检验两个模型似然值的差异是否显著,我们必须要考虑自由度。LRT 检验中,自由度等于在复杂模型中增加的模型参数的数目。这样根据卡方分布临界值表,我们就可以判断模型差异是否显著。


In statistics, a likelihood ratio test (LR test) is a statistical test used for comparing the goodness of fit of two statistical models — a null model against an alternative model. The test is based on the likelihood ratio, which expresses how many times more likely the data are under one model than the other. This likelihood ratio, or equivalently its logarithm, can then be used to compute a p-value, or compared to a critical value to decide whether or not to reject the null model.

When the logarithm of the likelihood ratio is used, the statistic is known as a log-likelihood ratio statistic, and the probability distribution of this test statistic, assuming that the null model is true, can be approximated using Wilks' theorem.

In the case of distinguishing between two models, each of which has no unknown parameters, use of the likelihood ratio test can be justified by the Neyman–Pearson lemma, which demonstrates that such a test has the highest power among all competitors.

Being a function of the data x, the likelihood ratio is therefore a statistic. The likelihood ratio test rejects the null hypothesis if the value of this statistic is too small. How small is too small depends on the significance level of the test, i.e., on what probability of Type I error is considered tolerable ("Type I" errors consist of the rejection of a null hypothesis that is true).

The numerator corresponds to the likelihood of an observed outcome under the null hypothesis. The denominator corresponds to the maximum likelihood of an observed outcome varying parameters over the whole parameter space. The numerator of this ratio is less than the denominator. The likelihood ratio hence is between 0 and 1. Low values of the likelihood ratio mean that the observed result was less likely to occur under the null hypothesis as compared to the alternative. High values of the statistic mean that the observed outcome was nearly as likely to occur under the null hypothesis as the alternative, and the null hypothesis cannot be rejected.

The likelihood-ratio test requires nested models – models in which the more complex one can be transformed into the simpler model by imposing a set of constraints on the parameters. If the models are not nested, then a generalization of the likelihood-ratio test can usually be used instead: the relative likelihood.



all.X <-data.frame(x.T=data.T, x.N=data.N, x.S=data.S, x.G=data.G, x.V=data.V, x.P=data.P, x.CEA2=data.CEA2, x.CA1992=data.CA1992)
TN.model <- cph(Surv(survival.time,survival.status)~ x.T+x.N, 
                data=all.X, na.action=na.omit )
TNC.model <- cph(Surv(survival.time,survival.status)~ x.T+x.N+x.CEA2, 
                 data=all.X, na.action=na.omit )
TN2TNC <- lrtest(TN.model, TNC.model)







《应用多元统计分析》 Wolfgang Hardle等著,陈诗一译. 北京大学出版社



维基百科 - likelihood ratio test
