1. 什么是JBPM4.4业务流程管理框架?
JBPM,全称是Java Business Process Management(业务流程管理),它是覆盖了业务流程管理、工作流、服务协作等领域的一个开源的、灵活的、易扩展的可执行流程语言框架。
相关概念:a: 从一个节点到另一个节点==>流转。b:程序预先设定的行为==>活动。
2. JBPM工作流的特点
2.1 直观描述业务流程
2.2 使用Hibernate管理数据库
3 ProcessEngine的核心服务
ExecutionService: 流程执行的服务接口:包括启动流程、实例推进、设置变量等操作。
HistoryService:历史库的服务接口:包括对流程实例、活动实例进行查询。某个流程定义中的所有的活动的平均持续 时间,某个流程定义中的某个活动实例的转移的执行次数等操作。
CommondService:command模式的服务接口,实际上将客户端请求全部封装在一个调用接口中,execute(Command cmd),由这个接口去调用command接口的众多实现类。
4 怎么用JBMP?
4.1 所需环境与相关资源
1. jBPM requires a JDK (standard java) version 5 orhigher.
2. jBPM下载地址:http://sourceforge.net/projects/jbpm/files/
3. Eclipse下载地址( Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers (163 MB),Version: 3.5):http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php? file=/technology/epp/downloads/release/galileo
4.2 安装说明
Help -->Install New Software...
In dialogAdd Site dialog, clickArchive...
Navigate toinstall/src/gpd/jbpm-gpd-site.zip and click 'Open'
ClickingOK in theAdd Site dialog will bring you back to the dialog 'Install'
Select thejPDL 4 GPD Update Site that has appeared
ClickNext... and thenFinish
Approve the license
Restart eclipse when that is asked
添加到Eclipse中的方法为(jBPM4.4User Guide, 2.11.5. Adding jPDL 4 schema tothe catalog):
ClickWindow -->Preferences
SelectXML -->XML Catalog
Click 'Add...'
The 'Add XML Catalog Entry' dialog opens
Click the button with the map-icon next to location and select 'FileSystem...'
In the dialog that opens, select filejpdl-4.4.xsd in the src directoryof the jBPM installation root.
Click 'Open' and close all the dialogs

1. JBPM解压目录下有一个重要的jar包:jbpm.jar。
2. JBPM/lib目录下的jar很多,不要添加的jar包:servlet-api.jar、junit.jar(尤其不要添加)。
3. 所使用的数据库对应的驱动的jar包在上面lib目录当中已经有了,所以不需要添加了。
第四步: 添加配置文件
1. 配置文件包括jbpm.cfg.xml和jbpm.hibernate.cfg.xml(解压包当中都有模板,直接拷贝即可)
2. jbpm.hibernate.cfg.xml中配置的是Hibernate的配置信息,包括数据库连接的必要信息等等
- xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <jbpm-configuration>
- <import resource="jbpm.default.cfg.xml" />
- <import resource="jbpm.businesscalendar.cfg.xml" />
- <import resource="jbpm.tx.hibernate.cfg.xml" />
- <import resource="jbpm.jpdl.cfg.xml" />
- <import resource="jbpm.bpmn.cfg.xml" />
- <import resource="jbpm.identity.cfg.xml" />
- jbpm-configuration>
- xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN"
- "http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-configuration-3.0.dtd">
- <hibernate-configuration>
- <session-factory>
- <property name="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialectproperty>
- <property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class">com.mysql.jdbc.Driverproperty>
- <property name="hibernate.connection.url">jdbc:mysql:///jbpm4testproperty>
- <property name="hibernate.connection.username">rootproperty>
- <property name="hibernate.connection.password">rootproperty>
- <property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto">updateproperty>
- <mapping resource="jbpm.repository.hbm.xml" />
- <mapping resource="jbpm.execution.hbm.xml" />
- <mapping resource="jbpm.history.hbm.xml" />
- <mapping resource="jbpm.task.hbm.xml" />
- <mapping resource="jbpm.identity.hbm.xml" />
- session-factory>
- hibernate-configuration>
4.3 JBPM工作流的使用
1. 创建jbpm的文件
2. 绘制工作流程图
- xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <process name="员工请假流程" xmlns="http://jbpm.org/4.4/jpdl">
- <start g="77,20,48,48" name="start1">
- <transition g="-71,-17" name="to 提交申请" to="提交申请"/>
- start>
- <end g="77,352,48,48" name="end1"/>
- <task assignee="ww" g="55,268,92,52" name="总经理审批">
- <transition g="-47,-17" name="to end1" to="end1"/>
- task>
- <task assignee="ls" g="55,184,92,52" name="部门经理审批">
- <transition g="-26,-8" name="同意" to="总经理审批"/>
- task>
- <task assignee="#{applyInfo.applier.userName}" g="55,100,92,52" name="提交申请">
- <transition g="-96,-16" name="to 部门经理审批" to="部门经理审批"/>
- task>
- process>
4.4 JBPM工作流编程实例
4.4.1 JBPM建表
- @Test
- public void createSchema() {
- new org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration()
- .configure("jbpm.hibernate.cfg.xml")
- .buildSessionFactory();
- }
4.4.2 创建ProcessEngine对象
1. 指定配置文件生成processEngine对象
- private static ProcessEngine processEngine = new Configuration()
- .setResource("jbpm.cfg.xml")
- .buildProcessEngine();
2. 使用默认的配置文件生成processEngine对象
