今天收到一封MAIL,是转发了N次转发过来的,标题就叫 FW 听说是真有此事 ,内容如下(我是不信的,至于你怎么


今天收到一封MAIL,是转发了N次转发过来的,标题就叫“FW: ^_^听说是真有此事”,内容如下(我是不信的,至于你怎么看,就看你的行动了。不过,真的有趣,让我想起了以前的关于将IC卡放到微波炉里加热的事件了,两者很相似。):

----- Original Message -----
From: Frank huang
To: lily.chen不是电邮sonyericsson.com ; henry不是电邮bestworks.ws ; cmchen不是电邮bestworks.ws ; ling不是电邮cdxingrong.com ; caihongyu1001不是电邮hotmail.com ; cf ; cherrychy不是电邮msn.com ; createfuture不是电邮msn.com ; qiran_sun不是电邮hotmail.com ; suki_528不是电邮hotmail.com ; sukiyao ; winniyao不是电邮msn.com
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 10:31 AM
Subject: FW: ^_^听说是真有此事




From: alexliaoch不是电邮hotmail.com
To: aliao不是电邮altigen.com.cn; alexsheng888不是电邮msn.com; angela.li不是电邮quantum.com; anjay2009不是电邮hotmail.com; anniedong不是电邮hotmail.com; anthony_guo不是电邮hotmail.com; bchen不是电邮vip.sina.com; bchenbchen不是电邮hotmail.com; bestworks不是电邮hotmail.com; billliaoyh不是电邮hotmail.com; brother_chai不是电邮msn.com; brownwu2004不是电邮hotmail.com; brucepwg不是电邮hotmail.com; byron.wan不是电邮snipeforce.com; caiyong1961不是电邮hotmail.com; catherinelee不是电邮vip.sina.com; ccyayq1999不是电邮msn.com; ad50328877不是电邮online.sh.cn; chengbinnj不是电邮hotmail.com; cherry820516不是电邮hotmail.com; christina_cjyu不是电邮hotmail.com; cindymini1008不是电邮hotmail.com; comanlee不是电邮hotmail.com; cyws不是电邮hotmail.com; daniel_cai不是电邮hotmail.com; davchen不是电邮guomai.sh.cn; dcqlin不是电邮hotmail.com; ddfddf不是电邮hotmail.com; denis711014不是电邮hotmail.com; devenzhang不是电邮hotmail.com; donghu_jin不是电邮hotmail.com; dreamzhang21cn不是电邮hotmail.com; dudongfeng1975不是电邮hotmail.com; eleenlu不是电邮hotmail.com; elizachen不是电邮msn.com; emilyhyj不是电邮hotmail.com; emma_winifred不是电邮hotmail.com; jwue不是电邮jelang.com; atai_w不是电邮vip.163.com; frankwan不是电邮163.net; fredmao_2002不是电邮hotmail.com; fuls不是电邮hotmail.com; gangch1977不是电邮hotmail.com; garyjing不是电邮hotmail.com; gye1不是电邮yahoo.com; gujh02不是电邮msn.com; happypool_333不是电邮hotmail.com; helen_yy8158不是电邮hotmail.com; hellena_st不是电邮hotmail.com
Subject: FW: ^_^听说是真有此事
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 10:19:28 +0800


請不要管它是真還是假,試一下! 如下文章的意思是:(水平有限,可能翻譯得不是很正確,班門弄斧了!)

Dear Friends,
Please do not take this for a junk letter. Bill Gates is sharing his fortune. If you ignore this you will repent later. Microsoft and AOL are now the largest Internet companies and in an effort to make sure that Internet Explorer remains the most widely used program, Microsoft and AOL are running an e-mail beta test.
When you forward this e-mail to friends, Microsoft can and will track it (if you are a Microsoft Windows user) for a two week time period.
For every person that you forward this e-mail to, Microsoft will pay you $245.00, for every person that you sent it to that forwards it on, Microsoft will pay you $243.00 and for every third person that receives it, you will be paid $241.00. Within two week! s, Microsoft will contact you for your address and then send you a cheque.

請不要把此郵件當作是垃圾郵件。比爾.蓋茨正在施捨他的財富。如果你無視此封郵件稍後你將會追悔莫及.Microsoft and AOL 是現今最大的因特網公司並致力於確保因特網Windows資源管理器依然是使用最廣的程序,Microsoft and AOL 正在進行E-mail第二個階段的測試。

