Spark MLlib GraphX-1

SparkGraphX 应用解析


1 Spark GraphX概述3

1.1 什么是Spark GraphX 3

1.2 弹性分布式属性图 5

1.3 运行图计算程序 7

2 Spark GraphX解析10

2.1 存储模式 10

2.1.1 图存储模式 10

2.1.2 GraphX存储模式 11

2.2 verticesedges以及triplets 15

2.2.1 vertices 15

2.2.2 edges 15

2.2.3 triplets 15

2.3 图的构 16

2.3.1 构建图的方法 17

2.3.2 构建图的过程 17

2.4 计算模式 25

2.4.1 BSP计算模式 25

2.4.2 图操作一览 27

2.4.3 操作一览 28

2.4.4 转换操 31

2.4.5 结构操 36

2.4.6 顶点关操作 42

2.4.7 聚合操作 45

2.4.8 缓存操 55

2.5 Pregel API 55

2.5.1 pregel计算模 57

2.5.2 pregel实现最短路 58

2.6 GraphX实例 59

3 图算法68

3.1 PageRank排名算法 68

3.1.1 算法概述 68

3.1.2 从入链数量到 PageRank 68

3.1.3 PageRank算法原理 69

3.1.4 Spark GraphX实现 75

3.2 广度优先遍历(参考) 75

3.3 单源最短路(参考) 76

3.4 连通图(参考) 78

3.5 三角(参考) 80

4 PageRank实例82

4.1.1 实现代码 84



第1章 Spark GraphX概述

1.1 什么是Spark GraphX


Spark GraphX是一个分布式图处理框架,它是基于Spark平台提供对图计算和图挖掘简洁易用的而丰富的接口,极大的方便了对分布式图处理的需求。 

GraphX是一个新的Spark API,它用于图和分布式图(graph-parallel)的计算。GraphX通过引入弹性分布式属性图(Resilient Distributed Property Graph): 顶点和边均有属性的有向多重图,来扩展Spark RDD。为了支持图计算,GraphX开发了一组基本的功能操作以及一个优化过的Pregel API。另外,GraphX包含了一个快速增长的图算法和图builders的集合,用以简化图分析任务。

    从社交网络到语言建模,不断增长的数据规模以及图形数据的重要性已经推动了许多新的分布式图系统的发展。 通过限制计算类型以及引入新的技术来切分和分配图,这些系统可以高效地执行复杂的图形算法,比一般的分布式数据计算(data-parallel,如sparkMapReduce)快很多。



 分布式图(graph-parallel)计算和分布式数据(data-parallel)计算类似,分布式数据计算采用了一种record-centric(以记录为中心)的集合视图,而分布式图计算采用了一种vertex-centric(以顶点为中心)的图视图。 分布式数据计算通过同时处理独立的数据来获得并发的目的,分布式图计算则是通过对图数据进行分区(即切分)来获得并发的目的。更准确的说,分布式图计算递归地定义特征的转换函数(这种转换函数作用于邻居特征),通过并发地执行这些转换函数来获得并发的目的。 

 分布式图计算比分布式数据计算更适合图的处理,但是在典型的图处理流水线中,它并不能很好地处理所有操作。例如,虽然分布式图系统可以很好的计算PageRank等算法,但是它们不适合从不同的数据源构建图或者跨过多个图计算特征。 更准确的说,分布式图系统提供的更窄的计算视图无法处理那些构建和转换图结构以及跨越多个图的需求。分布式图系统中无法提供的这些操作需要数据在图本体之上移动并且需要一个图层面而不是单独的顶点或边层面的计算视图。例如,我们可能想限制我们的分析到几个子图上,然后比较结果。 这不仅需要改变图结构,还需要跨多个图计算。






 所以我们的图流水线必须通过组合graph-paralleldata- parallel来实现。但是这种组合必然会导致大量的数据移动以及数据复制,同时这样的系统也非常复杂。 例如,在传统的图计算流水线中,在Table View视图下,可能需要Spark或者Hadoop的支持,在Graph View这种视图下,可能需要Prege或者GraphLab的支持。也就是把图和表分在不同的系统中分别处理。 不同系统之间数据的移动和通信会成为很大的负担。

 GraphX项目将graph-paralleldata-parallel统一到一个系统中,并提供了一个唯一的组合APIGraphX允许用户把数据当做一个图和一个集合(RDD),而不需要数据移动或者复制。也就是说GraphX统一了Graph ViewTable View, 可以非常轻松的做pipeline操作。

1.2 弹性分布式属性图

  GraphX的核心抽象是弹性分布式属性图,它是一个有向多重图,带有连接到每个顶点和边的用户定义的对象。 有向多重图中多个并行的边共享相同的源和目的顶点。支持并行边的能力简化了建模场景,相同的顶点可能存在多种关系(例如co-workerfriend)。 每个顶点用一个唯一的64位长的标识符(VertexID)作为keyGraphX并没有对顶点标识强加任何排序。同样,边拥有相应的源和目的顶点标识符。


  属性图扩展了Spark RDD的抽象,有TableGraph两种视图,但是只需要一份物理存储。两种视图都有自己独有的操作符,从而使我们同时获得了操作的灵活性和执行的高效率。属性图以vertex(VD)edge(ED)类型作为参数类型,这些类型分别是顶点和边相关联的对象的类型。


class VertexProperty()
case class UserProperty(val name: String) extends VertexProperty
case class ProductProperty(val name: String, val price: Double) extends VertexProperty
// The graph might then have the type:
var graph: Graph[VertexProperty, String] = null


  RDD一样,属性图是不可变的、分布式的、容错的。图的值或者结构的改变需要生成一个新的图来实现。注意,原始图中不受影响的部分都可以在新图中重用,用来减少存储的成本。 执行者使用一系列顶点分区方法来对图进行分区。如RDD一样,图的每个分区可以在发生故障的情况下被重新创建在不同的机器上。


class Graph[VD, ED] {
  val vertices: VertexRDD[VD]
  val edges: EdgeRDD[ED]


  VertexRDD[VD]EdgeRDD[ED]类是RDD[(VertexID, VD)]RDD[Edge[ED]]的继承和优化版本。VertexRDD[VD]EdgeRDD[ED]都提供了额外的图计算功能并提供内部优化功能。

abstract class VertexRDD[VD](sc: SparkContext, deps: Seq[Dependency[_]]) extends RDD[(VertexId, VD)](sc, deps)

abstract class EdgeRDD[ED](sc: SparkContext, deps: Seq[Dependency[_]]) extends RDD[Edge[ED]](sc, deps)



1.3 运行图计算程序





import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.graphx._
// To make some of the examples work we will also need RDD
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD


如果你没有用到Spark shell,你还将需要SparkContext


val userGraph: Graph[(String, String), String]

有很多方式从一个原始文件、RDD构造一个属性图。最一般的方法是利用Graph object。下面的代码从RDD集合生成属性图。

// Assume the SparkContext has already been constructed
val sc: SparkContext
// Create an RDD for the vertices
val users: RDD[(VertexId, (String, String))] =
  sc.parallelize(Array((3L, ("rxin", "student")), (7L, ("jgonzal", "postdoc")),
    (5L, ("franklin", "prof")), (2L, ("istoica", "prof"))))
// Create an RDD for edges
val relationships: RDD[Edge[String]] =
  sc.parallelize(Array(Edge(3L, 7L, "collab"),    Edge(5L, 3L, "advisor"),
    Edge(2L, 5L, "colleague"), Edge(5L, 7L, "pi")))
// Define a default user in case there are relationship with missing user
val defaultUser = ("John Doe", "Missing")
// Build the initial Graph
val graph = Graph(users, relationships, defaultUser)




val graph: Graph[(String, String), String] // Constructed from above
// Count all users which are postdocs
graph.vertices.filter { case (id, (name, pos)) => pos == "postdoc" }.count
// Count all the edges where src > dst
graph.edges.filter(e => e.srcId > e.dstId).count


注意,graph.vertices返回一个VertexRDD[(String, String)],它继承于 RDD[(VertexID, (String, String))]。所以我们可以用scalacase表达式解构这个元组。另一方面,


graph.edges.filter { case Edge(src, dst, prop) => src > dst }.count


除了属性图的顶点和边视图,GraphX也包含了一个三元组视图,三元视图逻辑上将顶点和边的属性保存为一个RDD[EdgeTriplet[VD, ED]],它包含EdgeTriplet类的实例。可以通过下面的Sql表达式表示这个连接。






edges AS e

LEFT JOIN vertices AS src ,

 vertices AS dst ON e.srcId = src.Id

AND e.dstId = dst.Id





val graph: Graph[(String, String), String] // Constructed from above
// Use the triplets view to create an RDD of facts.
val facts: RDD[String] = =>
  triplet.srcAttr._1 + " is the " + triplet.attr + " of " + triplet.dstAttr._1)


第2章 Spark GraphX解析

2.1 存储模式

2.1.1 图存储模式


1) 边分割(Edge-Cut):每个顶点都存储一次,但有的边会被打断分到两台机器上。这样做的好处是节省存储空间;坏处是对图进行基于边的计算时,对于一条两个顶点被分到不同机器上的边来说,要跨机器通信传输数据,内网通信流量大。

2) 点分割(Vertex-Cut):每条边只存储一次,都只会出现在一台机器上。邻居多的点会被复制到多台机器上,增加了存储开销,同时会引发数据同步问题。好处是可以大幅减少内网通信量。



1) 磁盘价格下降,存储空间不再是问题,而内网的通信资源没有突破性进展,集群计算时内网带宽是宝贵的,时间比磁盘更珍贵。这点就类似于常见的空间换时间的策略。

2) 在当前的应用场景中,绝大多数网络都是“无尺度网络”,遵循幂律分布,不同点的邻居数量相差非常悬殊。而边分割会使那些多邻居的点所相连的边大多数被分到不同的机器上,这样的数据分布会使得内网带宽更加捉襟见肘,于是边分割存储方式被渐渐抛弃了。

2.1.2 GraphX存储模式

Graphx借鉴PowerGraph,使用的是Vertex-Cut( 点分割 ) 方式存储图,用三个RDD存储图数据信息:

VertexTable(id, data)id为顶点id data为顶点属性

EdgeTable(pid, src, dst, data)pid 为分区id src为源顶点id dst为目的顶点iddata为边属性

RoutingTable(id, pid)id 为顶点id pid 为分区id




GraphX在进行图分割时,有几种不同的分区(partition)策略,它通过PartitionStrategy专门定义这些策略。在PartitionStrategy中,总共定义了EdgePartition2DEdgePartition1DRandomVertexCut以及 CanonicalRandomVertexCut这四种不同的分区策略。下面分别介绍这几种策略。  RandomVertexCut

case object RandomVertexCut extends PartitionStrategy {
  override def getPartition(src: VertexId, dst: VertexId, numParts: PartitionID): PartitionID = {
    math.abs((src, dst).hashCode()) % numParts


