

【Chapter1 启智篇】穷人获得金钱却不懂得花在有价值的东西上,他们大部分的钱都是用在解决眼前紧急但对未来不重要的事情上,他们渴望改变,却没有意识到,要从每一件小事开始,只有挤出自己的时间和资源,放到能对未来起作用的地方,改变才可能发生。

    The poor are not able  to allocate money on valuable things.The majority of their money is spent on necessities and to resolve urgent problem that are not related to the future.Most want to change.However,they do not realize that,in order to change,they must convert their time and resources from every little event into something that would affect their future.