噹你把此e-mail轉送給你的朋友時,微軟將跟在兩周內蹤它(如果你是Microsoft Windows 的使用者)。


Best Regards, Liao Cheng - Alex


From: pepe_1943不是电邮hotmail.com
To: ada_2002不是电邮hotmail.com; alan238不是电邮hotmail.com; alexander_oy不是电邮hotmail.com; alexliaoch不是电邮hotmail.com; amita20不是电邮msn.com; annieone_777不是电邮hotmail.com; antony915不是电邮hotmail.com; applestree080084不是电邮hotmail.com; ate_six不是电邮hotmail.com; audrey-labelle不是电邮hotmail.com; aven_zhang不是电邮hotmail.com; babypanda118不是电邮hotmail.com; bbqshk不是电邮yahoo.com.hk; bobyoung19不是电邮hotmail.com; bug_andy不是电邮hotmail.com; c20h12不是电邮hotmail.com; cash66club不是电邮hotmail.com; cinderellaqq不是电邮hotmail.com; coolcoffee不是电邮hotmail.com; d_boy_eric不是电邮hotmail.com; dadawang820417不是电邮hotmail.com; dogie_heng不是电邮hotmail.com; edge_passion不是电邮hotmail.com; eva_lhrdl不是电邮hotmail.com; apple_zaozao不是电邮hotmail.com; gu_hung不是电邮hotmail.com; hermione_kim不是电邮hotmail.com; irence_an不是电邮hotmail.com; itsuki.wang不是电邮hotmail.com; jefay_不是电邮hotmail.com; jojo_xiaoyan不是电邮hotmail.com; jolene_chow不是电邮hotmail.com; jurek713不是电邮hotmail.com; kaoladekeai不是电邮hotmail.com; kenyou66不是电邮hotmail.com; leanyuan不是电邮hotmail.com; lisa_lilingyu不是电邮hotmail.com; littleblueprince不是电邮hotmail.com; mm_6s_kelly不是电邮msn.com; mmj826不是电邮hotmail.com; nanny_tang不是电邮hotmail.com; shadowboyze不是电邮hotmail.com; titi7171不是电邮msn.com; troopsk4不是电邮hotmail.com; tongtongy不是电邮hotmail.com; wing_sago不是电邮hotmail.com; wilsonlu0769不是电邮hotmail.com; yelianbing不是电邮hotmail.com
Subject: FW: ^_^听说是真有此事
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 13:52:01 +0000




From: wch1981不是电邮msn.com
Subject: FW: ^_^听说是真有此事
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 22:04:51 +1200

try for fun
Bessie Wo


Subject: FW: ^_^听说是真有此事
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 17:34:50 +0800
From: bessie.wo不是电邮xinhuafinancemedia.com



From: yiyi.zhou不是电邮bayerhealthcare.com [mailto:yiyi.zhou不是电邮bayerhealthcare.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2008 5:23 PM
Subject: ^_^听说是真有此事



Best Regards

Yiyi Zhou

Bayer Healthcare Co. Ltd.
Phone: +86-21-61466854
Fax: +86-21-61466855
EMail: yiyi.zhou不是电邮bayerhealthcare.com
Web:  http://www.bayerhealthcare.com

----- Forwarded by Yiyi Zhou/CCOTC/BHC/CN/BAYER on 2008-03-11 17:19 -----
'Zhu, Lily' 2008-03-11 16:56
Subject FW: ^_^听说是真有此事




-----Original Message-----
From: Chen, Minzhi
Sent: 2008年3月11日 14:33
Subject: FW: ^_^听说是真有此事

-----Original Message-----
From: Qi Weibo [mailto:qiwb不是电邮vip.sina.com]
Sent: 2008年3月11日 14:24
To: Chen, Minzhi; 陈伟; 陈英宗; 胡怀阳; 胡月琳; 焦峰; 李晓亮; 李旭; 马征海; 任斐; 宋保国; 郑珞; 蔡婷; 顾跃华; 郭超; 李悦; 张赤全
Cc: Che Yinglai; Li Chuanping; Luo Hao; Liu Heguang; He Ying; He Ying/Jiang's; Jing Hua; Wu Jingwen; Gui Kun; Li Gang; Zeng Liqing; Huang Na; Nie Mingyi; Su Ningjun; Qian Xuekun; Tian Ruihua; Wang Shan; Lin Shuliang; Tiny chu; wangxiaohui; Chen Weidong; Wang Xiaohui; Xia Shengli; Zhang Aijun; Xing Zhengning
Subject: 转发: ^_^听说是真有此事



发件人: Jenny.Zhang不是电邮cts.spx.com [mailto:Jenny.Zhang不是电邮cts.spx.com]
发送时间: 2008年3月11日 13:14
收件人: 784290不是电邮sina.com; verazhang1979不是电邮hotmail.com; jingyanzhang30不是电邮hotmail.com; jiang-yong-bao不是电邮hotmail.com; hua.he不是电邮tpo.biz; ddd9ddd9不是电邮126.com; d_zhiguo不是电邮hotmail.com; ayjli不是电邮126.com; qmxia不是电邮online.sh.cn; dby118不是电邮yahoo.com.cn; caichish不是电邮hotmail.com; guochao不是电邮gmail.com; qiwb不是电邮vip.sina.com
主题: Fw: ^_^听说是真有此事


Best regards / Mit freundlichen Gruessen / 诚挚的祝福,

Jenny Zhang
Assistant to MD

Wuxi Balcke-Duerr Technologies Co., Ltd.