  这个方法比较简单,通过取源顶点和目标顶点id的哈希值来将边分配到不同的分区。这个方法会产生一个随机的边分割,两个顶点之间相同方向的边会分配到同一个分区。  CanonicalRandomVertexCut

case object CanonicalRandomVertexCut extends PartitionStrategy {
  override def getPartition(src: VertexId, dst: VertexId, numParts: PartitionID): PartitionID = {
    if (src < dst) {
      math.abs((src, dst).hashCode()) % numParts
    } else {
      math.abs((dst, src).hashCode()) % numParts


  这种分割方法和前一种方法没有本质的不同。不同的是,哈希值的产生带有确定的方向(即两个顶点中较小id的顶点在前)。两个顶点之间所有的边都会分配到同一个分区,而不管方向如何。  EdgePartition1D

case object EdgePartition1D extends PartitionStrategy {
  override def getPartition(src: VertexId, dst: VertexId, numParts: PartitionID): PartitionID = {
    val mixingPrime: VertexId = 1125899906842597L
    (math.abs(src * mixingPrime) % numParts).toInt


  这种方法仅仅根据源顶点id来将边分配到不同的分区。有相同源顶点的边会分配到同一分区。  EdgePartition2D

case object EdgePartition2D extends PartitionStrategy {
  override def getPartition(src: VertexId, dst: VertexId, numParts: PartitionID): PartitionID = {
    val ceilSqrtNumParts: PartitionID = math.ceil(math.sqrt(numParts)).toInt
    val mixingPrime: VertexId = 1125899906842597L
    if (numParts == ceilSqrtNumParts * ceilSqrtNumParts) {
      // Use old method for perfect squared to ensure we get same results
      val col: PartitionID = (math.abs(src * mixingPrime) % ceilSqrtNumParts).toInt
      val row: PartitionID = (math.abs(dst * mixingPrime) % ceilSqrtNumParts).toInt
      (col * ceilSqrtNumParts + row) % numParts
    } else {
      // Otherwise use new method
      val cols = ceilSqrtNumParts
      val rows = (numParts + cols - 1) / cols
      val lastColRows = numParts - rows * (cols - 1)
      val col = (math.abs(src * mixingPrime) % numParts / rows).toInt
      val row = (math.abs(dst * mixingPrime) % (if (col < cols - 1) rows else lastColRows)).toInt
      col * rows + row


  这种分割方法同时使用到了源顶点id和目的顶点id。它使用稀疏边连接矩阵的2维区分来将边分配到不同的分区,从而保证顶点的备份数不大于2 * sqrt(numParts)的限制。这里numParts表示分区数。 这个方法的实现分两种情况,即分区数能完全开方和不能完全开方两种情况。当分区数能完全开方时,采用下面的方法:

val col: PartitionID = (math.abs(src * mixingPrime) % ceilSqrtNumParts).toInt
val row: PartitionID = (math.abs(dst * mixingPrime) % ceilSqrtNumParts).toInt
(col * ceilSqrtNumParts + row) % numParts



val cols = ceilSqrtNumParts
val rows = (numParts + cols - 1) / cols
val lastColRows = numParts - rows * (cols - 1)
val col = (math.abs(src * mixingPrime) % numParts / rows).toInt
val row = (math.abs(dst * mixingPrime) % (if (col < cols - 1) rows else lastColRows)).toInt
col * rows + row




     v0   | P0 *     | P1       | P2    *  |

     v1   |  ****    |  *       |          |

     v2   |  ******* |      **  |  ****    |

     v3   |  *****   |  *  *    |       *  |


     v4   | P3 *     | P4 ***   | P5 **  * |

     v5   |  *  *    |  *       |          |

     v6   |       *  |      **  |  ****    |

     v7   |  * * *   |  *  *    |       *  |


     v8   | P6   *   | P7    *  | P8  *   *|

     v9   |     *    |  *    *  |          |

     v10  |       *  |      **  |  *  *    |

     v11  | * <-E    |  ***     |       ** |


  上面的例子中*表示分配到处理器上的边。E表示连接顶点v11v1的边,它被分配到了处理器P6上。为了获得边所在的处理器,我们将矩阵切分为sqrt(numParts) * sqrt(numParts)块。 注意,上图中与顶点v11相连接的边只出现在第一列的块(P0,P3,P6)或者最后一行的块(P6,P7,P8)中,这保证了V11的副本数不会超过2 * sqrt(numParts)份,在上例中即副本不能超过6份。



2.2 verticesedges以及triplets


2.2.1 vertices


abstract class VertexRDD[VD](sc: SparkContext, deps: Seq[Dependency[_]]) extends RDD[(VertexId, VD)](sc, deps)


  从源码中我们可以看到,VertexRDD继承自RDD[(VertexId, VD)],这里VertexId表示顶点idVD表示顶点所带的属性的类别。这从另一个角度也说明VertexRDD拥有顶点id和顶点属性。

2.2.2 edges


abstract class EdgeRDD[ED](sc: SparkContext, deps: Seq[Dependency[_]]) extends RDD[Edge[ED]](sc, deps)



2.2.3 triplets

  GraphX中,triplets对应着EdgeTriplet。它是一个三元组视图,这个视图逻辑上将顶点和边的属性保存为一个RDD[EdgeTriplet[VD, ED]]。可以通过下面的Sql表达式表示这个三元视图的含义:


src.attr ,

e.attr ,



edges AS e

LEFT JOIN vertices AS src ,

 vertices AS dst ON e.srcId = src.Id

AND e.dstId = dst.Id






class EdgeTriplet[VD, ED] extends Edge[ED] {
  var srcAttr: VD = _ // nullValue[VD]
  var dstAttr: VD = _ // nullValue[VD]
  protected[spark] def set(other: Edge[ED]): EdgeTriplet[VD, ED] = {
    srcId = other.srcId
    dstId = other.dstId
    attr = other.attr



case class Edge[@specialized(Char, Int, Boolean, Byte, Long, Float, Double) ED] (var srcId: VertexId = 0, var dstId: VertexId = 0, var attr: ED = null.asInstanceOf[ED]) extends Serializable




2.3 图的构


2.3.1 构建图的方法

  构建图的入口方法有两种,分别是根据边构建和根据边的两个顶点构建。  根据边构建图(Graph.fromEdges)

def fromEdges[VD: ClassTag, ED: ClassTag](
       edges: RDD[Edge[ED]],
       defaultValue: VD,
       edgeStorageLevel: StorageLevel = StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY,
       vertexStorageLevel: StorageLevel = StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY): Graph[VD, ED] = {
  GraphImpl(edges, defaultValue, edgeStorageLevel, vertexStorageLevel)
}  根据边的两个顶点数据构建(Graph.fromEdgeTuples)

def fromEdgeTuples[VD: ClassTag](
      rawEdges: RDD[(VertexId, VertexId)],
      defaultValue: VD,
      uniqueEdges: Option[PartitionStrategy] = None,
      edgeStorageLevel: StorageLevel = StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY,
      vertexStorageLevel: StorageLevel = StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY): Graph[VD, Int] =
  val edges = => Edge(p._1, p._2, 1))
  val graph = GraphImpl(edges, defaultValue, edgeStorageLevel, vertexStorageLevel)
  uniqueEdges match {
    case Some(p) => graph.partitionBy(p).groupEdges((a, b) => a + b)
    case None => graph



2.3.2 构建图的过程

  构建图的过程很简单,分为三步,它们分别是构建边EdgeRDD、构建顶点VertexRDD、生成Graph对象。下面分别介绍这三个步骤。  构建边EdgeRDD




  • 1 从文件中加载信息,转换成tuple的形式,(srcId, dstId)

val rawEdgesRdd: RDD[(Long, Long)] =
  sc.textFile(input).filter(s => s != "0,0").repartition(partitionNum).map {
    case line =>
      val ss = line.split(",")
      val src = ss(0).toLong
      val dst = ss(1).toLong
      if (src < dst)
        (src, dst)
        (dst, src)


  • 2 入口,调用Graph.fromEdgeTuples(rawEdgesRdd)

  源数据为分割的两个点ID,把源数据映射成Edge(srcId, dstId, attr)对象, attr默认为1。这样元数据就构建成了RDD[Edge[ED]],如下面的代码

val edges = => Edge(p._1, p._2, 1))


  • 3 RDD[Edge[ED]]进一步转化成EdgeRDDImpl[ED, VD]


val graph = GraphImpl(edges, defaultValue, edgeStorageLevel, vertexStorageLevel)
def apply[VD: ClassTag, ED: ClassTag](
       edges: RDD[Edge[ED]],
       defaultVertexAttr: VD,
       edgeStorageLevel: StorageLevel,
       vertexStorageLevel: StorageLevel): GraphImpl[VD, ED] = {
  fromEdgeRDD(EdgeRDD.fromEdges(edges), defaultVertexAttr, edgeStorageLevel, vertexStorageLevel)


  apply调用fromEdgeRDD之前,代码会调用EdgeRDD.fromEdges(edges)RDD[Edge[ED]]转化成EdgeRDDImpl[ED, VD]

def fromEdges[ED: ClassTag, VD: ClassTag](edges: RDD[Edge[ED]]): EdgeRDDImpl[ED, VD] = {
  val edgePartitions = edges.mapPartitionsWithIndex { (pid, iter) =>
    val builder = new EdgePartitionBuilder[ED, VD]
    iter.foreach { e =>
      builder.add(e.srcId, e.dstId, e.attr)
    Iterator((pid, builder.toEdgePartition))



def toEdgePartition: EdgePartition[ED, VD] = {
  val edgeArray = edges.trim().array
  new Sorter(Edge.edgeArraySortDataFormat[ED])
    .sort(edgeArray, 0, edgeArray.length, Edge.lexicographicOrdering)
  val localSrcIds = new Array[Int](edgeArray.size)
  val localDstIds = new Array[Int](edgeArray.size)
  val data = new Array[ED](edgeArray.size)
  val index = new GraphXPrimitiveKeyOpenHashMap[VertexId, Int]
  val global2local = new GraphXPrimitiveKeyOpenHashMap[VertexId, Int]
  val local2global = new PrimitiveVector[VertexId]
  var vertexAttrs = Array.empty[VD]
  if (edgeArray.length > 0) {
    index.update(edgeArray(0).srcId, 0)
    var currSrcId: VertexId = edgeArray(0).srcId
    var currLocalId = -1
    var i = 0
    while (i < edgeArray.size) {
      val srcId = edgeArray(i).srcId
      val dstId = edgeArray(i).dstId
      localSrcIds(i) = global2local.changeValue(srcId,
        { currLocalId += 1; local2global += srcId; currLocalId }, identity)
      localDstIds(i) = global2local.changeValue(dstId,
        { currLocalId += 1; local2global += dstId; currLocalId }, identity)
      data(i) = edgeArray(i).attr
      if (srcId != currSrcId) {
        currSrcId = srcId
        index.update(currSrcId, i)
      i += 1
    vertexAttrs = new Array[VD](currLocalId + 1)
  new EdgePartition(
    localSrcIds, localDstIds, data, index, global2local, local2global.trim().array, vertexAttrs,


  • toEdgePartition的第一步就是对边进行排序。


  • toEdgePartition的第二步就是填充localSrcIds,localDstIds, data, index, global2local, local2global, vertexAttrs


  global2local是一个简单的,key值非负的快速hash mapGraphXPrimitiveKeyOpenHashMap, 保存vertextId和本地索引的映射关系。global2local中包含当前partition所有srcIddstId与本地索引的映射关系。


