


1. 英英释义:able to be done, or worth doing 

例句:Renewables are economically viable alternatives. 

2. 为什么选这个词? 

“viable”是个形容词,它本身的意思是“可以存活的”,常被引申使用表示“可行的” “值得做的”。正如健康的生命才可以存活,好的想法、产品、解决方案才能存活,我们可以用 viable 来形容表示想法、产品、解决方案这一类词,也常可以用它替换 effective, feasible 等词。 

在产品设计中,有个概念叫“最简可行产品”,它的英文就是 Minimum Viable Product(MVP),我们可以从它的英文解释中体会一下 viable 的意思: 

A minimum viable product (MVP) is a product with just enough features to satisfy early customers and to provide feedback for future product development.

这里的 viable 就可以理解为“satisfy early customers”。如果一个产品可以满足用户的需求,实现盈利,那它就是一个 viable product。 


Starbucks' new store in this fourth-tier city has proved commercially viable.


Renewables are economically viable alternatives.

《经济学人》在一月份一篇讲电脑芯片的文章中就用到了 viable: 

To keep its design pipeline full of viable new ideas, the firm must constantly forecast the computer industry’s direction.

3. 怎样学会使用这个词? 



中国经济下行,许多 O2O 模式显得不再可行。 

With China's economy on the decline, many O2O businesses no longer seem viable. 

As China’s economy is going downhill, many online-to-offline (O2O) businesses no longer seem (commercially/economically) viable.


例1:The learning pyramid, also known as the cone of learning, illustrates that the most viable way of learning is through teaching others. 学习金字塔显示,最有效的学习方式是传授。

例2:As I see it, a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is more a process than a product. It serves as a stepping stone for  producers to collect feedback from early adopters and stakeholders and adapt accordingly to be on the right path. 我认为,最小化可行产品与其说是产品,不如说是产品研发过程的一环。厂商借它来收集初期用户和利益相关人的反馈信息,做出相应调整,以迈入正轨。 

例3:We have concerns about whether the global community will be able to provide a viable solution to waste disposal, especially that of single-use plastic bags. 我们担忧全球是否能提供可行方案,解决垃圾处置问题,尤其是一次性塑料袋。



remain/ be/seem/ prove/ sound /become commercially / economically/ financially/ politically viable

extremely/ truly/ perfectly/ potentially viable

a viable candidate/ alternative/ option/ proposition/ business/ company/ market / plan/ project

We have concerns about whether the government will be able to provide viable social services for poorer families. 


viable, effective, feasible

Renewables are economically viable alternatives./ We hope to provide a viable alternative to car travel. 

Home-working offers a viable solution to the work/family conflict.  