8/F Treasury Building,
No.1568 Huashan Road,
Shanghai, China 200052

Phone:  +86 (21) 2208 5716
Fax:     +86 (21) 2208 5720
Mobile: +86 158 0085 7480
Email:  Jenny.Zhang不是电邮spx.com
MSN: jingyanzhang30不是电邮hotmail.com

Website: www.balcke-duerr.de / www.balcke-duerr.com.cn

----- Forwarded by Jenny Zhang/CTS/SPX on 03/11/2008 01:11 PM ----- 'Hu, Ming' 03/11/2008 12:03 PM

To undisclosed-recipients:; 
Subject FW: ^_^听说是真有此事




Gates太牛了,连我的公交卡号都知道,还直接结汇成人民币转入呢!以后坐车不要钱了,大家也来抢钱啊! JJJJJJJJJ
Hu Ming (胡鸣)
Country Operational Risk Management and Assurance



From: Ji, Andrew [mailto:Andrew.Ji不是电邮anz.com]
Sent: 2008年3月11日 11:21
Subject: FW: 抢钱!?



From: 钱慕蓉 [mailto:qianmurong不是电邮bankofshanghai.com]
Sent: Monday, 10 March 2008 4:53 PM
To: Ang; Apple; Bruce; Cryse; Gavin; Ji, Andrew; Jimy; Joecy; Karen; Lala; Milli; 白杰; 陈丽君; 陈伟刚; 戴志坚; 冯晓岚; 耿姗; 龚凌燕; 顾伟; 韩斌; 何海樱; 何莹; 黄春飞; 俊俊; 廖隽; 凌诒俊; 刘静; 刘凯; 刘希瑾; 刘昱晟; 鲁百杨; 孟鸿杰; 倩倩; 润宁; 邵伟毅; 沈高峰; 慎哥; 孙新茗; 汤燕华; 陶荣; 滕丽明; 田园; 小草; 晓亮; 忻玉雯; 徐宇峰; 姚姚; 叶正翔; 俞晨; 张春悦; 张俊; 周燕
Subject: 抢钱!?
发件人: 沈达 [mailto:shenda不是电邮bankofshanghai.com]
发送时间: 2008年3月10日 15:40
收件人: '沈瑜瑾'; '沈高峰'; 'lala'; '徐晓健'; '小张'; '章松清'; '年糕'; liukai不是电邮bankofshanghai.com; liqi不是电邮bankofshanghai.com; '田园'; '丁施平'; '萍'; 'Jenny Ying'; '朱洪峰'; '钱慕蓉'; '敏'; '小凌'; 'XiaTracy'
主题: [!! SPAM] 转发: spam轉寄^_^听说是真有此事
Best Regards,

沈  达



发件人: (SFM.LG)Sun Jinhua [mailto:sunjinhua不是电邮suntory.com.cn]
发送时间: 2008年3月10日 14:26
收件人: shenda不是电邮bankofshanghai.com
主题: 转发: spam轉寄^_^听说是真有此事



发件人: (SFM.LG)Zhuang HaiYan
发送时间: 2008年3月10日 14:11
收件人: (SFM.LG)Sun Jinhua
主题: spam轉寄^_^听说是真有此事
From: SUN Dan
Sent: 2008年3月10日 11:00
To: XI Jine; ZHANG YI S; ZHAO Ying H; ZHANG Caifang; ZHAO Jiejing; SHEN Yunhua; XU Hui K; XU Zhichun; CHAI Jin; CAO Jun; Chen Lipin; DONG Chenyan; YANG Jun S; CAI Xian
Subject: RE: spam轉寄^_^听说是真有此事



From: XI Jine
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2008 10:58 AM
To: ZHANG YI S; ZHAO Ying H; ZHANG Caifang; ZHAO Jiejing; SUN Dan; SHEN Yunhua; XU Hui K; XU Zhichun; CHAI Jin; CAO Jun; Chen Lipin; DONG Chenyan; YANG Jun S; CAI Xian
Subject: FW: spam轉寄^_^听说是真有此事



From: LIANG Xian
Sent: 2008年3月10日 10:48
To: XI Jine; LIU Xiaoyan; MA Lian; LIU JUN JLI; CHAI YU; WANG WENJIE; YANG COLLINS; ZENG YUNQI; ZHAN CHUNYAN; ZHU Ni; CUI Wei A; WANG Hui C; LENG Jiaguan; YIN Cheng; ZUO Shuli; CAI Xiling; CHEN Dong A; LIU Yu A; YE Jianfeng; YANG Baotong; WANG Hua F; SHEN Yamin; ZHENG Liang; GUO Jun B; ZHANG Yuan B; DING Xia; YAO Yonghua; CHEN Mingyan; HE Andi; GU Yuzhen; WANG Jun B; JIANG Yanqiong; WU Mingxian; CHEN Yongli; WU YAJUN-YD; ZHOU Yu; NI Yuan
Subject: FW: spam轉寄^_^



From: ZHANG Lei
Sent: 2008年3月10日 10:05
To: CHEN Cenxia; CHEN Wenbing; HUANG Yanwen; HUANG Yufang; LI Wei; LIANG Xian; MA JINGYI; MA Yue; QIAN Hongying; SHAO Yulai; SHEN Huijin; SHEN Jieren; SHU Xiang; WANG Huafang; WANG Qianjun; WANG Yongge; WANG Zhe A; WEI Qiang; WU Bin B; XU Lijing; XU Xinmei; YE Haifeng; YUAN Wei H; ZHUANG Jianqing
Subject: FW: spam轉寄^_^