  我们知道相同的srcId可能对应不同的dstId。按照srcId排序之后,相同的srcId会出现多行,如上图中的index desc部分。index中记录的是相同srcId中第一个出现的srcId与其下标。



// 根据本地下标取VertexId
localSrcIds/localDstIds -> index -> local2global -> VertexId
// 根据VertexId取本地下标,取属性
VertexId -> global2local -> index -> data -> attr object  构建顶点VertexRDD


private def fromEdgeRDD[VD: ClassTag, ED: ClassTag](
         edges: EdgeRDDImpl[ED, VD],
         defaultVertexAttr: VD,
         edgeStorageLevel: StorageLevel,
         vertexStorageLevel: StorageLevel): GraphImpl[VD, ED] = {
  val edgesCached = edges.withTargetStorageLevel(edgeStorageLevel).cache()
  val vertices = VertexRDD.fromEdges(edgesCached, edgesCached.partitions.size, defaultVertexAttr)
  fromExistingRDDs(vertices, edgesCached)



def fromEdges[VD: ClassTag](
                             edges: EdgeRDD[_], numPartitions: Int, defaultVal: VD): VertexRDD[VD] = {
  //1 创建路由表
  val routingTables = createRoutingTables(edges, new HashPartitioner(numPartitions))
  //2 根据路由表生成分区对象vertexPartitions
  val vertexPartitions = routingTables.mapPartitions({ routingTableIter =>
    val routingTable =
      if (routingTableIter.hasNext) else RoutingTablePartition.empty
    Iterator(ShippableVertexPartition(Iterator.empty, routingTable, defaultVal))
  }, preservesPartitioning = true)
  //3 创建VertexRDDImpl对象
  new VertexRDDImpl(vertexPartitions)





  • 创建路由表


private[graphx] def createRoutingTables(edges: EdgeRDD[_], vertexPartitioner: Partitioner): RDD[RoutingTablePartition] = {
  // edge partition中的数据转换成RoutingTableMessage类型,
  val vid2pid = edges.partitionsRDD.mapPartitions(_.flatMap(



def edgePartitionToMsgs(pid: PartitionID, edgePartition: EdgePartition[_, _])
: Iterator[RoutingTableMessage] = {
  val map = new GraphXPrimitiveKeyOpenHashMap[VertexId, Byte]
  edgePartition.iterator.foreach { e =>
    map.changeValue(e.srcId, 0x1, (b: Byte) => (b | 0x1).toByte)
    map.changeValue(e.dstId, 0x2, (b: Byte) => (b | 0x2).toByte)
  } { vidAndPosition =>
    val vid = vidAndPosition._1
    val position = vidAndPosition._2
    toMessage(vid, pid, position)
private def toMessage(vid: VertexId, pid: PartitionID, position: Byte): RoutingTableMessage = {
  val positionUpper2 = position << 30
  val pidLower30 = pid & 0x3FFFFFFF
  (vid, positionUpper2 | pidLower30)


  根据代码,我们可以知道程序使用int32-31比特位表示标志位,即01: isSrcId ,10: isDstId30-0比特位表示边分区ID。这样做可以节省内存。 RoutingTableMessage表达的信息是:顶点id和它相关联的边的分区id是放在一起的,所以任何时候,我们都可以通过RoutingTableMessage找到顶点关联的边。

  • 根据路由表生成分区对象

private[graphx] def createRoutingTables(
                                         edges: EdgeRDD[_], vertexPartitioner: Partitioner): RDD[RoutingTablePartition] = {
  // edge partition中的数据转换成RoutingTableMessage类型,
  val numEdgePartitions = edges.partitions.size
    iter => Iterator(RoutingTablePartition.fromMsgs(numEdgePartitions, iter)),
    preservesPartitioning = true)



def fromMsgs(numEdgePartitions: Int, iter: Iterator[RoutingTableMessage])
: RoutingTablePartition = {
  val pid2vid = Array.fill(numEdgePartitions)(new PrimitiveVector[VertexId])
  val srcFlags = Array.fill(numEdgePartitions)(new PrimitiveVector[Boolean])
  val dstFlags = Array.fill(numEdgePartitions)(new PrimitiveVector[Boolean])
  for (msg <- iter) {
    val vid = vidFromMessage(msg)
    val pid = pidFromMessage(msg)
    val position = positionFromMessage(msg)
    pid2vid(pid) += vid
    srcFlags(pid) += (position & 0x1) != 0
    dstFlags(pid) += (position & 0x2) != 0
  new RoutingTablePartition( {
    case (vids, pid) => (vids.trim().array, toBitSet(srcFlags(pid)), toBitSet(dstFlags(pid)))



  该方法从RoutingTableMessage获取数据,将vid, pid, isSrcId/isDstId重新封装到pid2vidsrcFlagsdstFlags这三个数据结构中。它们表示当前顶点分区中的点在边分区的分布。 想象一下,重新分区后,新分区中的点可能来自于不同的边分区,所以一个点要找到边,就需要先确定边的分区号pid, 然后在确定的边分区中确定是srcId还是dstId, 这样就找到了边。 新分区中保存vids.trim().array, toBitSet(srcFlags(pid)), toBitSet(dstFlags(pid))这样的记录。这里转换为toBitSet保存是为了节省空间。


def apply[VD: ClassTag](
                         iter: Iterator[(VertexId, VD)], routingTable: RoutingTablePartition, defaultVal: VD,
                         mergeFunc: (VD, VD) => VD): ShippableVertexPartition[VD] = {
  val map = new GraphXPrimitiveKeyOpenHashMap[VertexId, VD]
  // 合并顶点
  iter.foreach { pair =>
    map.setMerge(pair._1, pair._2, mergeFunc)
  // 不全缺失的属性值
  routingTable.iterator.foreach { vid =>
    map.changeValue(vid, defaultVal, identity)
  new ShippableVertexPartition(map.keySet, map._values, map.keySet.getBitSet, routingTable)
ShippableVertexPartition[VD: ClassTag](
val index: VertexIdToIndexMap,
val values: Array[VD],
val mask: BitSet,
val routingTable: RoutingTablePartition)


  map就是映射vertexId->attrindex就是顶点集合,values就是顶点集对应的属性集,mask指顶点集的BitSet  生成Graph

  使用上述构建的edgeRDDvertexRDD,使用 new GraphImpl(vertices, new ReplicatedVertexView(edges.asInstanceOf[EdgeRDDImpl[ED, VD]])) 就可以生成Graph对象。ReplicatedVertexView是点和边的视图,用来管理运送(shipping)顶点属性到EdgeRDD的分区。当顶点属性改变时,我们需要运送它们到边分区来更新保存在边分区的顶点属性。 注意,在ReplicatedVertexView中不要保存一个对边的引用,因为在属性运送等级升级后,这个引用可能会发生改变。

class ReplicatedVertexView[VD: ClassTag, ED: ClassTag](var edges: EdgeRDDImpl[ED, VD], var hasSrcId: Boolean = false, var hasDstId: Boolean = false)


2.4 计算模式

2.4.1 BSP计算模式

    目前基于图的并行计算框架已经有很多,比如来自GooglePregel、来自Apache开源的图计算框架Giraph/HAMA以及最为著名的GraphLab,其中PregelHAMAGiraph都是非常类似的,都是基于BSPBulk Synchronous Parallell)模式。 Bulk Synchronous Parallell,即整体同步并行。

    BSP中,一次计算过程由一系列全局超步组成,每一个超步由并发计算、通信和同步三个步骤组成。同步完成,标志着这个超步的完成及下一个超步的开始。 BSP模式的准则是批量同步(bulk synchrony),其独特之处在于超步(superstep)概念的引入。一个BSP程序同时具有水平和垂直两个方面的结构。从垂直上看,一个BSP程序由一系列串行的超步(superstep)组成,如图所示:






  • 本地计算阶段,每个处理器只对存储在本地内存中的数据进行本地计算。
  • 全局通信阶段,对任何非本地数据进行操作。
  • 栅栏同步阶段,等待所有通信行为的结束。


1 将计算划分为一个一个的超步(superstep),有效避免死锁;

2 将处理器和路由器分开,强调了计算任务和通信任务的分开,而路由器仅仅完成点到点的消息传递,不提供组合、复制和广播等功能,这样做既掩盖具体的互连网络拓扑,又简化了通信协议;

3 采用障碍同步的方式、以硬件实现的全局同步是可控的粗粒度级,提供了执行紧耦合同步式并行算法的有效方式

2.4.2 图操作一览

正如RDDs有基本的操作map, filterreduceByKey一样,属性图也有基本的集合操作,这些操作采用用户自定义的函数并产生包含转换特征和结构的新图。定义在Graph中的核心操作是经过优化的实现。表示为核心操作的组合的便捷操作定义在GraphOps中。然而,因为有Scala的隐式转换,定义在GraphOps中的操作可以作为Graph的成员自动使用。例如,我们可以通过下面的方式计算每个顶点(定义在GraphOps)的入度。

val graph: Graph[(String, String), String]
// Use the implicit GraphOps.inDegrees operator
val inDegrees: VertexRDD[Int] = graph.inDegrees




2.4.3 操作一览



import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.graphx._
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD


val users: VertexRDD[(String, String)] = VertexRDD[(String, String)](sc.parallelize(Array((3L, ("rxin", "student")), (7L, ("jgonzal", "postdoc")),(5L, ("franklin", "prof")), (2L, ("istoica", "prof")))))


val relationships: RDD[Edge[String]] = sc.parallelize(Array(Edge(3L, 7L, "collab"),    Edge(5L, 3L, "advisor"),Edge(2L, 5L, "colleague"), Edge(5L, 7L, "pi")))


val graph = Graph(users, relationships)



