
抽象数据类型 linearList

// abstract class linearList
// abstract data type specification for linear list data structure
// all methods are pure virtual functions

#ifndef linearList_
#define linearList_

using namespace std;

class linearList
      virtual ~linearList() {}
      virtual bool empty() const = 0;
                  // return true iff list is empty
      virtual int size() const = 0;
                  // return number of elements in list
      virtual T& get(int theIndex) const = 0;
                  // return element whose index is theIndex
      virtual int indexOf(const T& theElement) const = 0;
                  // return index of first occurence of theElement
      virtual void erase(int theIndex) = 0;
                  // remove the element whose index is theIndex
      virtual void insert(int theIndex, const T& theElement) = 0;
                  // insert theElement so that its index is theIndex
      virtual void output(ostream& out) const = 0;
                  // insert list into stream out


// change the length of an array

#ifndef changeLength1D_
#define changeLength1D_

#include "myExceptions.h"

using namespace std;

void changeLength1D(T*& a, int oldLength, int newLength)
   if (newLength < 0)
      throw illegalParameterValue("new length must be >= 0");

   T* temp = new T[newLength];              // new array
   int number = min(oldLength, newLength);  // number to copy
   copy(a, a + number, temp);
   delete [] a;                             // deallocate old memory
   a = temp;


类 arraylist

// array implementation of a linear list
// derives from abstract class linearList just to make sure
// all methods of the ADT are implemented

#ifndef arrayList_
#define arrayList_

#include "linearList.h"
#include "myExceptions.h"
#include "changeLength1D.h"

using namespace std;

class arrayList : public linearList 
      // constructor, copy constructor and destructor
      arrayList(int initialCapacity = 10);
      arrayList(const arrayList&);
      ~arrayList() {delete [] element;}

      // ADT methods
      bool empty() const {return listSize == 0;}
      int size() const {return listSize;}
      T& get(int theIndex) const;
      int indexOf(const T& theElement) const;
      void erase(int theIndex);
      void insert(int theIndex, const T& theElement);
      void output(ostream& out) const;

      // additional method
      int capacity() const {return arrayLength;}

      void checkIndex(int theIndex) const;
            // throw illegalIndex if theIndex invalid
      T* element;            // 1D array to hold list elements
      int arrayLength;       // capacity of the 1D array
      int listSize;          // number of elements in list

arrayList::arrayList(int initialCapacity)
{// Constructor.
   if (initialCapacity < 1)
   {ostringstream s;
    s << "Initial capacity = " << initialCapacity << " Must be > 0";
    throw illegalParameterValue(s.str());
   arrayLength = initialCapacity;
   element = new T[arrayLength];
   listSize = 0;

arrayList::arrayList(const arrayList& theList)
{// Copy constructor.
   arrayLength = theList.arrayLength;
   listSize = theList.listSize;
   element = new T[arrayLength];
   copy(theList.element, theList.element + listSize, element);

void arrayList::checkIndex(int theIndex) const
{// Verify that theIndex is between 0 and listSize - 1.
   if (theIndex < 0 || theIndex >= listSize)
   {ostringstream s;
    s << "index = " << theIndex << " size = " << listSize;
    throw illegalIndex(s.str());


T& arrayList::get(int theIndex) const
{// Return element whose index is theIndex.
 // Throw illegalIndex exception if no such element.
   return element[theIndex];

int arrayList::indexOf(const T& theElement) const
{// Return index of first occurrence of theElement.
 // Return -1 if theElement not in list.

   // search for theElement
   int theIndex = (int) (find(element, element + listSize, theElement)
                         - element);

   // check if theElement was found
   if (theIndex == listSize)
     // not found
     return -1;
   else return theIndex;

void arrayList::erase(int theIndex)
{// Delete the element whose index is theIndex.
 // Throw illegalIndex exception if no such element.

   // valid index, shift elements with higher index
   copy(element + theIndex + 1, element + listSize,
                                element + theIndex);

   element[--listSize].~T(); // invoke destructor

void arrayList::insert(int theIndex, const T& theElement)
{// Insert theElement so that its index is theIndex.
   if (theIndex < 0 || theIndex > listSize)
   {// invalid index
      ostringstream s;
      s << "index = " << theIndex << " size = " << listSize;
      throw illegalIndex(s.str());

   // valid index, make sure we have space
   if (listSize == arrayLength)
      {// no space, double capacity
         changeLength1D(element, arrayLength, 2 * arrayLength);
         arrayLength *= 2;

   // shift elements right one position
   copy_backward(element + theIndex, element + listSize,
                 element + listSize + 1);

   element[theIndex] = theElement;


void arrayList::output(ostream& out) const
{// Put the list into the stream out.
   copy(element, element + listSize, ostream_iterator(cout, "  "));

// overload <<
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const arrayList& x)
   {x.output(out); return out;}