From: ZHANG Yimin
Sent: 2008年3月10日 9:58
To: YU Jasmine; TANG Yi; TANG Qiongying; ZENG Linghui; XU Lijing; ZHENG Huan A; HUANG Jian F; WU Ziyi; WU Rui; YUAN Xiaoquan; SHEN Yamin; SHEN Yanli; HENG Jiahui; YAN Lei; ZHANG Lei; ZHANG Jian AHCS; FU Jing F; XI Yuming; WANG Yongge; CHEN Dan; ZHAO Lei F; XU Yan F; HE Andi; XU Yan; GUO Xuemei; BI Honglei; ZHANG Yini; GAO Yingxin; LIU Min; RUAN Fang; JIANG Yanqiong; WANG Junxiang; WU YAJUN-YD; GU Xiaolian; MA Lian; CAO Wenhao; CHE Junyi; (shijianhua不是电邮sanki-e.com); (July.Zhu不是电邮cn.henkel.com); WANG Julian JW; (wang_kai不是电邮vip.sohu.net); (sunnyxu不是电邮sh163.net); (weifeng_qian不是电邮canon.com.cn); (huyanwei不是电邮hotmail.com); (xiongy不是电邮shciq.gov.cn); ZHANG Charlie; LI Qin; XU Jin F; YANG Xiaopei
Subject: RE: spam轉寄^_^
哇,刚才看了卡,居然多了5000多USD啊,神啊 Zhang Yimin
Customer Satsfaction & Quality
Alcatel Shanghai Bell, Ltd.
Ext: 021-58541240-8523
Fax: 021-58340090
Mail: Yimin.Zhang不是电邮Alcatel-Sbell.com.cn



From: YU Jasmine
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2008 9:52 AM
To: TANG Yi; TANG Qiongying; ZENG Linghui; XU Lijing; ZHENG Huan A; HUANG Jian F; WU Ziyi; WU Rui; YUAN Xiaoquan; SHEN Yamin; SHEN Yanli; HENG Jiahui; YAN Lei; ZHANG Lei; ZHANG Jian AHCS; FU Jing F; XI Yuming; WANG Yongge; CHEN Dan; ZHAO Lei F; XU Yan F; HE Andi; XU Yan; GUO Xuemei; BI Honglei; ZHANG Yini; ZHANG Yimin; GAO Yingxin; LIU Min; RUAN Fang; JIANG Yanqiong; WANG Junxiang; WU YAJUN-YD; GU Xiaolian; MA Lian; CAO Wenhao; CHE Junyi; (shijianhua不是电邮sanki-e.com); (July.Zhu不是电邮cn.henkel.com); WANG Julian JW; (wang_kai不是电邮vip.sohu.net); (sunnyxu不是电邮sh163.net); (weifeng_qian不是电邮canon.com.cn); (huyanwei不是电邮hotmail.com); (xiongy不是电邮shciq.gov.cn); ZHANG Charlie; LI Qin; XU Jin F; YANG Xiaopei
Subject: FW: spam轉寄^_^



From: Sun, Yiming (GE Infra, Energy) [mailto:Yiming.Sun不是电邮ge.com]
Sent: 2008年3月10日 8:50
To: Chu Jennifer ; ruonan.zhang不是电邮li-ning.com.cn; weinayou不是电邮hotmail.com; archang0175不是电邮sina.com; sindyzhong不是电邮hotmail.com; combe88不是电邮163.com; liuxx不是电邮xinhuagroup.com; shen_lie2001不是电邮yahoo.com.cn; Grace.YW.Sun不是电邮standardchartered.com; gg1218不是电邮hotmail.com; YU Jasmine; Horizon_penny不是电邮hotmail.com; Gao, Jia (GE Infra, Energy); Gu, Jun (GE Infra, Energy); Han Caihua (GE Infra, Energy); Li, Li (GE Infra, Energy); Xia, Shufang (GE Infra, Energy); yang, xinwei; Zhou, Yan (GE Infra, Energy); Zuo, Yun (GE, Corporate); JVC; 费; 猫; 小戴戴; 小哈; 晏然
Subject: FW: spam轉寄^_^



From: Xia, Shufang (GE Infra, Energy)
Sent: 2008年3月10日 8:26
To: Jiang, Zhe (GE Infra, Energy); Jiang, Xiaorong (GE Infra, Energy); Qiu, Dongping (GE Infra, Energy); Zhong, Weidong (GE Infra, Energy); Chen, Qun (GE Infra, Energy); Sun, Yiming (GE Infra, Energy)
Subject: FW: spam轉寄^_^






发件人: Ring Xuan(宣卫圆)
发送时间: 2008年3月7日 11:36
主题: 转发: [Goal-07th] FW: UK requirement the most NB Scam ever,check it out, would U believe it?
Believe or not. It is depends on you!



From: HU Wei D
Sent: 2008年3月7日 10:21
To: SHI Lianjun A; LI Chao; CAI Zongjia; GAO PING; ZHANG Wei Y; SUN YULIN; DU Jianxin; HE Wei C; REN Shanhu; ZHOU Zhenjie
Cc: GOAL-07TH mailing-list
Subject: Re: [Goal-07th] FW: UK requirement the most NB Scam ever,check it out, would U believe it?