/** 属性操作总结 */
class Graph[VD, ED] {
  // 信息操作

  val numEdges: Long

  val numVertices: Long

  val inDegrees: VertexRDD[Int]

  val outDegrees: VertexRDD[Int]

  val degrees: VertexRDD[Int]
  // Views of the graph as collections =============================================================

  val vertices: VertexRDD[VD]

  val edges: EdgeRDD[ED]

  val triplets: RDD[EdgeTriplet[VD, ED]]
  // Functions for caching graphs ==================================================================

  def persist(newLevel: StorageLevel = StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY): Graph[VD, ED]
  def cache(): Graph[VD, ED]

  def unpersist(blocking: Boolean = true): Graph[VD, ED]
  // Change the partitioning heuristic  ============================================================

  def partitionBy(partitionStrategy: PartitionStrategy): Graph[VD, ED]
  // 顶点和边属性转换

  def mapVertices[VD2](map: (VertexID, VD) => VD2): Graph[VD2, ED]
  def mapEdges[ED2](map: Edge[ED] => ED2): Graph[VD, ED2]
  def mapEdges[ED2](map: (PartitionID, Iterator[Edge[ED]]) => Iterator[ED2]): Graph[VD, ED2]
  def mapTriplets[ED2](map: EdgeTriplet[VD, ED] => ED2): Graph[VD, ED2]
  def mapTriplets[ED2](map: (PartitionID, Iterator[EdgeTriplet[VD, ED]]) => Iterator[ED2])
  : Graph[VD, ED2]
  // 修改图结构


  def reverse: Graph[VD, ED]

  def subgraph(
                epred: EdgeTriplet[VD,ED] => Boolean = (x => true),
                vpred: (VertexID, VD) => Boolean = ((v, d) => true))
  : Graph[VD, ED]
  def mask[VD2, ED2](other: Graph[VD2, ED2]): Graph[VD, ED]
  def groupEdges(merge: (ED, ED) => ED): Graph[VD, ED]
  // Join RDDs with the graph ======================================================================
  def joinVertices[U](table: RDD[(VertexID, U)])(mapFunc: (VertexID, VD, U) => VD): Graph[VD, ED]
  def outerJoinVertices[U, VD2](other: RDD[(VertexID, U)])
                               (mapFunc: (VertexID, VD, Option[U]) => VD2)
  : Graph[VD2, ED]
  // Aggregate information about adjacent triplets =================================================
  def collectNeighborIds(edgeDirection: EdgeDirection): VertexRDD[Array[VertexID]]
  def collectNeighbors(edgeDirection: EdgeDirection): VertexRDD[Array[(VertexID, VD)]]
  def aggregateMessages[Msg: ClassTag](
                                        sendMsg: EdgeContext[VD, ED, Msg] => Unit,
                                        mergeMsg: (Msg, Msg) => Msg,
                                        tripletFields: TripletFields = TripletFields.All)
  : VertexRDD[A]
  // Iterative graph-parallel computation ==========================================================
  def pregel[A](initialMsg: A, maxIterations: Int, activeDirection: EdgeDirection)(
    vprog: (VertexID, VD, A) => VD,
    sendMsg: EdgeTriplet[VD, ED] => Iterator[(VertexID,A)],
    mergeMsg: (A, A) => A)
  : Graph[VD, ED]
  // Basic graph algorithms ========================================================================
  def pageRank(tol: Double, resetProb: Double = 0.15): Graph[Double, Double]
  def connectedComponents(): Graph[VertexID, ED]
  def triangleCount(): Graph[Int, ED]
  def stronglyConnectedComponents(numIter: Int): Graph[VertexID, ED]



2.4.4 转换操

  GraphX中的转换操作主要有mapVertices,mapEdgesmapTriplets三个,它们在Graph文件中定义,在GraphImpl文件中实现。下面分别介绍这三个方法。  mapVertices


override def mapVertices[VD2: ClassTag]
(f: (VertexId, VD) => VD2)(implicit eq: VD =:= VD2 = null): Graph[VD2, ED] = {
  if (eq != null) {
    // 使用方法f处理vertices
    val newVerts = vertices.mapVertexPartitions(
    val changedVerts = vertices.asInstanceOf[VertexRDD[VD2]].diff(newVerts)
    val newReplicatedVertexView = replicatedVertexView.asInstanceOf[ReplicatedVertexView[VD2, ED]]
    new GraphImpl(newVerts, newReplicatedVertexView)
  } else {
    GraphImpl(vertices.mapVertexPartitions(, replicatedVertexView.edges)



  • 1 使用方法f处理vertices,获得新的VertexRDD
  • 2 使用在VertexRDD中定义的diff方法求出新VertexRDD和源VertexRDD的不同

override def diff(other: VertexRDD[VD]): VertexRDD[VD] = {
  val otherPartition = other match {
    case other: VertexRDD[_] if this.partitioner == other.partitioner =>
    case _ =>
  val newPartitionsRDD = partitionsRDD.zipPartitions(
    otherPartition, preservesPartitioning = true
  ) { (thisIter, otherIter) =>
    val thisPart =
    val otherPart =

  这个方法首先处理新生成的VertexRDD的分区,如果它的分区和源VertexRDD的分区一致,那么直接取出它的partitionsRDD,否则重新分区后取出它的partitionsRDD。 针对新旧两个VertexRDD的所有分区,调用VertexPartitionBaseOps中的diff方法求得分区的不同。

def diff(other: Self[VD]): Self[VD] = {
  if (self.index != other.index) {
  } else {
    val newMask = self.mask & other.mask
    var i = newMask.nextSetBit(0)
    while (i >= 0) {
      if (self.values(i) == other.values(i)) {
      i = newMask.nextSetBit(i + 1)



  • 3 更新ReplicatedVertexView

def updateVertices(updates: VertexRDD[VD]): ReplicatedVertexView[VD, ED] = {
  val shippedVerts = updates.shipVertexAttributes(hasSrcId, hasDstId)
    .setName("ReplicatedVertexView.updateVertices - shippedVerts %s %s (broadcast)".format(
      hasSrcId, hasDstId))
  val newEdges = edges.withPartitionsRDD(edges.partitionsRDD.zipPartitions(shippedVerts) {
    (ePartIter, shippedVertsIter) => {
      case (pid, edgePartition) =>
        (pid, edgePartition.updateVertices(shippedVertsIter.flatMap(_._2.iterator)))
  new ReplicatedVertexView(newEdges, hasSrcId, hasDstId)


  updateVertices方法返回一个新的ReplicatedVertexView,它更新了边分区中包含的顶点属性。我们看看它的实现过程。首先看shipVertexAttributes方法的调用。 调用shipVertexAttributes方法会生成一个VertexAttributeBlockVertexAttributeBlock包含当前分区的顶点属性,这些属性可以在特定的边分区使用。

def shipVertexAttributes(
                          shipSrc: Boolean, shipDst: Boolean): Iterator[(PartitionID, VertexAttributeBlock[VD])] = {
  Iterator.tabulate(routingTable.numEdgePartitions) { pid =>
    val initialSize = if (shipSrc && shipDst) routingTable.partitionSize(pid) else 64
    val vids = new PrimitiveVector[VertexId](initialSize)
    val attrs = new PrimitiveVector[VD](initialSize)
    var i = 0
    routingTable.foreachWithinEdgePartition(pid, shipSrc, shipDst) { vid =>
      if (isDefined(vid)) {
        vids += vid
        attrs += this(vid)
      i += 1
    (pid, new VertexAttributeBlock(vids.trim().array, attrs.trim().array))



def updateVertices(iter: Iterator[(VertexId, VD)]): EdgePartition[ED, VD] = {
  val newVertexAttrs = new Array[VD](vertexAttrs.length)
  System.arraycopy(vertexAttrs, 0, newVertexAttrs, 0, vertexAttrs.length)
  while (iter.hasNext) {
    val kv =
    newVertexAttrs(global2local(kv._1)) = kv._2
  new EdgePartition(
    localSrcIds, localDstIds, data, index, global2local, local2global, newVertexAttrs,



scala> graph.mapVertices((VertexId,VD)=>VD._1+VD._2).vertices.collect

res14: Array[(org.apache.spark.graphx.VertexId, String)] = Array((7,jgonzalpostdoc), (2,istoicaprof), (3,rxinstudent), (5,franklinprof))  mapEdges



override def mapEdges[ED2: ClassTag](
                                      f: (PartitionID, Iterator[Edge[ED]]) => Iterator[ED2]): Graph[VD, ED2] = {
  val newEdges = replicatedVertexView.edges
    .mapEdgePartitions((pid, part) =>, part.iterator)))
  new GraphImpl(vertices, replicatedVertexView.withEdges(newEdges))





scala> graph.mapEdges(edge=>"name:"+edge.attr).edges.collect

res16: Array[org.apache.spark.graphx.Edge[String]] = Array(Edge(3,7,name:collab), Edge(5,3,name:advisor), Edge(2,5,name:colleague), Edge(5,7,name:pi))  mapTriplets


override def mapTriplets[ED2: ClassTag](
    f: (PartitionID, Iterator[EdgeTriplet[VD, ED]]) => Iterator[ED2],
    tripletFields: TripletFields): Graph[VD, ED2] = {
  replicatedVertexView.upgrade(vertices, tripletFields.useSrc, tripletFields.useDst)
  val newEdges = replicatedVertexView.edges.mapEdgePartitions { (pid, part) =>, part.tripletIterator(tripletFields.useSrc, tripletFields.useDst)))
  new GraphImpl(vertices, replicatedVertexView.withEdges(newEdges))




def upgrade(vertices: VertexRDD[VD], includeSrc: Boolean, includeDst: Boolean) {
  val shipSrc = includeSrc && !hasSrcId
  val shipDst = includeDst && !hasDstId
  if (shipSrc || shipDst) {
    val shippedVerts: RDD[(Int, VertexAttributeBlock[VD])] =
      vertices.shipVertexAttributes(shipSrc, shipDst)
        .setName("ReplicatedVertexView.upgrade(%s, %s) - shippedVerts %s %s (broadcast)".format(
          includeSrc, includeDst, shipSrc, shipDst))
    val newEdges = edges.withPartitionsRDD(edges.partitionsRDD.zipPartitions(shippedVerts) {
      (ePartIter, shippedVertsIter) => {
        case (pid, edgePartition) =>
          (pid, edgePartition.updateVertices(shippedVertsIter.flatMap(_._2.iterator)))
    edges = newEdges
    hasSrcId = includeSrc
    hasDstId = includeDst




scala> graph.mapTriplets(tri=>"name:"+tri.attr).triplets.collect

res19: Array[org.apache.spark.graphx.EdgeTriplet[(String, String),String]] = Array(((3,(rxin,student)),(7,(jgonzal,postdoc)),name:collab), ((5,(franklin,prof)),(3,(rxin,student)),name:advisor), ((2,(istoica,prof)),(5,(franklin,prof)),name:colleague), ((5,(franklin,prof)),(7,(jgonzal,postdoc)),name:pi))


2.4.5 结构操


class Graph[VD, ED] {
  def reverse: Graph[VD, ED]
  def subgraph(epred: EdgeTriplet[VD,ED] => Boolean,
               vpred: (VertexId, VD) => Boolean): Graph[VD, ED]
  def mask[VD2, ED2](other: Graph[VD2, ED2]): Graph[VD, ED]
  def groupEdges(merge: (ED, ED) => ED): Graph[VD,ED]


  下面分别介绍这四种函数的原理。  reverse

  reverse操作返回一个新的图,这个图的边的方向都是反转的。例如,这个操作可以用来计算反转的PageRank。因为反转操作没有修改顶点或者边的属性或者改变边的数量,所以我们可以 在不移动或者复制数据的情况下有效地实现它。

override def reverse: Graph[VD, ED] = {
  new GraphImpl(vertices.reverseRoutingTables(), replicatedVertexView.reverse())
def reverse(): ReplicatedVertexView[VD, ED] = {
  val newEdges = edges.mapEdgePartitions((pid, part) => part.reverse)
  new ReplicatedVertexView(newEdges, hasDstId, hasSrcId)
def reverse: EdgePartition[ED, VD] = {
  val builder = new ExistingEdgePartitionBuilder[ED, VD](
    global2local, local2global, vertexAttrs, activeSet, size)
  var i = 0
  while (i < size) {
    val localSrcId = localSrcIds(i)
    val localDstId = localDstIds(i)
    val srcId = local2global(localSrcId)
    val dstId = local2global(localDstId)
    val attr = data(i)
    builder.add(dstId, srcId, localDstId, localSrcId, attr)
    i += 1

