
系统出现问题使用恢复点恢复了下,VS2019不能卸载修复更新了,bing国际版搜索关键词uninstall visual studio 2019 搜到下面这个社区的解决方案,链接:Unable to repair, modify or uninstall VS 2019https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/530941/unable-to-repair-modify-or-uninstall-vs-2019.html;按照说明操作解决问题,关键内容摘录如下,以供大家遇到同样问题时采纳:

I’m sorry to hear that this issue still blocks you. It seems that your vs instances have become corrupted. Unfortunately, machines already in this state are forced to clean up their installations and apply a fresh Visual Studio installation.

Can you please follow the cleanup steps and retry your VS install, run the InstallCleanup.exe tool will remove installation files and product information for all installed instances of Visual Studio 2017 or Visual Studio 2019:

  • See if you have this file on your machine: "%programfiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\resources\app\layout\InstallCleanup.exe"
  • If so, please launch it from an admin command prompt with a -full param

InstallCleanup.exe –full

  • If not, please manually delete the "%programfiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer” folder
  • Relaunch the newly downloaded vs_enterprise.exe (or vs_professional.exe or vs_community.exe…)
  • Allow the first step to install the installer
  • Once the installer comes up and you can see workload choices (.net desktop and the like), close it
  • Go launch the same InstallCleanup.exe to clean up old build of VS
  • Verify that your initial install location for VS is removed. If it is not, delete it manually.
  • Then relaunch vs_enterprise.exe and install VS

Please let us know if this unblocks you.