From: SHI Lianjun A
Sent: 2008年3月7日 10:03
To: HU Wei D; LI Chao; CAI Zongjia; GAO PING; ZHANG Wei Y; SUN YULIN; DU Jianxin; HE Wei C; REN Shanhu; ZHOU Zhenjie
Cc: GOAL-07TH mailing-list
Subject: RE: [Goal-07th] FW: UK requirement the most NB Scam ever,check it out, would U believe it?



From: HU Wei D
Sent: 2008年3月7日 10:01
To: SHI Lianjun A; LI Chao; CAI Zongjia; GAO PING; ZHANG Wei Y; SUN YULIN; DU Jianxin; HE Wei C; REN Shanhu; ZHOU Zhenjie
Cc: GOAL-07TH mailing-list
Subject: RE: [Goal-07th] FW: UK requirement the most NB Scam ever,check it out, would U believe it?



From: SHI Lianjun A
Sent: 2008年3月7日 9:59
To: HU Wei D; LI Chao; CAI Zongjia; GAO PING; ZHANG Wei Y; SUN YULIN; DU Jianxin; HE Wei C; REN Shanhu; ZHOU Zhenjie
Cc: GOAL-07TH mailing-list
Subject: RE: [Goal-07th] FW: UK requirement the most NB Scam ever,check it out, would U believe it?



From: HU Wei D
Sent: 2008年3月7日 9:57
To: LI Chao; CAI Zongjia; GAO PING; ZHANG Wei Y; SUN YULIN; DU Jianxin; HE Wei C; REN Shanhu; ZHOU Zhenjie
Cc: GOAL-07TH mailing-list
Subject: Re: [Goal-07th] FW: UK requirement the most NB Scam ever,check it out, would U believe it?
-----Original Message-----
From: Liao, David
Sent: 2008年3月6日 13:56^Kate
To: 'Xia, Xinsheng'; 'Zhuang.Chen陳狀'; Qian, Ely; Qian, Jack; Shen, Kate
Subject: FW: UK requirement the most NB Scam ever, check it out, would U believe it?
Thanks & Kind regards,
David Liao
-----Original Message-----
From: Wang, King
Sent: 2008年3月6日 12:06
To: Wang, Morlun; Cao, Dilly; Ji, Rain; Liu, Nico; Gu, Conia; Liao, David; He, HongZhi
Subject: FW: UK requirement the most NB Scam ever, check it out, would U believe it?



发件人: Kanty Huang-Pmc-Micro
发送时间: 2008年3月5日 16:43
主题: 转发: the most NB Scam ever, check it out, would U believe it?



From: Cherry Tu(屠慧新_ASH)
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2008 1:12 PM
To: Gold Cai(蔡庸金_ASH); Peaker Cheng(程峰峰_ASH); Angel Zhang(張丹_ASH); Aimee Chen(陳小婷_ASH); Mei-fang Zhou(周梅芳_ASH); Eve Wang(王新意_ASH); Collin Pan(潘國營_ASH); Cunchang Gao(高存昌_ASH)
Subject: FW: the most NB Scam ever, check it out, would U believe it?
Best Regards,


請不要管它是真還是假,試一下! 如下文章的意思是:(水平有限,可能翻譯得不是很正確,班門弄斧了!)
Dear Friends,
Please do not take this for a junk letter. Bill Gates is sharing his fortune. If you ignore this you will repent later. Microsoft and AOL are now the largest Internet companies and in an effort to make sure that Internet Explorer remains the most widely used program, Microsoft and AOL are running an e-mail beta test.
請不要把此郵件當作是垃圾郵件。比爾.蓋茨正在施捨他的財富。如果你無視此封郵件稍後你將會追悔莫及.Microsoft and AOL 是現今最大的因特網公司並致力於確保因特網Windows資源管理器依然是使用最廣的程序,Microsoft and AOL 正在進行E-mail第二個階段的測試。

When you forward this e-mail to friends, Microsoft can and will track it (if you are a Microsoft Windows user) for a two week time period.
噹你把此e-mail轉送給你的朋友時,微軟將跟在兩周內蹤它(如果你是Microsoft Windows 的使用者)。
For every person that you forward this e-mail to, Microsoft will pay you $245.00, for every person that you sent it to that forwards it on, Microsoft will pay you $243.00 and for every third person that receives it, you will be paid $241.00. Within two week! s, Microsoft will contact you for your address and then send you a cheque.
Don’t Know True Or False, Just Have  a   Try

Dear Friends,
Please do not take this for a junk letter. Bill Gates is sharing his fortune. If you ignore this you will repent later. Microsoft and AOL are now the largest Internet companies and in an effort to make sure that Internet Explorer remains the most widely used program, Microsoft and AOL are running an e-mail beta test.

When you forward this e-mail to friends, Microsoft can and will track it (if you are a Microsoft Windows user) for a two week time period.

For every person that you forward this e-mail to, Microsoft will pay you $245.00, for every person that you sent it to that forwards it on, Microsoft will pay you $243.00 and for every third person that receives it, you will be paid $241.00. Within two week! s, Microsoft will contact you for your address and then send you a cheque.  