例子:图的入度和出度转换  subgraph

  subgraph操作利用顶点和边的判断式(predicates),返回的图仅仅包含满足顶点判断式的顶点、满足边判断式的边以及满足顶点判断式的triplesubgraph操作可以用于很多场景,如获取 感兴趣的顶点和边组成的图或者获取清除断开连接后的图。

override def subgraph(
                       epred: EdgeTriplet[VD, ED] => Boolean = x => true,
                       vpred: (VertexId, VD) => Boolean = (a, b) => true): Graph[VD, ED] = {
  // 过滤vertices, 重用partitioner和索引
  val newVerts = vertices.mapVertexPartitions(_.filter(vpred))
  // 过滤 triplets
  replicatedVertexView.upgrade(vertices, true, true)
  val newEdges = replicatedVertexView.edges.filter(epred, vpred)
  new GraphImpl(newVerts, replicatedVertexView.withEdges(newEdges))
  // 该代码显示,subgraph方法的实现分两步:先过滤VertexRDD,然后再过滤EdgeRDD。如上,过滤VertexRDD比较简单,我们重点看过滤EdgeRDD的过程。
def filter(
            epred: EdgeTriplet[VD, ED] => Boolean,
            vpred: (VertexId, VD) => Boolean): EdgeRDDImpl[ED, VD] = {
  mapEdgePartitions((pid, part) => part.filter(epred, vpred))
def filter(
            epred: EdgeTriplet[VD, ED] => Boolean,
            vpred: (VertexId, VD) => Boolean): EdgePartition[ED, VD] = {
  val builder = new ExistingEdgePartitionBuilder[ED, VD](
    global2local, local2global, vertexAttrs, activeSet)
  var i = 0
  while (i < size) {
    // The user sees the EdgeTriplet, so we can't reuse it and must create one per edge.
    val localSrcId = localSrcIds(i)
    val localDstId = localDstIds(i)
    val et = new EdgeTriplet[VD, ED]
    et.srcId = local2global(localSrcId)
    et.dstId = local2global(localDstId)
    et.srcAttr = vertexAttrs(localSrcId)
    et.dstAttr = vertexAttrs(localDstId)
    et.attr = data(i)
    if (vpred(et.srcId, et.srcAttr) && vpred(et.dstId, et.dstAttr) && epred(et)) {
      builder.add(et.srcId, et.dstId, localSrcId, localDstId, et.attr)
    i += 1





scala> graph.subgraph(Triplet => Triplet.attr.startsWith("c"),(VertexId, VD) => VD._2.startsWith("pro"))

res3: org.apache.spark.graphx.Graph[(String, String),String] = org.apache.spark.graphx.impl.GraphImpl@49db5438

scala> res3.vertices.collect

res4: Array[(org.apache.spark.graphx.VertexId, (String, String))] = Array((2,(istoica,prof)), (5,(franklin,prof)))

scala> res3.edges.collect

res5: Array[org.apache.spark.graphx.Edge[String]] = Array(Edge(2,5,colleague))  mask

  mask操作构造一个子图,类似于交集这个子图包含输入图中包含的顶点和边。它的实现很简单,顶点和边均做inner join操作即可。这个操作可以和subgraph操作相结合,基于另外一个相关图的特征去约束一个图。只使用ID进行对比,不对比属性。

override def mask[VD2: ClassTag, ED2: ClassTag] (
      other: Graph[VD2, ED2]): Graph[VD, ED] = {
  val newVerts = vertices.innerJoin(other.vertices) { (vid, v, w) => v }
  val newEdges = replicatedVertexView.edges.innerJoin(other.edges) { (src, dst, v, w) => v }
  new GraphImpl(newVerts, replicatedVertexView.withEdges(newEdges))
}  groupEdges


override def groupEdges(merge: (ED, ED) => ED): Graph[VD, ED] = {
  val newEdges = replicatedVertexView.edges.mapEdgePartitions(
    (pid, part) => part.groupEdges(merge))
  new GraphImpl(vertices, replicatedVertexView.withEdges(newEdges))
def groupEdges(merge: (ED, ED) => ED): EdgePartition[ED, VD] = {
  val builder = new ExistingEdgePartitionBuilder[ED, VD](
    global2local, local2global, vertexAttrs, activeSet)
  var currSrcId: VertexId = null.asInstanceOf[VertexId]
  var currDstId: VertexId = null.asInstanceOf[VertexId]
  var currLocalSrcId = -1
  var currLocalDstId = -1
  var currAttr: ED = null.asInstanceOf[ED]
  // 迭代处理所有的边
  var i = 0
  while (i < size) {
    if (i > 0 && currSrcId == srcIds(i) && currDstId == dstIds(i)) {
      // 合并属性
      currAttr = merge(currAttr, data(i))
    } else {
      // This edge starts a new run of edges
      if (i > 0) {
        // 添加到builder
        builder.add(currSrcId, currDstId, currLocalSrcId, currLocalDstId, currAttr)
      // Then start accumulating for a new run
      currSrcId = srcIds(i)
      currDstId = dstIds(i)
      currLocalSrcId = localSrcIds(i)
      currLocalDstId = localDstIds(i)
      currAttr = data(i)
    i += 1
  if (size > 0) {
    builder.add(currSrcId, currDstId, currLocalSrcId, currLocalDstId, currAttr)


  图构建那章我们说明过,存储的边按照源顶点id排过序,所以上面的代码可以通过一次迭代完成对所有相同边的处理。  应用举例

// Create an RDD for the vertices
val users: RDD[(VertexId, (String, String))] =
  sc.parallelize(Array((3L, ("rxin", "student")), (7L, ("jgonzal", "postdoc")),
    (5L, ("franklin", "prof")), (2L, ("istoica", "prof")),
    (4L, ("peter", "student"))))
// Create an RDD for edges
val relationships: RDD[Edge[String]] =
  sc.parallelize(Array(Edge(3L, 7L, "collab"),    Edge(5L, 3L, "advisor"),
    Edge(2L, 5L, "colleague"), Edge(5L, 7L, "pi"),
    Edge(4L, 0L, "student"),   Edge(5L, 0L, "colleague")))
// Define a default user in case there are relationship with missing user
val defaultUser = ("John Doe", "Missing")
// Build the initial Graph
val graph = Graph(users, relationships, defaultUser)
// Notice that there is a user 0 (for which we have no information) connected to users
// 4 (peter) and 5 (franklin).
  triplet => triplet.srcAttr._1 + " is the " + triplet.attr + " of " + triplet.dstAttr._1
// Remove missing vertices as well as the edges to connected to them
val validGraph = graph.subgraph(vpred = (id, attr) => attr._2 != "Missing")
// The valid subgraph will disconnect users 4 and 5 by removing user 0
  triplet => triplet.srcAttr._1 + " is the " + triplet.attr + " of " + triplet.dstAttr._1

/ Run Connected Components
val ccGraph = graph.connectedComponents() // No longer contains missing field
// Remove missing vertices as well as the edges to connected to them
val validGraph = graph.subgraph(vpred = (id, attr) => attr._2 != "Missing")
// Restrict the answer to the valid subgraph
val validCCGraph = ccGraph.mask(validGraph)


2.4.6 顶点关操作

  在许多情况下,有必要将外部数据加入到图中。例如,我们可能有额外的用户属性需要合并到已有的图中或者我们可能想从一个图中取出顶点特征加入到另外一个图中。这些任务可以用join操作完成。 主要的join操作如下所示。

class Graph[VD, ED] {
  def joinVertices[U](table: RDD[(VertexId, U)])(map: (VertexId, VD, U) => VD)
  : Graph[VD, ED]
  def outerJoinVertices[U, VD2](table: RDD[(VertexId, U)])(map: (VertexId, VD, Option[U]) => VD2)
  : Graph[VD2, ED]


  joinVertices操作join输入RDD和顶点,返回一个新的带有顶点特征的图。这些特征是通过在连接顶点的结果上使用用户定义的map函数获得的。没有匹配的顶点保留其原始值。 下面详细地来分析这两个函数。  joinVertices


def joinVertices[U: ClassTag](table: RDD[(VertexId, U)])(mapFunc: (VertexId, VD, U) => VD)
: Graph[VD, ED] = {
  val uf = (id: VertexId, data: VD, o: Option[U]) => {
    o match {
      case Some(u) => mapFunc(id, data, u)
      case None => data


  我们可以看到,joinVertices的实现是通过outerJoinVertices来实现的。这是因为join本来就是outer join的一种特例。


scala> val join = sc.parallelize(Array((3L, "123")))

join: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(Long, String)] = ParallelCollectionRDD[137] at parallelize at :31

scala> graph.joinVertices(join)((VertexId, VD, U) => (VD._1,VD._2 + U))

res33: org.apache.spark.graphx.Graph[(String, String),String] = org.apache.spark.graphx.impl.GraphImpl@4e5b8728

scala> res33.vertices.collect.foreach(println _)




(5,(franklin,prof))  outerJoinVertices


override def outerJoinVertices[U: ClassTag, VD2: ClassTag]
(other: RDD[(VertexId, U)])
(updateF: (VertexId, VD, Option[U]) => VD2)
(implicit eq: VD =:= VD2 = null): Graph[VD2, ED] = {
  if (eq != null) {
    // updateF preserves type, so we can use incremental replication
    val newVerts = vertices.leftJoin(other)(updateF).cache()
    val changedVerts = vertices.asInstanceOf[VertexRDD[VD2]].diff(newVerts)
    val newReplicatedVertexView = replicatedVertexView.asInstanceOf[ReplicatedVertexView[VD2, ED]]
    new GraphImpl(newVerts, newReplicatedVertexView)
  } else {
    // updateF does not preserve type, so we must re-replicate all vertices
    val newVerts = vertices.leftJoin(other)(updateF)
    GraphImpl(newVerts, replicatedVertexView.edges)



  通过以上的代码我们可以看到,如果updateF不改变类型,我们只需要创建改变的顶点即可,否则我们要重新创建所有的顶点。我们讨论不改变类型的情况。 这种情况分三步。

  • 1 修改顶点属性值

val newVerts = vertices.leftJoin(other)(updateF).cache()

  这一步会用顶点RDD join 传入的RDD,然后用updateF作用joinRDD中的所有顶点,改变它们的值。

  • 2 找到发生改变的顶点

  val changedVerts = vertices.asInstanceOf[VertexRDD[VD2]].diff(newVerts)

  • 3 更新newReplicatedVertexView中边分区中的顶点属性

val newReplicatedVertexView = replicatedVertexView.asInstanceOf[ReplicatedVertexView[VD2, ED]]


scala> graph.outerJoinVertices(join)((VertexId, VD, U) => (VD._1,VD._2 + U))

res35: org.apache.spark.graphx.Graph[(String, String),String] = org.apache.spark.graphx.impl.GraphImpl@7c542a14

scala> res35.vertices.collect.foreach(println _)






