

The cover slide in this presentation, with its 3-D column and pie charts, led me to believe that the content wouldn't be too useful. However, a different person must have prepared the remaining slides, because they have some useful tips.

本演示文稿的封面幻灯片及其3-D柱形图和饼图使我相信内容不会太有用。 但是,其他人必须准备了剩余的幻灯片,因为它们有一些有用的提示。

The last slide shows that the content is from Mike Alexander's book, Excel Dashboards & Reports for Dummies, which was published last year.

最后一张幻灯片显示内容来自Mike Alexander的书《 Excel Dashboards&Reports for Dummies》 ,该书于去年出版。


语境帖子 (Contextures Posts)

Here’s what I posted recently:


  • For a humorous peek at what other people are saying about spreadsheets, read the latest collection of Excel tweets, on my Excel Theatre blog.

    要幽默地窥视其他人对电子表格的看法,请在我的Excel Theater博客上阅读最新的Excel推文集 。

其他Excel文章 (Other Excel Articles)

Here are a few of the Excel articles that I read recently, that you might find useful.


  • In an 11 minute video, Dave Bruns shares 23 Excel formula tips, and you can download his sample file, to help remember all those tips.

    在11分钟的视频中,Dave Bruns 分享了23个Excel公式提示 ,您可以下载他的示例文件,以帮助记住所有这些提示。

  • Jon Peltier shows how to add option buttons to a worksheet, so you can select the data to display in a chart.

    乔恩·Perl捷(Jon Peltier)展示了如何向工作表添加选项按钮,因此您可以选择要在图表中显示的数据 。

  • MF shares another trick with the Ctrl + Enter shortcut – stay in the same cell, instead of moving down.

    MF 与Ctrl + Enter快捷键共享另一个技巧 -留在同一单元格中,而不是向下移动。

  • On Microsoft's Excel Team blog, Carl Kadie builds 3D graphics, and controls the rotation by typing a number in a worksheet cell. Download the sample file, to see how it works. And I agree with Carl's conclusion – "If you want to understand something, make an Excel spreadsheet!"

    在Microsoft的Excel Team博客上,卡尔·卡迪(Carl Kadie) 构建3D图形 ,并通过在工作表单元格中键入数字来控制旋转。 下载示例文件,查看其工作方式。 我同意卡尔的结论–“如果您想了解某些内容,请制作一个Excel电子表格!”

  • Michael Nellessen shares 3 of his favourite Excel formulas, with examples of how to use them. I'd recommend typing your criteria in worksheet cells, and referring to those cells in the formula, instead of hardcoding the values.

    Michael Nellessen 分享了他最喜欢的3个Excel公式 ,并举例说明了如何使用它们。 建议您在工作表单元格中键入您的条件,并在公式中引用这些单元格,而不是对值进行硬编码。

  • Meagan Longoria used a combination of tips to fix performance issues with her Power View reports, that are based on a Power Pivot data source.

    Meagan Longoria结合使用了多种技巧来解决基于Power Pivot数据源的Power View报表的性能问题 。

  • A PhD student has calculated the optimal search path to find Waldo in a two page crowd scene. Is there a similar search path to find errors in a multi-sheet Excel file?

    一名博士生已经计算出在两页人群场景中找到Waldo的最佳搜索路径 。 在多页Excel文件中是否有类似的搜索路径来查找错误?

  • Doug Jenkins tests the speed of different methods for slicing arrays with VBA. I'm relieved to see that other people write articles, then forget about them!

    道格·詹金斯(Doug Jenkins)测试了使用VBA对数组进行切片的不同方法的速度。 看到其他人写文章,然后忘掉它们,我感到欣慰!

  • Sumit Bansal explains how to create a dynamic Pareto Chart in Excel, and you can download the sample file, and follow the tutorial.

    Sumit Bansal解释了如何在Excel中创建动态帕累托图 ,您可以下载示例文件,然后按照本教程进行操作。

  • If you're starting to learn VBA, JD Sartain shares 5 essential tips for creating Excel macros. Tip #4 is valid if you're following their advice to use relative references.

    如果您开始学习VBA,则JD Sartain分享了创建Excel宏的5条基本技巧 。 如果您遵循他们的建议以使用相对参考,则提示4是有效的。

Excel公告 (Excel Announcements)

Here are some upcoming events, courses, recently published books, and other new items, related to Excel.


Excel书籍 (Excel Books)

    • "Helps you effectively apply the Access database management system and Excel spreadsheet to analyze and solve real-world business problems. Six user-friendly tutorials build your practical knowledge as they walk you step-by-step through each software application's capabilities, while 12 all-new case studies present scenarios and problems common in today's business practice."


    Problem Solving Cases In Microsoft Access and Excel, by Ellen Monk, Joseph Brady, Gerard S. Cook, Emillio Mendelsohn

    在Microsoft Access和Excel中解决问题的案例 ,作者Ellen Monk,Joseph Brady,Gerard S. Cook,Emillio Mendelsohn

    • "This is the first book to show the capabilities of Microsoft Excel to teach biological and life sciences statistics effectively. It is a step-by-step exercise-driven guide for students and practitioners who need to master Excel to solve practical science problems. If understanding statistics isn’t your strongest suit, you are not especially mathematically-inclined, or if you are wary of computers, this is the right book for you."

      “这是第一本展示了Microsoft Excel有效教授生物和生命科学统计学功能的书。这是针对需要精通Excel解决实际科学问题的学生和从业人员的循序渐进的练习指导。理解统计数据并不是您最适合的选择,对数学的要求不是特别高,或者如果您对计算机保持警惕,这是您的最佳选择。”

    Excel 2013 for Biological and Life Sciences Statistics, (pre-order), by Thomas J Quirk, Meghan Quirk, Howard Horton

    Excel 2013 for Biological and Life Sciences Statistics (预购),作者:Thomas J Quirk,Meghan Quirk,Howard Horton

    • "This is learning made easy. Get productive fast with every Office for iPad app–plus OneNote, too! Jump in wherever you need answers–brisk lessons and colorful screen shots show you exactly what to do, step by step."

      “这使学习变得容易。每个Office for iPad应用程序-再加上OneNote,都可以快速提高生产力!跳到您需要答案的地方-敏捷的课程和丰富多彩的屏幕截图逐步向您展示了确切的操作。”

    Microsoft Office for iPad Step by Step, by Joan Lambert

    Joan Lambert撰写的iPad版Microsoft Office逐步指南

Excel峰会 (Excel Summit)

  • Amsterdam Excel Summit, April 13-15, 2015. Mark your calendar for April 13-15, so you can attend this amazing Excel event. Last year's summit was an outstanding success, and registration will open soon, for this year's event. Registration is now open, and you can click here to register.

    阿姆斯特丹Excel峰会 ,2015年4月13日至15日。将日历标记为4月13日至15日,这样您就可以参加这个令人惊叹的Excel活动。 去年的峰会取得了巨大的成功,今年的活动即将开始报名。 现在注册已打开,您可以单击此处进行注册 。

分享您的活动和文章 (Share Your Events and Articles)

If you read or wrote any other interesting Excel articles recently, or have upcoming Excel events, please let me know. Thanks!

如果您最近阅读或撰写了其他有趣的Excel文章,或者即将举行Excel活动,请告诉我。 谢谢!


翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2015/02/23/excel-roundup-20150223/