- private ProcessEngine processEngine = new Configuration().buildProcessEngine();
3. 通过默认的配置文件生成单例的processEngine对象
- private ProcessEngine processEngine = Configuration.getProcessEngine();
4.4.3 部署流程定义
- "white-space:pre">
- @Test
- public void deployProcessDefinition()
- {
- String reponseStr = processEngine.getRepositoryService()
- .createDeployment()
- .addResourceFromClasspath("test/test.jpdl.xml")
- .addResourceFromClasspath("test/test.png")
- .deploy();
- System.out.println(reponseStr);
- }
4.4.4 启动流程实例
1. 需要获得流程实例对象的时候
- @Test
- public void testStartProcessInstance() throws Exception {
- ProcessInstance "font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
"code" class="java" style="display: inline !important;">processInstance
= processEngine.getExecutionService().startProcessInstanceByKey("test");System.out.println("流程实例启动成功:id=" +
- processInstance "font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
"code" class="java" style="display: inline !important;">.getId()
processInstance .getId() //
+ ", state=" +
.getState() // 状态+ ", processDefinitionId=" +
.getProcessDefinitionId()); // 所使用的流程定义的ID}
2. 通过key获取并直接启动实例
- @Test
- public void startProcessInstance() {
- processEngine.getExecutionService().startProcessInstanceByKey("test");
- }
4.4.5 查看个人的任务列表
- @Test
- public void findTaskList() {
- List taskList = processEngine.getTaskService().findPersonalTasks("员工");
- System.out.println("个人任务列表");
- System.out.println(taskList);
- for(Task task : taskList)
- {
- System.out.println("id= " + task.getId() + ", name = " + task.getName() + ", assignee = " + task.getAssignee());
- }
- }
4.4.6 查询所有的流程定义
- @Test
- public void findAll() throws Exception {
- List list = processEngine.getRepositoryService()
- .createProcessDefinitionQuery()
- .list();
- for (ProcessDefinition pd : list) {
- System.out.println("id=" + pd.getId()
- + ", name=" + pd.getName()
- + ", key=" + pd.getKey()
- + ", version=" + pd.getVersion()
- + ", deploymentId=" + pd.getDeploymentId());
- }
- }
4.4.7 查询最新版的流程定义
- @Test
- public void findAllLatestVersions() throws Exception {
- List all = processEngine.getRepositoryService()
- .createProcessDefinitionQuery()
- .orderAsc(ProcessDefinitionQuery.PROPERTY_VERSION)
- .list();
- Map map = new HashMap();
- for (ProcessDefinition pd : all) {
- map.put(pd.getKey(), pd);
- }
- for (ProcessDefinition pd : map.values()) {
- System.out.println("id=" + pd.getId()
- + ", name=" + pd.getName()
- + ", key=" + pd.getKey()
- + ", version=" + pd.getVersion()
- + ", deploymentId=" + pd.getDeploymentId());
- }
- }
4.4.8 删除流程定义
- @Test
- public void deleteById() throws Exception {
- String deploymentId = "80001";
- processEngine.getRepositoryService().deleteDeploymentCascade(deploymentId);
- }
- @Test
- public void deleteByKey() throws Exception {
- List list = processEngine.getRepositoryService()
- .createProcessDefinitionQuery()
- .processDefinitionKey("helloworld")
- .list();
- for (ProcessDefinition pd : list) {
- processEngine.getRepositoryService().deleteDeploymentCascade(pd.getDeploymentId());
- }
- }
4.4.9 查看流程图
- @Test
- public void getImageResource() throws Exception {
- String deploymentId = "50001";
- String resourceName = "helloworld/helloworld.png";
- Set names = processEngine.getRepositoryService().getResourceNames(deploymentId);
- System.out.println("所有的资源名称:");
- for (String name : names) {
- System.out.println("\t" + name);
- }
- InputStream in = processEngine.getRepositoryService().getResourceAsStream(deploymentId, resourceName);
- OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("c:/process.png");
- for (int b = -1; (b = in.read()) != -1;) {
- out.write(b);
- }
- in.close();
- out.close();
- }
4.4.10 向后执行一步
- @Test
- public void testSignalExecution() throws Exception {
- String executionId = "test.130001";
- processEngine.getExecutionService().signalExecutionById(executionId);
- }
4.4.11 办理任务
- @Test
- public void testCompleteTask() throws Exception {
- String taskId = "130002";
- processEngine.getTaskService().completeTask(taskId);
- }
4.4.12 设置流程变量
- @Test
- public void testSetVariable() throws Exception {
- String executionId = "test.150001";
- processEngine.getExecutionService().setVariable(executionId, "请假天数", 15);
- }
- @Test