2.4.7 聚合操作

  GraphX中提供的聚合操作有aggregateMessagescollectNeighborIdscollectNeighbors三个,其中aggregateMessagesGraphImpl中实现,collectNeighborIdscollectNeighborsGraphOps中实现。下面分别介绍这几个方法。  aggregateMessages aggregateMessages接口

  aggregateMessagesGraphX最重要的API,用于替换mapReduceTriplets。目前mapReduceTriplets最终也是通过aggregateMessages来实现的。它主要功能是向邻边发消息,合并邻边收到的消息,返回messageRDD aggregateMessages的接口如下:

def aggregateMessages[A: ClassTag](
      sendMsg: EdgeContext[VD, ED, A] => Unit,
      mergeMsg: (A, A) => A,
      tripletFields: TripletFields = TripletFields.All)
: VertexRDD[A] = {
  aggregateMessagesWithActiveSet(sendMsg, mergeMsg, tripletFields, None)



  • sendMsg: 发消息函数

private def sendMsg(ctx: EdgeContext[KCoreVertex, Int, Map[Int, Int]]): Unit = {
  ctx.sendToDst(Map(ctx.srcAttr.preKCore -> -1, ctx.srcAttr.curKCore -> 1))
  ctx.sendToSrc(Map(ctx.dstAttr.preKCore -> -1, ctx.dstAttr.curKCore -> 1))


  • mergeMsg:合并消息函数


  • tripletFields:定义发消息的方向 aggregateMessages处理流程

  aggregateMessages方法分为MapReduce两个阶段,下面我们分别就这两个阶段说明。 Map

  从入口函数进入aggregateMessagesWithActiveSet函数,该函数首先使用VertexRDD[VD]更新replicatedVertexView, 只更新其中vertexRDDattr对象。如构建图中介绍的,replicatedVertexView是点和边的视图,点的属性有变化,要更新边中包含的点的attr

replicatedVertexView.upgrade(vertices, tripletFields.useSrc, tripletFields.useDst)
val view = activeSetOpt match {
  case Some((activeSet, _)) =>
  case None =>



val preAgg = view.edges.partitionsRDD.mapPartitions(_.flatMap {
  case (pid, edgePartition) =>
    // 选择 scan 方法
    val activeFraction = edgePartition.numActives.getOrElse(0) / edgePartition.indexSize.toFloat
    activeDirectionOpt match {
      case Some(EdgeDirection.Both) =>
        if (activeFraction < 0.8) {
          edgePartition.aggregateMessagesIndexScan(sendMsg, mergeMsg, tripletFields,
        } else {
          edgePartition.aggregateMessagesEdgeScan(sendMsg, mergeMsg, tripletFields,
      case Some(EdgeDirection.Either) =>
        edgePartition.aggregateMessagesEdgeScan(sendMsg, mergeMsg, tripletFields,
      case Some(EdgeDirection.Out) =>
        if (activeFraction < 0.8) {
          edgePartition.aggregateMessagesIndexScan(sendMsg, mergeMsg, tripletFields,
        } else {
          edgePartition.aggregateMessagesEdgeScan(sendMsg, mergeMsg, tripletFields,
      case Some(EdgeDirection.In) =>
        edgePartition.aggregateMessagesEdgeScan(sendMsg, mergeMsg, tripletFields,
      case _ => // None
        edgePartition.aggregateMessagesEdgeScan(sendMsg, mergeMsg, tripletFields,


  在分区内,根据activeFraction的大小选择是进入aggregateMessagesEdgeScan还是aggregateMessagesIndexScan处理。aggregateMessagesEdgeScan会顺序地扫描所有的边, 而aggregateMessagesIndexScan会先过滤源顶点索引,然后在扫描。我们重点去分析aggregateMessagesEdgeScan

def aggregateMessagesEdgeScan[A: ClassTag](
      sendMsg: EdgeContext[VD, ED, A] => Unit,
      mergeMsg: (A, A) => A,
      tripletFields: TripletFields,
      activeness: EdgeActiveness): Iterator[(VertexId, A)] = {
  var ctx = new AggregatingEdgeContext[VD, ED, A](mergeMsg, aggregates, bitset)
  var i = 0
  while (i < size) {
    val localSrcId = localSrcIds(i)
    val srcId = local2global(localSrcId)
    val localDstId = localDstIds(i)
    val dstId = local2global(localDstId)
    val srcAttr = if (tripletFields.useSrc) vertexAttrs(localSrcId) else null.asInstanceOf[VD]
    val dstAttr = if (tripletFields.useDst) vertexAttrs(localDstId) else null.asInstanceOf[VD]
    ctx.set(srcId, dstId, localSrcId, localDstId, srcAttr, dstAttr, data(i))
    i += 1




  • 获取顶点相关信息

  在前文介绍edge partition时,我们知道它包含localSrcIds,localDstIds, data, index, global2local, local2global, vertexAttrs这几个重要的数据结构。其中localSrcIds,localDstIds分别表示源顶点、目的顶点在当前分区中的索引。 所以我们可以遍历localSrcIds,根据其下标去localSrcIds中拿到srcId在全局local2global中的索引,最后拿到srcId。通过vertexAttrs拿到顶点属性。通过data拿到边属性。

  • 发送消息


override def sendToSrc(msg: A) {
  send(_localSrcId, msg)
override def sendToDst(msg: A) {
  send(_localDstId, msg)
@inline private def send(localId: Int, msg: A) {
  if (bitset.get(localId)) {
    aggregates(localId) = mergeMsg(aggregates(localId), msg)
  } else {
    aggregates(localId) = msg


  每个点之间在发消息的时候是独立的,即:点单纯根据方向,向以相邻点的以localId为下标的数组中插数据,互相独立,可以并行运行。Map阶段最后返回消息RDD messages: RDD[(VertexId, VD2)]

  Map阶段的执行流程如下例所示: Reduce


vertices.aggregateUsingIndex(preAgg, mergeMsg)
override def aggregateUsingIndex[VD2: ClassTag](
                                                 messages: RDD[(VertexId, VD2)], reduceFunc: (VD2, VD2) => VD2): VertexRDD[VD2] = {
  val shuffled = messages.partitionBy(this.partitioner.get)
  val parts = partitionsRDD.zipPartitions(shuffled, true) { (thisIter, msgIter) =>, reduceFunc))



  • 1 messages重新分区,分区器使用VertexRDDpartitioner。然后使用zipPartitions合并两个分区。
  • 2 对等合并attr, 聚合函数使用传入的mergeMsg函数

def aggregateUsingIndex[VD2: ClassTag](
               iter: Iterator[Product2[VertexId, VD2]],
                reduceFunc: (VD2, VD2) => VD2): Self[VD2] = {
  val newMask = new BitSet(self.capacity)
  val newValues = new Array[VD2](self.capacity)
  iter.foreach { product =>
    val vid = product._1
    val vdata = product._2
    val pos = self.index.getPos(vid)
    if (pos >= 0) {
      if (newMask.get(pos)) {
        newValues(pos) = reduceFunc(newValues(pos), vdata)
      } else { // otherwise just store the new value
        newValues(pos) = vdata






// Import random graph generation library
import org.apache.spark.graphx.util.GraphGenerators
// Create a graph with "age" as the vertex property.  Here we use a random graph for simplicity.
val graph: Graph[Double, Int] =
  GraphGenerators.logNormalGraph(sc, numVertices = 100).mapVertices( (id, _) => id.toDouble )
// Compute the number of older followers and their total age
val olderFollowers: VertexRDD[(Int, Double)] = graph.aggregateMessages[(Int, Double)](
  triplet => { // Map Function
    if (triplet.srcAttr > triplet.dstAttr) {
      // Send message to destination vertex containing counter and age
      triplet.sendToDst(1, triplet.srcAttr)
  // Add counter and age
  (a, b) => (a._1 + b._1, a._2 + b._2) // Reduce Function
// Divide total age by number of older followers to get average age of older followers
val avgAgeOfOlderFollowers: VertexRDD[Double] =
  olderFollowers.mapValues( (id, value) => value match { case (count, totalAge) => totalAge / count } )
// Display the results
avgAgeOfOlderFollowers.collect.foreach(println(_))  collectNeighbors



def collectNeighbors(edgeDirection: EdgeDirection): VertexRDD[Array[(VertexId, VD)]] = {
  val nbrs = edgeDirection match {
    case EdgeDirection.Either =>
      graph.aggregateMessages[Array[(VertexId, VD)]](
        ctx => {
          ctx.sendToSrc(Array((ctx.dstId, ctx.dstAttr)))
          ctx.sendToDst(Array((ctx.srcId, ctx.srcAttr)))
        (a, b) => a ++ b, TripletFields.All)
    case EdgeDirection.In =>
      graph.aggregateMessages[Array[(VertexId, VD)]](
        ctx => ctx.sendToDst(Array((ctx.srcId, ctx.srcAttr))),
        (a, b) => a ++ b, TripletFields.Src)
    case EdgeDirection.Out =>
      graph.aggregateMessages[Array[(VertexId, VD)]](
        ctx => ctx.sendToSrc(Array((ctx.dstId, ctx.dstAttr))),
        (a, b) => a ++ b, TripletFields.Dst)
    case EdgeDirection.Both =>
      throw new SparkException("collectEdges does not support EdgeDirection.Both. Use" +
        "EdgeDirection.Either instead.")
  graph.vertices.leftJoin(nbrs) { (vid, vdata, nbrsOpt) =>
    nbrsOpt.getOrElse(Array.empty[(VertexId, VD)])



ctx => {
  ctx.sendToSrc(Array((ctx.dstId, ctx.dstAttr)))
  ctx.sendToDst(Array((ctx.srcId, ctx.srcAttr)))


  这个函数在处理每条边时都会同时向源顶点和目的顶点发送消息,消息内容分别为(目的顶点id,目的顶点属性)(源顶点id,源顶点属性)。为什么会这样处理呢? 我们知道,每条边都由两个顶点组成,对于这个边,我需要向源顶点发送目的顶点的信息来记录它们之间的邻居关系,同理向目的顶点发送源顶点的信息来记录它们之间的邻居关系。