From: w.p (汪萍 - MSL)
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 9:52 AM
Subject: RE: UK requirement

是真的啊! 我刚才查了一下我的工资卡,但是只加了10000USD人民币..早知道该多发几个人的.

From: Zhou, Sophia [mailto:sophia.zhou不是电邮tycoelectronics.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 9:26 AM
To: Yu-Hao.Wang不是电邮fciconnect.com; Qin, W.j; Dai, Delling; Lv, Grace; Zhou, Housheng; Stanley.Hu不是电邮sony.com.cn; Yin, LM; Wu, Lucy; Wang, Lisa; Shan, Xiaohui
Subject: FW: UK requirement
Rumor ?
Why not try ? even it's a rumor...



Clair Ding
Assistant Coordinator,Strategic Sourcing

Edna Zhen Tech-Yeh (Shanghai) Computer Co., Ltd. Dept: NB4 Marketing and Sales Tel:86-21-37818468  Ext:42609 Fax:86-21-57749706 E-mail: Edna.Zheng不是电邮quantacn.com




Try it!!

Best Regards                                                                                                                                                                
Nikko Shen(申成虎)
NB4 Marketing & Sales Division I
QUANTA  Computer Inc.
TEL:+86-21-37748168# 42604





 Best Regards 
 Jack Zhang   张德宏
Notebook NPI MPM
Lenovo Global Supply Chain
8/F,No.696.Songtao Rd.,
Post Code:201203    
Lenovo: Innovation for Customers 
Think  Lenovo !   
Tel:  86+21 50504500
Fax:  86+21 50807241
Mobile: 13681630821



----- 转发人 zhangdha/Legend 时间 2006-09-21 09:58 -----


   王虎 2006-09-21 09:47         
    收件人:        yan.fei不是电邮inventec.com.cn, squarl.luo不是电邮mic.com.tw, Juno_Chen不是电邮wistron.com.tw, kaci_li不是电邮hanasha.com
    抄送:        'j j' , (密送: zhangdha/Legend)
    主题:        UK requirement



但相信一定有人得到 money 了,转吧,哪怕一美分呢,至少说明 microsoft windows 真能追踪到咱们每天发的mail,太可怕了!


Best Regards ! 
Tiger     王 虎
Storage Procurement Engineering
Global Procurement Dept.
Global Supply Chain                        
Lenovo: Innovation for Customers
Think Lenovo!   
Tel: 8621  50504500 Ext: 8159
Fax: 8621  50807247



----- 转发人 wanghu/Legend 时间 2006-09-21 09:32 -----


   高伟 2006-09-21 09:20         
    抄送:        (密送: wanghu/Legend)
    主题:        转发: UK requirement



have fun


Thanks and best regards

Gao Wei 

Global Commodity Manager--Option
Lenovo Global Strategic Procurement
Tel:+86 10 5886,5597
Fax:+86 10 5886,3425
We are the new. We are the future. We are Lenovo!
Think Lenovo!

----- 转发人 gaoweii/Legend 时间 2006-09-21 09:10 -----


   Cheng Yi 2006-09-21 08:59         
    主题:        转发: UK requirement




Cheng Yi






主题: FW: UK requirement

let's prey together! and forward it!

Carrie Ding
GE Healthcare China - Sourcing
Tel: (8610)58068103
Mobile: 13910325241
Email: YuanCarrie.Ding不是电邮med.ge.com GCO support central: http://supportcentral.ge.com/products/sup_products.asp?prod_id=37774 北京市经济技术开发区永昌北路1号
通用电气 100176





From: Liu, Xiaoling (GE Healthcare, consultant)
Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 5:28 PM
Subject: FW: UK requirement





From: Li, Lei Fireman (GE Healthcare)
Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 4:07 PM
To: Guo Z.B-r64519; Yao Robert-r39410; Wang, Gary; Chen, Hui C; leeyang不是电邮cn.aem-evertech.com; Lee Jackie-

see see if I could got any....




发件人: Guo Z.B-r64519 [mailto:r64519不是电邮freescale.com]
发送时间: 2006年9月20日 15:59
收件人: Yao Robert-r39410; Wang, Gary; Chen, Hui C; leeyang不是电邮cn.aem-evertech.com; Lee Jackie-E13673; ZiJing Liu; Li, Lei Fireman (GE Healthcare)
主题: FW: UK requirement
重要性: 低

-----Original Message-----
From: Yu J.Z.-r50073
Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 2:20 PM
To: Wang Xin-R44671; Duan X.W.-r59816; Li Jake-r59931; Zhang Y.S-r64807; Huang Xiaobin-r65279; Peng Gang-r65098; Yang J.D-r65099; Chen Guoquan-r66087; Feng Ying-r66624; Yu Dongbin-r66108; Wang Juan-r34360; Guo Z.B-r64519; Chen C.Q-r63204; Lan Tian-r63203; Li Z.W.-r61258; Han Daniel-r59527; Wang Yi-r57094; Liang Song-r55387; Yin L.M-r55221; Zhang Lei-r54219
Subject: FW: UK requirement
Importance: Low


-----Original Message-----
From: Wei Vivian-r60694
Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 1:45 PM
Subject: FW: UK requirement
Importance: Low

come on~





From: Wang Viki-r61616
Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 1:32 PM
Subject: FW: UK requirement
Importance: Low
Have a try, you may get rich, hehe. refer to the bottom email




From: Wei Vivian-A21299 [mailto:A21299不是电邮motorola.com]



From: Yang Mei-a19586
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 4:19 PM
Subject: FW: UK requirement
Importance: Low
HAHA Just have a try!Hope you are lucky !