- public void testGetVariable() throws Exception {
- String executionId = "test.150001";
- Integer days = (Integer) processEngine.getExecutionService().getVariable(executionId, "请假天数");
- System.out.println("请假天数 = " + days);
- }
- {
- ExecutionService executionService = processEngine.getExecutionService();
- TaskService taskService = processEngine.getTaskService();
- executionService.setVariable(executionId, name, value);
- executionService.setVariables(executionId, variablesMap);
- taskService.setVariables(taskId, variables);
- executionService.startProcessInstanceByKey(processDefinitionKey, variablesMap);
- taskService.completeTask(taskId, variablesMap);
- executionService.getVariable(executionId, variableName);
- executionService.getVariableNames(executionId);
- executionService.getVariables(executionId, variableNames);
- taskService.getVariable(taskId, variableName);
- taskService.getVariableNames(taskId);
- taskService.getVariables(taskId, variableNames);
- }
4.4.13 流程执行
- @Test
- public void testProcess() throws Exception {
- InputStream in = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("test.jpdl.xml");
- String deploymentId = processEngine.getRepositoryService()
- .createDeployment()
- .addResourceFromInputStream("test.jpdl.xml", in)
- .deploy();
- System.out.println("部署流程定义完毕:deploymentId = " + deploymentId);
- ProcessInstance pi = processEngine.getExecutionService().startProcessInstanceByKey("test");
- System.out.println("流程实例启动完毕:processInstanceId = " + pi.getId());
- Task task = processEngine.getTaskService()
- .createTaskQuery()
- .processInstanceId(pi.getId())
- .uniqueResult();
- String transitionName1 = "to 部门经理审批";
- String transitionName2 = "to 总经理审批";
- processEngine.getTaskService().completeTask(task.getId(), transitionName2);
- }
4.4.14 分配任务
- public class AssignmentHandlerImpl implements AssignmentHandler {
- @Override
- public void assign(Assignable assignable, OpenExecution execution) throws Exception {
- System.out.println("---> AssignmentHandlerImpl.assign()");
- String userId = "李经理--";
- assignable.setAssignee(userId);
- }
- }
4.4.15 组任务与分配
- public class ProcessTest {
- private static ProcessEngine processEngine = Configuration.getProcessEngine();
- @Test
- public void testProcess() throws Exception {
- InputStream in = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("test.jpdl.xml");
- String deploymentId = processEngine.getRepositoryService()
- .createDeployment()
- .addResourceFromInputStream("test.jpdl.xml", in)
- .deploy();
- System.out.println("部署流程定义完毕:deploymentId = " + deploymentId);
- Map variables = new HashMap();
- variables.put("manager", "王经理");
- variables.put("userIds", "小A,小B,小C,小D");
- ProcessInstance pi = processEngine.getExecutionService().startProcessInstanceByKey("test", variables);
- System.out.println("流程实例启动完毕:processInstanceId = " + pi.getId());
- }
- @Test
- public void testFindMyGroupTaskList() throws Exception {
- String userId = "王工程师";
- List list = processEngine.getTaskService()
- .createTaskQuery()
- .candidate(userId)
- .page(0, 100)
- .list();
- System.out.println("====== " + userId + "的个人任务列表 ======");
- for (Task task : list) {
- System.out.println("id=" + task.getId()
- + ", name=" + task.getName()
- + ", assignee=" + task.getAssignee()
- + ", createTime=" + task.getCreateTime()
- + ", executionId=" + task.getExecutionId());
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void testTakeTask() throws Exception {
- String taskId = "310009";
- String userId = "王工程师";
- processEngine.getTaskService().takeTask(taskId, userId);
- }
- @Test
- public void testFindMyPersonalTaskList() throws Exception {
- String userId = "王工程师";
- List list = processEngine.getTaskService()
- .createTaskQuery()
- .assignee(userId)
- .page(0, 100)
- .list();
- System.out.println("====== " + userId + "的个人任务列表 ======");
- for (Task task : list) {
- System.out.println("id=" + task.getId()
- + ", name=" + task.getName()
- + ", assignee=" + task.getAssignee()
- + ", createTime=" + task.getCreateTime()
- + ", executionId=" + task.getExecutionId());
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void testAssignTask() throws Exception {
- String taskId = "310009";
- String userId = "赵工程师";
- processEngine.getTaskService().assignTask(taskId, userId);
- }
- }