(a, b) => a ++ b

  通过aggregateMessages获得包含邻居关系信息的VertexRDD后,把它和现有的verticesjoin操作,得到每个顶点的邻居消息。  collectNeighborIds


def collectNeighborIds(edgeDirection: EdgeDirection): VertexRDD[Array[VertexId]] = {
  val nbrs =
    if (edgeDirection == EdgeDirection.Either) {
        ctx => { ctx.sendToSrc(Array(ctx.dstId)); ctx.sendToDst(Array(ctx.srcId)) },
        _ ++ _, TripletFields.None)
    } else if (edgeDirection == EdgeDirection.Out) {
        ctx => ctx.sendToSrc(Array(ctx.dstId)),
        _ ++ _, TripletFields.None)
    } else if (edgeDirection == EdgeDirection.In) {
        ctx => ctx.sendToDst(Array(ctx.srcId)),
        _ ++ _, TripletFields.None)
    } else {
      throw new SparkException("It doesn't make sense to collect neighbor ids without a " +
        "direction. (EdgeDirection.Both is not supported; use EdgeDirection.Either instead.)")
  graph.vertices.leftZipJoin(nbrs) { (vid, vdata, nbrsOpt) =>



ctx => { ctx.sendToSrc(Array(ctx.dstId)); ctx.sendToDst(Array(ctx.srcId)) }

2.4.8 缓存操


  在迭代计算中,为了获得最佳的性能,不缓存可能是必须的。默认情况下,缓存的RDD和图会一直保留在内存中直到因为内存压力迫使它们以LRU的顺序删除。对于迭代计算,先前的迭代的中间结果将填充到缓存 中。虽然它们最终会被删除,但是保存在内存中的不需要的数据将会减慢垃圾回收。只有中间结果不需要,不缓存它们是更高效的。然而,因为图是由多个RDD组成的,正确的不持久化它们是困难的。对于迭代计算,我们建议使用Pregel API,它可以正确的不持久化中间结果。


def persist(newLevel: StorageLevel = StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY): Graph[VD, ED]
def cache(): Graph[VD, ED]
def unpersist(blocking: Boolean = true): Graph[VD, ED]
def unpersistVertices(blocking: Boolean = true): Graph[VD, ED]


2.5 Pregel API

  图本身是递归数据结构,顶点的属性依赖于它们邻居的属性,这些邻居的属性又依赖于自己邻居的属性。所以许多重要的图算法都是迭代的重新计算每个顶点的属性,直到满足某个确定的条件。 一系列的图并发(graph-parallel)抽象已经被提出来用来表达这些迭代算法。GraphX公开了一个类似Pregel的操作,它是广泛使用的PregelGraphLab抽象的一个融合。

  GraphX中实现的这个更高级的Pregel操作是一个约束到图拓扑的批量同步(bulk-synchronous)并行消息抽象。Pregel操作者执行一系列的超步(super steps),在这些步骤中,顶点从 之前的超步中接收进入(inbound)消息的总和,为顶点属性计算一个新的值,然后在以后的超步中发送消息到邻居顶点。不像Pregel而更像GraphLab,消息通过边triplet的一个函数被并行计算, 消息的计算既会访问源顶点特征也会访问目的顶点特征。在超步中,没有收到消息的顶点会被跳过。当没有消息遗留时,Pregel操作停止迭代并返回最终的图。



def apply[VD: ClassTag, ED: ClassTag, A: ClassTag]
  (graph: Graph[VD, ED],
   initialMsg: A,
   maxIterations: Int = Int.MaxValue,
   activeDirection: EdgeDirection = EdgeDirection.Either)
  (vprog: (VertexId, VD, A) => VD,
   sendMsg: EdgeTriplet[VD, ED] => Iterator[(VertexId, A)],
   mergeMsg: (A, A) => A)
  : Graph[VD, ED] =
  var g = graph.mapVertices((vid, vdata) => vprog(vid, vdata, initialMsg)).cache()
  // 计算消息
  var messages = g.mapReduceTriplets(sendMsg, mergeMsg)
  var activeMessages = messages.count()
  // 迭代
  var prevG: Graph[VD, ED] = null
  var i = 0
  while (activeMessages > 0 && i < maxIterations) {
    // 接收消息并更新顶点
    prevG = g
    g = g.joinVertices(messages)(vprog).cache()
    val oldMessages = messages
    // 发送新消息
    messages = g.mapReduceTriplets(
      sendMsg, mergeMsg, Some((oldMessages, activeDirection))).cache()
    activeMessages = messages.count()
    i += 1


2.5.1 pregel计算模


  • vertexProgram:用户定义的顶点运行程序。它作用于每一个顶点,负责接收进来的信息,并计算新的顶点值。
  • sendMsg:发送消息
  • mergeMsg:合并消息


var g = graph.mapVertices((vid, vdata) => vprog(vid, vdata, initialMsg)).cache()
// 计算消息
var messages = g.mapReduceTriplets(sendMsg, mergeMsg)
var activeMessages = messages.count()


  程序首先用vprog函数处理图中所有的顶点,生成新的图。然后用生成的图调用聚合操作(mapReduceTriplets,实际的实现是我们前面章节讲到的aggregateMessagesWithActiveSet函数)获取聚合后的消息。 activeMessagesmessages这个VertexRDD中的顶点数。


  • 1 接收消息,并更新顶点

g = g.joinVertices(messages)(vprog).cache()
def joinVertices[U: ClassTag](table: RDD[(VertexId, U)])(mapFunc: (VertexId, VD, U) => VD)
: Graph[VD, ED] = {
  val uf = (id: VertexId, data: VD, o: Option[U]) => {
    o match {
      case Some(u) => mapFunc(id, data, u)
      case None => data



  • 2 发送新消息

 messages = g.mapReduceTriplets(

        sendMsg, mergeMsg, Some((oldMessages, activeDirection))).cache()

  注意,在上面的代码中,mapReduceTriplets多了一个参数Some((oldMessages, activeDirection))。这个参数的作用是:它使我们在发送新的消息时,会忽略掉那些两端都没有接收到消息的边,减少计算量。

2.5.2 pregel实现最短路

import org.apache.spark.graphx._
import org.apache.spark.graphx.util.GraphGenerators
val graph: Graph[Long, Double] =
  GraphGenerators.logNormalGraph(sc, numVertices = 100).mapEdges(e => e.attr.toDouble)
val sourceId: VertexId = 42 // The ultimate source
// 初始化图
val initialGraph = graph.mapVertices((id, _) => if (id == sourceId) 0.0 else Double.PositiveInfinity)
val sssp = initialGraph.pregel(Double.PositiveInfinity)(
  (id, dist, newDist) => math.min(dist, newDist), // Vertex Program
  triplet => {  // Send Message
    if (triplet.srcAttr + triplet.attr < triplet.dstAttr) {
      Iterator((triplet.dstId, triplet.srcAttr + triplet.attr))
    } else {
  (a,b) => math.min(a,b) // Merge Message


  上面的例子中,Vertex Program函数定义如下:

(id, dist, newDist) => math.min(dist, newDist)

  这个函数的定义显而易见,当两个消息来的时候,取它们当中路径的最小值。同理Merge Message函数也是同样的含义。

  Send Message函数中,会首先比较triplet.srcAttr + triplet.attrtriplet.dstAttr,即比较加上边的属性后,这个值是否小于目的节点的属性,如果小于,则发送消息到目的顶点。


2.6 GraphX实例



import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger}
import org.apache.spark.{SparkContext, SparkConf}
import org.apache.spark.graphx._
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD

object GraphXExample {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {

    val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("SimpleGraphX").setMaster("local")
    val sc = new SparkContext(conf)

    val vertexArray = Array(
      (1L, ("Alice", 28)),
      (2L, ("Bob", 27)),
      (3L, ("Charlie", 65)),
      (4L, ("David", 42)),
      (5L, ("Ed", 55)),
      (6L, ("Fran", 50))
    val edgeArray = Array(
      Edge(2L, 1L, 7),
      Edge(2L, 4L, 2),
      Edge(3L, 2L, 4),
      Edge(3L, 6L, 3),
      Edge(4L, 1L, 1),
      Edge(5L, 2L, 2),
      Edge(5L, 3L, 8),
      Edge(5L, 6L, 3)

    val vertexRDD: RDD[(Long, (String, Int))] = sc.parallelize(vertexArray)
    val edgeRDD: RDD[Edge[Int]] = sc.parallelize(edgeArray)

    val graph: Graph[(String, Int), Int] = Graph(vertexRDD, edgeRDD)

    //***************************  图的属性    ****************************************
    //**********************************************************************************    println("***********************************************")
    graph.vertices.filter { case (id, (name, age)) => age > 30}.collect.foreach {
      case (id, (name, age)) => println(s"$name is $age")

    graph.edges.filter(e => e.attr > 5).collect.foreach(e => println(s"${e.srcId} to ${e.dstId} att ${e.attr}"))

    //triplets操作,((srcId, srcAttr), (dstId, dstAttr), attr)
    for (triplet <- graph.triplets.filter(t => t.attr > 5).collect) {
      println(s"${triplet.srcAttr._1} likes ${triplet.dstAttr._1}")

    def max(a: (VertexId, Int), b: (VertexId, Int)): (VertexId, Int) = {
      if (a._2 > b._2) a else b
    println("max of outDegrees:" + graph.outDegrees.reduce(max) + " max of inDegrees:" + graph.inDegrees.reduce(max) + " max of Degrees:" + graph.degrees.reduce(max))

    //***************************  转换操作    ****************************************
    println("顶点的转换操作,顶点age + 10")
    graph.mapVertices{ case (id, (name, age)) => (id, (name, age+10))}.vertices.collect.foreach(v => println(s"${v._2._1} is ${v._2._2}"))
    graph.mapEdges(e=>e.attr*2).edges.collect.foreach(e => println(s"${e.srcId} to ${e.dstId} att ${e.attr}"))

    //***************************  结构操作    ****************************************
    val subGraph = graph.subgraph(vpred = (id, vd) => vd._2 >= 30)
    subGraph.vertices.collect.foreach(v => println(s"${v._2._1} is ${v._2._2}"))
    subGraph.edges.collect.foreach(e => println(s"${e.srcId} to ${e.dstId} att ${e.attr}"))

    //***************************  连接操作    ****************************************
    val inDegrees: VertexRDD[Int] = graph.inDegrees
    case class User(name: String, age: Int, inDeg: Int, outDeg: Int)

    val initialUserGraph: Graph[User, Int] = graph.mapVertices { case (id, (name, age)) => User(name, age, 0, 0)}

    val userGraph = initialUserGraph.outerJoinVertices(initialUserGraph.inDegrees) {
      case (id, u, inDegOpt) => User(, u.age, inDegOpt.getOrElse(0), u.outDeg)
    }.outerJoinVertices(initialUserGraph.outDegrees) {
      case (id, u, outDegOpt) => User(, u.age, u.inDeg,outDegOpt.getOrElse(0))

    userGraph.vertices.collect.foreach(v => println(s"${} inDeg: ${v._2.inDeg}  outDeg: ${v._2.outDeg}"))

    userGraph.vertices.filter {
      case (id, u) => u.inDeg == u.outDeg
    }.collect.foreach {
      case (id, property) => println(

    //***************************  聚合操作    ****************************************
    val oldestFollower: VertexRDD[(String, Int)] = userGraph.mapReduceTriplets[(String, Int)](
      // 将源顶点的属性发送给目标顶点,map过程
      edge => Iterator((edge.dstId, (, edge.srcAttr.age))),
      // 得到最大追求者,reduce过程
      (a, b) => if (a._2 > b._2) a else b

    userGraph.vertices.leftJoin(oldestFollower) { (id, user, optOldestFollower) =>
      optOldestFollower match {
        case None => s"${} does not have any followers."
        case Some((name, age)) => s"${name} is the oldest follower of ${}."
    }.collect.foreach { case (id, str) => println(str)}

