

Hadoop’s namenode and datanodes expose a bunch of TCP ports used by Hadoop’s daemons to communicate to each other or listen directly to users’ requests. These ports information are needed by both the Hadoop users and cluster administrators to write programs or configure firewalls/gateways accordingly.

Hadoop的namenode和datanode公开了一堆TCP端口,Hadoop守护进程使用这些TCP端口相互通信或直接侦听用户的请求。 Hadoop用户和集群管理员都需要这些端口信息来编写程序或相应地配置防火墙/网关。

A post written by Philip Zeyliger from Cloudera’s blog summarizes the default ports used by Hadoop:

Cloudera博客的Philip Zeyliger撰写的帖子总结了Hadoop使用的默认端口:

Hadoop Default Ports Quick Reference.

Hadoop默认端口快速参考 。

Please note that these ports are also configuration through Hadoop’s configuration, such as the DFS and jobtracker’s ports in conf/core-site.xml conf/mapred-site.xml as used in the Hadoop Installation Tutorial.

请注意,这些端口也是通过Hadoop的配置来配置的,例如Hadoop安装教程中使用的conf / core-site.xml conf / mapred-site.xml中的DFS和jobtracker的端口。

翻译自: https://www.systutorials.com/hadoop-default-ports/

