product_no lac_id moment start_time user_id county_id staytime city_id
13429100031 22554 8 2013-03-11 08:55:19.151754088 571 571 282 571
13429100082 22540 8 2013-03-11 08:58:20.152622488 571 571 270 571
13429100082 22691 8 2013-03-11 08:56:37.149593624 571 571 103 571
13429100087 22705 8 2013-03-11 08:56:51.139539816 571 571 220 571
13429100087 22540 8 2013-03-11 08:55:45.150276800 571 571 66 571
13429100082 22540 8 2013-03-11 08:55:38.140225200 571 571 133 571
13429100140 26642 9 2013-03-11 09:02:19.151754088 571 571 18 571
13429100082 22691 8 2013-03-11 08:57:32.151754088 571 571 287 571
13429100189 22558 8 2013-03-11 08:56:24.139539816 571 571 48 571
13429100349 22503 8 2013-03-11 08:54:30.152622440 571 571 211 571
13429100031 22554 8 2013-03-11 08:55:19.151754088 571 571 282 571
13429100082 22540 8 2013-03-11 08:58:20.152622488 571 571 270 571
13429100082 22691 8 2013-03-11 08:56:37.149593624 571 571 370 571
13429100082 22540 8 2013-03-11 08:55:38.140225200 571 571 133 571
13429100087 22705 8 2013-03-11 08:56:51.139539816 571 571 220 571
13429100087 22540 8 2013-03-11 08:55:45.150276800 571 571 66 571
13429100140 26642 9 2013-03-11 09:02:19.151754088 571 571 18 571
13429100189 22558 8 2013-03-11 08:56:24.139539816 571 571 48 571
13429100349 22503 8 2013-03-11 08:54:30.152622440 571 571 211 571
import com.datascience.test.{Track, SecondarySort}
import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}
* Created by on 2017/11/13.
object FindTrack {
def parse(line: String) = {
val pieces = line.split("\t")
val product_no = pieces(0).toString
val lac_id = pieces(1).toString
val moment = pieces(2).toString
val start_time = pieces(3).toString
val user_id = pieces(4).toString
val county_id = pieces(5).toString
val staytime = pieces(6).toInt
val city_id = pieces(7).toString
val se = new SecondarySort(product_no, start_time)
val track = new Track(product_no, lac_id,moment,start_time,user_id,county_id,staytime, city_id)
def isHeader(line: String): Boolean = {
def compTo(one:String,another:String):Int = {
val len = one.length -1
val v1 = one.toCharArray
val v2 = another.toCharArray
for(i <- 0 to len){
val c1 = v1(i)
val c2 = v2(i)
if(c1 != c2) return c1 -c2
return 0
def add(x:Track, y:Track): Track = {
if (compTo(x.startTime, y.startTime) < 0) {
new Track(x.productNo,x.lacId,x.moment,x.startTime,x.userId,x.countyId,x.staytime + y.staytime,x.cityId)
else {
new Track(y.productNo,y.lacId,y.moment,y.startTime,y.userId,y.countyId,x.staytime + y.staytime,y.cityId)
def get(x:(SecondarySort,Iterable[Track])) :Track = {
val xIter = x._2.head
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val sc = new SparkContext(new SparkConf().setAppName("FindTrack"))
val base = "/user/ds/"
val rawData = sc.textFile(base + "track.txt")
val mds = rawData.filter(x => !isHeader(x)).map{x => parse(x)}.groupByKey().sortByKey(true).collect().map{x => get(x)}.reduceLeft{ (x, y) =>
if((x.productNo == y.productNo && x.lacId == y.lacId))
add(x, y)
* Created by on 2017/11/13.
class SecondarySort(val first:String, val second:String) extends Ordered[SecondarySort] with Serializable{
def compTo(one:String,another:String):Int = {
val len = one.length -1
val v1 = one.toCharArray
val v2 = another.toCharArray
for(i <- 0 to len){
val c1 = v1(i)
val c2 = v2(i)
if(c1 != c2) return c1 -c2
return 0
override def compare(that: SecondarySort): Int = {
val minus = compTo(this.first,that.first)
if(minus !=0) return minus
return -compTo(this.second,that.second)
override def equals(obj:Any) :Boolean = {
if(!obj.isInstanceOf[SecondarySort]) return false
val obj2 = obj.asInstanceOf[SecondarySort]
return (this.first==obj2.first) && (this.second==obj2.second)
override def toString :String = {
first +" "+ second
override def hashCode :Int = {
return this.first.hashCode()+this.second.hashCode();
* Created by on 2017/11/13.
class Track extends java.io.Serializable {
var productNo : String = ""
var lacId : String = ""
var moment : String = ""
var startTime : String = ""
var userId : String = ""
var countyId : String = ""
var staytime : Int = 0
var cityId : String = ""
def this(_productNo: String, _lacId: String,_moment: String, _startTime: String,_userId: String,_countyId: String,_staytime: Int, _cityId: String)
this.productNo = _productNo
this.lacId = _lacId
this.moment = _moment
this.startTime = _startTime
this.userId = _userId
this.countyId = _countyId
this.staytime = _staytime
this.cityId = _cityId
override def toString :String = {
productNo +" "+ lacId + " "+ moment + " " + startTime + " " + userId + " "+ countyId + " "+ staytime + " " + cityId