
【在基督的身体里】In Son’s Body

0152 – 1992.7.9  9:40 (西班牙语)

The Vehicle, My Daughter. The Vehicle, My Daughter. The Vehicle, My Daughter. My Daughter has to look for the Vehicle, for the Vehicle is going to break down, My Daughter. You have to watch the Vehicle for it's going to break down. Hear Me! Hear Me! The Vehicle is going to break down on the road of the devil. It's going to break down. You have to hear Me! For the Vehicle, it's going to break down. My Daughter hear Me! The road is going to be dark. The road is going to be hard.


The Vehicle is going to break down My Daughter, with tears, with the tears of My Eyes, I am telling you, My Daughter, that the Vehicle is going to break down. You're going to be frightened because it's going to be dark and you aren't going to know what to do. You're going to have to Pray with all of your heart, with all of your mind, and hide yourself, and hide yourself for the devil is looking for you. The Date is here, now, that the Vehicle broke down on the road and the dogs of the devil are going to look for you, with hunger for the meat of God.


Make yourself Strong, and hide yourself, and Pray with your mind, with your spirit, for the Day has arrived My Sons, My Daughters. It is here, the Day that I told you in the Bible years ago. You have to Pray with all of your heart, and hide yourself. Hide yourself for the devil is going to look for you. Did you Hear Me? Do you have your ears open? For if you want to save yourself you have to hide yourself. It's not important where, just hide, for the Mark of the devil is going to want to eat you. It's going to look for you, but if you hide yourself in the Body of God, in the Body of My Son Jesus, you can save yourself. For the dogs, the mad dogs have hunger. They have filth. They have the teeth of a dog, of the devil, of all that is evil.


Make yourself strong, don't cry, for your Father is here, with your King of Kings, My Son, and the Holy Spirit. Make yourself strong and We will protect you. Did you hear Me? WE WILL PROTECT YOU! Never forget, We are there with you all the time. We will never leave you alone.


This is your Father. The Father of the World, of Heaven, of all that there is, and all that's going to be, with tears, with tears, I tell you the truth. The day of the devil is almost here. Make yourself strong and Pray, and look for your brothers, in the Body of God. For, in that way, you will be able to save yourself and also your brothers and sisters with Prayers of your heart. Hear Me! Hear Me! This is your Father with the Son, and the Holy Spirit.



1. 罗马书 12:4-5


2. 哥林多前书 10:17


3. 哥林多前书 12:12-13


4. 以弗所书 5:30


5. 歌罗西书 1:18


6. 歌罗西书 1:24