Thanks and regards,

From: Jing Li-A13518
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 3:49 PM
Subject: FW: UK requirement
Importance: Low

hope you are lucky


Thanks and Regards
Li Jing
General Accounting Manager
Motorola Accounting Services Center
Phone Number: 86-22-25328282-8502; or
Mobil Phone: 86-13502030212
Fax Number: 86-22-25328358    
E-mail Address: a13518不是电邮email.mot.com
vATC Web: http://vatc.mot.com



From: Qin Wen-A13449
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 3:15 PM
Subject: FW: UK requirement
Importance: Low

I'm waiting for my cheque ......





From: Zhu Jin-song-A17084
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 2:24 PM
Subject: FW: UK requirement
Importance: Low
Please read the last page,and try it. Maybe you will get a surprise!!





From: Zhao Xi-A21275
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 11:48 AM
Subject: FW: UK requirement
Importance: Low
Have a try! :)





From: Liu, Yue (GE Money, consultant) [mailto:liu.yue不是电邮ge.com]
Sent: 2006年9月19日 11:25
To: Zhao Xi-A21275
Subject: FW: UK requirement
Importance: Low

-----Original Message-----
From: She, WanTing (GE, Corporate)
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 10:39 AM
Subject: FW: UK requirement
Importance: Low
Wooooooo~ Try this.

-----Original Message-----
From: Zhang, Joyce (GE, Corporate)
Sent: 2006年9月19日 10:33
To: Yu, Miao (GE, Corporate); Liu, Xin (GE, Corporate, contractor); Du, Wendy (GE Indust, GE Fanuc, non-ge); She, WanTing (GE, Corporate); He, Tingchen (GE, Corporate); cailiangxu不是电邮hotmail.com; caicaiheniuniu不是电邮tom.com
Subject: FW: UK requirement
Importance: Low
Believe it or not... no harm to have a try : )

-----Original Message-----
From: Feng, Selena (GE, Corporate)
Sent: 2006年9月15日 19:08
To: Zhang, Joyce (GE, Corporate); Nee, Catherine HB (GE, Corporate); Yang, Jill (GE, Corporate); Zhao, Xi Smily(GE, Corporate); Zhang, Vini (GE, Corporate); Zhang, Renee J (GE, Corporate); He, Sherry (GE Indust, Advanced Materials)
Subject: FW: UK requirement
Importance: Low
Yeah, never try, never know.

-----Original Message-----
From: Yan, Sicilia (GE, Corporate)
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 2:00 PM
To: Zhang, Diane (GE, Corporate); Tang, Ge (GE, Corporate, consultant); Wang, Lydia (GE, Corporate); Peng, Nancy (GE, Corporate); Gao, Bin (GE, Corporate); Feng, Selena (GE, Corporate)
Subject: FW: UK requirement
hehe, for fun.

-----Original Message-----
From: Gong, Shang Mei Helen [mailto:Helen.Gong不是电邮innovene.com]
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 1:53 PM
Subject: FW: UK requirement
Just try.

Best regards,

Helen Gong






From: Hu, Wei Stella
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 1:22 PM
Subject: FW: UK requirement
Let me have a try.





From: He, Yu Qing Amy
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 1:16 PM
Subject: FW: UK requirement
nothing to loose.






From: Gu Elaine [mailto:GuElaine不是电邮ocbc.com]
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 11:28 AM
To: Gu Elaine
Subject: FW: UK requirement
Please read the last page to know why.....





From: You Tina [mailto:tina.you不是电邮m-real.com]
Sent: 15 September 2006 10:59
Subject: FW: UK requirement
how do they know our account no.? anyway, just try it!
-----Original Message-----
From: Tang, Acho: Ms. [mailto:Acho.Tang不是电邮epcos.com]
Sent: 2006年9月15日 10:37
To: undisclosed-recipients
Subject: FW: UK requirement

Tel: +86 (21)  3302 4620 Ext. 29






From: Pan, Nicole [mailto:nicole.pan不是电邮intel.com]
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 10:26 AM
Subject: FW: UK requirement





From: Huang, Ying-Qi (PSG-CDC-CHINA) [mailto:huang.thomson不是电邮hp.com]
Sent: 2006年9月15日 9:49
Subject: FW: UK requirement






From: Xu, Jie (PSG-FIN-SH)
Sent: 2006年9月15日 9:30
To: Pdl Psg-fa; Zhang, Joyce (PSG-CDC-SH); Zhang, Allen (PSG-CDC); Fang, James (PSG CDC); Huang, Ying-Qi (PSG-CDC-CHINA); Wang, Cherry (PSG-VDTO-CHINA); Wang, Tony (PSG-CDC); Gong, Wen-Juan (PSG-VDTO-BST)
Subject: FW: UK requirement
Thanks & Warmest Regards Jacqueline Xu Tel: 021-28982553
Fax:  021-28982577





From: Wang, Yan (PSG-SPO-BJ)
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2006 6:38 PM
To: 'jinli不是电邮founder.com'; Wang, Winona (IPG-BJ); Wang, Yu-Min (PSG-BPC-CHINA-SH); Xu, Jie (PSG-FIN-SH); Shu, Jian-Wen (PSG-FIN-SH); Mo, Yi-Yan (Amanda,GO-CRO-SH); 'wfxh139'; 'fengxinzi不是电邮sina.com'; Huang, Sha (IPG FA); He, Iris (IPG FA); Yuan, Jun-Qiang (PSG-SPO-BJ)
Subject: 转发: UK requirement

Don't know how ture it is....but try lo......


发件人: Tsai, Jessica
发送时间: 2006年9月14日 14:15
主题: FW: UK requirement
Don't know how ture it is....but try lo......



Give it a try!

From: Seow Chuan Jimmy Quek (DHL SG)
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 5:07 PM
To: 'SLI_BKK'; Alex Vun (DHL SG); Liyun Jocelyn Gan (DHL SG); Lay Boon - Angela Koh (DHL SG); Guan Hong Soh (DHL SG); Seow Chuan Jimmy Quek (DHL SG); Othman Asiah Bte (DHL SG); Mohd Halik Khairiah Bte (DHL SG); Guan Hong Soh (DHL SG); Jessica-KH Chua; eileen.lim不是电邮dhl.com; Phang SeeMun (DHL SG); Jing-Guan Ong; Grace Goh (DHL SG); Tristan Lim EK (DHL SG); Andrew Tan (DHL SG); Ghee Hua - Sebastian Wu (DHL SG); Chikhin Chin (DHL SG); Chin Poh - James Ng (DHL SG); Michelle Lin (DHL SG); Wee Wee Joanna Ho (DHL SG); Ivy Sim (DHL SG); Su Vui - Vivi Chong (DHL SG); wen.hui.su不是电邮dhl.com; charmaine_kong不是电邮hotmail.com; Soo-Ngin Lim; Glynn Leong (DHL SG); Lilian Seet (DHL SG); Quek Seow Chye Alan; Stella Gan (DHL SG); 'Stella Chin'; Patricia Toh (DHL SG); Patricia Lim (DHL SG); Chew Lan - Karen Koh (DHL SG); Lei Ping Cheryl Lim (DHL SG); Chih Meng Lee (DHL SG); Jannie Tian (DHL SG); Caryl Phan (DHL SG)
Subject: FW: UK requirement

I have received $24595 in my POSB account!!
You guys should try!

What’s amazing right from the start of this mail is that, we don’t have to provide any account no, or mailing address and the money or cheque will reach you eventually.

Quick before I take all the money. So send to as many as you can!
Mai Tu Liao!!!!





From: Othman Asiah Bte (DHL SG)
Never try Never know……ha ha ha

From: Nordin Napsiah (DHL SG)
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 11:12 AM
To: Siti Nurfiza; Ruzman Nordin; Nizom_Nordin不是电邮Singaporeair.com.sg; dlela68不是电邮yahoo.com; Hui Chin - Shirley Wee (DHL SG); Wahidah Ahmad (DHL SG); Yusof Nooraini (DHL SG); Othman Asiah Bte (DHL SG); Faikah Hashim (DHL SG); amsyar2005不是电邮yahoo.com; umiqa不是电邮yahoo.com.sg
Subject: FW: UK requirement

No harm trying..mana tau rezeki kita...





From: Ai Lee Rhina Oei (DHL SG)
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 10:06 AM
To: Jean Nah (DHL SG); Li Li Hong (DHL SG); Vernetta Ng (DHL SG); June Wong (DHL SG); Salamah Salbi (DHL SG); Esther Sit; Nicole Teh (teh.wan.ying不是电邮comptel.com); Jovvy Soon (DHL SG); Kamariah
Subject: FW: UK requirement

Dunno how true is this; but no harm trying…….can’t say no to extra $$$.........





From: SitiRohana Haron (DHL MY)
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 8:55 AM
To: AhmadAzari AhmadKamal (DHL MY)
Cc: Noor Zaitushima Md Sohaaimy (DHL MY); Suziwati Jamal (DHL MY); Suhaimi Sulaiman (DHL MY)
Subject: FW: UK requirement






From: SutTa PaiSasure (DHL MY)
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 8:47 AM
To: SitiRohana Haron (DHL MY); Nurfaizah Hamzar (DHL MY); Amas Suria Ahmad (DHL MY); Azman Abd-Karim; Mohd Fairuz Sulaiman (DHL MY); mallie papoo; Michele Lim; bent; pui fhenn; pui swee khoon; phi Gulloe; su neeb neeb;





; raj

~ Esther Tai ~

DHL Global Forwarding
Finance Department
Danzas AEI (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd

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你可能感兴趣的:(今天收到一封MAIL,是转发了N次转发过来的,标题就叫 FW 听说是真有此事 ,内容如下(我是不信的,至于你怎么)