    //***************************  实用操作    ****************************************
    val sourceId: VertexId = 5L // 定义源点
    val initialGraph = graph.mapVertices((id, _) => if (id == sourceId) 0.0 else Double.PositiveInfinity)
    val sssp = initialGraph.pregel(Double.PositiveInfinity)(
      (id, dist, newDist) => math.min(dist, newDist),
      triplet => {  // 计算权重
        if (triplet.srcAttr + triplet.attr < triplet.dstAttr) {
          Iterator((triplet.dstId, triplet.srcAttr + triplet.attr))
        } else {
      (a,b) => math.min(a,b) // 最短距离




David is 42
Fran is 50
Charlie is 65
Ed is 55
2 to 1 att 7
5 to 3 att 8

Bob likes Alice
Ed likes Charlie

max of outDegrees:(5,3) max of inDegrees:(2,2) max of Degrees:(2,4)

顶点的转换操作,顶点age + 10:
4 is (David,52)
1 is (Alice,38)
6 is (Fran,60)
3 is (Charlie,75)
5 is (Ed,65)
2 is (Bob,37)

2 to 1 att 14
2 to 4 att 4
3 to 2 att 8
3 to 6 att 6
4 to 1 att 2
5 to 2 att 4
5 to 3 att 16
5 to 6 att 6

David is 42
Fran is 50
Charlie is 65
Ed is 55

3 to 6 att 3
5 to 3 att 8
5 to 6 att 3

David inDeg: 1  outDeg: 1
Alice inDeg: 2  outDeg: 0
Fran inDeg: 2  outDeg: 0
Charlie inDeg: 1  outDeg: 2
Ed inDeg: 0  outDeg: 3
Bob inDeg: 2  outDeg: 2


Bob is the oldest follower of David.
David is the oldest follower of Alice.
Charlie is the oldest follower of Fran.
Ed is the oldest follower of Charlie.
Ed does not have any followers.
Charlie is the oldest follower of Bob.



第3章 图算法

3.1 PageRank排名算法

3.1.1 算法概述



3.1.2 从入链数量到 PageRank

l     数量假设:在Web图模型中,如果一个页面节点接收到的其他网页指向的入链数量越多,那么这个页面越重要。
l     质量假设指向页面A的入链质量不同,质量高的页面会通过链接向其他页面传递更多的权重。所以越是质量高的页面指向页面A,则页面A越重要。
       利用以上两个假设,PageRank算法刚开始赋予每个网页相同的重要性得分,通过迭代递归计算来更新每个页面节点的PageRank得分,直到得分稳定为止。 PageRank计算得出的结果是网页的重要性评价,这和用户输入的查询是没有任何关系的,即算法是主题无关的 

3.1.3 PageRank算法原理


      2)在一轮中更新页面PageRank得分的计算方法:在一轮更新页面PageRank得分的计算中,每个页面将其当前的PageRank值平均分配到本页面包含的出链上,这样每个链接即获得了相应的权值。而每个页面将所有指向本页面的入链所传入的权值求和,即可得到新的PageRank得分。当每个页面都获得了更新后的PageRank值,就完成了一轮PageRank计算。  基本思想:





我们设向量 B 为第一、第二N个网页的网页排名


      矩阵 A 代表网页之间的权重输出关系,其中 amn 代表第 m 个网页向第 n 个网页的输出权重。


      输出权重计算较为简单:假设 m 一共有10个出链,指向 n 的一共有2个,那么 m n 输出的权重就为 2/10

      现在问题变为:A 是已知的,我们要通过计算得到 B

      假设 Bi 是第 i 次迭代的结果,那么


      初始假设所有网页的排名都是 1/N N为网页总数量),即


      通过上述迭代计算,最终 Bi 会收敛,即 Bi 无限趋近于 B,此时 B = B × A  具体示例



      计算 B1 如下:



第 1次迭代: 0.125, 0.333, 0.083, 0.458 
第 2次迭代: 0.042, 0.500, 0.042, 0.417 
第 3次迭代: 0.021, 0.431, 0.014, 0.535 
第 4次迭代: 0.007, 0.542, 0.007, 0.444 
第 5次迭代: 0.003, 0.447, 0.002, 0.547 
第 6次迭代: 0.001, 0.549, 0.001, 0.449 
第 7次迭代: 0.001, 0.449, 0.000, 0.550 
第 8次迭代: 0.000, 0.550, 0.000, 0.450 
第 9次迭代: 0.000, 0.450, 0.000, 0.550 
10次迭代: 0.000, 0.550, 0.000, 0.450 
... ...


      我们可以发现,A C 的权重变为0,而 B D 的权重也趋于在 0.5 附近摆动。从图中也可以观察出:A C 之间有互相链接,但它们又把权重输出给了 B D,而 B D之间互相链接,并不向 A C 输出任何权重,所以久而久之权重就都转移到 B D 了。  PageRank 的改


第一种情况是,B 存在导向自己的链接,迭代计算过程是:

第 1次迭代: 0.125, 0.583, 0.083, 0.208 
第 2次迭代: 0.042, 0.833, 0.042, 0.083 
第 3次迭代: 0.021, 0.931, 0.014, 0.035 
第 4次迭代: 0.007, 0.972, 0.007, 0.014 
第 5次迭代: 0.003, 0.988, 0.002, 0.006 
第 6次迭代: 0.001, 0.995, 0.001, 0.002 
第 7次迭代: 0.001, 0.998, 0.000, 0.001 
第 8次迭代: 0.000, 0.999, 0.000, 0.000 
第 9次迭代: 0.000, 1.000, 0.000, 0.000 
10次迭代: 0.000, 1.000, 0.000, 0.000 
... ...


      我们发现最终 B 权重变为1,其它所有网页的权重都变为了0

      第二种情况是 B 是孤立于其它网页的,既没有入链也没有出链,迭代计算过程是:

第 1次迭代: 0.125, 0.000, 0.125, 0.250 
第 2次迭代: 0.063, 0.000, 0.063, 0.125 
第 3次迭代: 0.031, 0.000, 0.031, 0.063 
第 4次迭代: 0.016, 0.000, 0.016, 0.031 
第 5次迭代: 0.008, 0.000, 0.008, 0.016 
第 6次迭代: 0.004, 0.000, 0.004, 0.008 
第 7次迭代: 0.002, 0.000, 0.002, 0.004 
第 8次迭代: 0.001, 0.000, 0.001, 0.002 
第 9次迭代: 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.001 
10次迭代: 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000 
... ...




      我们假设每个网页被用户通过直接访问方式的概率是相等的,即 1/NN 为网页总数,设矩阵 e 如下:


      设用户通过页面超链接浏览下一网页的概率为 α,则直接访问的方式浏览下一个网页的概率为 1 - α,改进上一节的迭代公式为:


      通常情况下设 α 0.8,上一节具体示例的计算变为如下:



第 1次迭代: 0.150, 0.317, 0.117, 0.417 
第 2次迭代: 0.097, 0.423, 0.090, 0.390 
第 3次迭代: 0.086, 0.388, 0.076, 0.450 
第 4次迭代: 0.080, 0.433, 0.073, 0.413 
第 5次迭代: 0.079, 0.402, 0.071, 0.447 
第 6次迭代: 0.079, 0.429, 0.071, 0.421 
第 7次迭代: 0.078, 0.408, 0.071, 0.443 
第 8次迭代: 0.078, 0.425, 0.071, 0.426 
第 9次迭代: 0.078, 0.412, 0.071, 0.439 
10次迭代: 0.078, 0.422, 0.071, 0.428 
11次迭代: 0.078, 0.414, 0.071, 0.437 
12次迭代: 0.078, 0.421, 0.071, 0.430 
13次迭代: 0.078, 0.415, 0.071, 0.436 
14次迭代: 0.078, 0.419, 0.071, 0.431 
15次迭代: 0.078, 0.416, 0.071, 0.435 
16次迭代: 0.078, 0.419, 0.071, 0.432 
17次迭代: 0.078, 0.416, 0.071, 0.434 
18次迭代: 0.078, 0.418, 0.071, 0.432 
19次迭代: 0.078, 0.417, 0.071, 0.434 
20次迭代: 0.078, 0.418, 0.071, 0.433 
... ...  修正PageRank计算公式:

         由于存在一些出链为0,也就是那些不链接任何其他网页的网, 也称为孤立网页,使得很多网页能被访问到。因此需要对 PageRank公式进行修正,即在简单公式的基础上增加了阻尼系数(damping factorqq一般取值q=0.85

      其意义是,在任意时刻,用户到达某页面后并继续向后浏览的概率。 1- q= 0.15就是用户停止点击,随机跳到新URL的概率)的算法被用到了所有页面上,估算页面可能被上网者放入书签的概率。



     这个公式就是.S Brin L. Page 在《The Anatomy of a Large- scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 》定义的公式。



Arvind Arasu 在《Junghoo Cho Hector Garcia - Molina, Andreas Paepcke, Sriram Raghavan. Searching the Web》 更加准确的表达为:











3.1.4 Spark GraphX实现


import org.apache.spark.graphx.GraphLoader

// Load the edges as a graph
val graph = GraphLoader.edgeListFile(sc, "data/graphx/followers.txt")
// Run PageRank
val ranks = graph.pageRank(0.0001).vertices
// Join the ranks with the usernames
val users = sc.textFile("data/graphx/users.txt").map { line =>
val fields = line.split(",")
(fields(0).toLong, fields(1))
val ranksByUsername = users.join(ranks).map {
case (id, (username, rank)) => (username, rank)
// Print the result



3.2 广度优先遍历(参考)

val graph = GraphLoader.edgeListFile(sc, "graphx/data/test_graph.txt")

val root: VertexId = 1
val initialGraph = graph.mapVertices((id, _) => if (id == root) 0.0 else

val vprog = { (id: VertexId, attr: Double, msg: Double) => math.min(attr,msg) }

val sendMessage = { (triplet: EdgeTriplet[Double, Int]) =>
  var iter:Iterator[(VertexId, Double)] = Iterator.empty
  val isSrcMarked = triplet.srcAttr != Double.PositiveInfinity
  val isDstMarked = triplet.dstAttr != Double.PositiveInfinity
  if(!(isSrcMarked && isDstMarked)){
      iter = Iterator((triplet.dstId,triplet.srcAttr+1))
      iter = Iterator((triplet.srcId,triplet.dstAttr+1))

val reduceMessage = { (a: Double, b: Double) => math.min(a,b) }

val bfs = initialGraph.pregel(Double.PositiveInfinity, 20)(vprog, sendMessage, reduceMessage)





3.3 单源最短路(参考)

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.graphx._

  * Computes shortest paths to the given set of landmark vertices, returning a graph where each
  * vertex attribute is a map containing the shortest-path distance to each reachable landmark.
object ShortestPaths {
  /** Stores a map from the vertex id of a landmark to the distance to that landmark. */
  type SPMap = Map[VertexId, Int]

  private def makeMap(x: (VertexId, Int)*) = Map(x: _*)

  private def incrementMap(spmap: SPMap): SPMap = { case (v, d) => v -> (d + 1) }

  private def addMaps(spmap1: SPMap, spmap2: SPMap): SPMap =
    (spmap1.keySet ++ spmap2.keySet).map {
      k => k -> math.min(spmap1.getOrElse(k, Int.MaxValue), spmap2.getOrElse(k, Int.MaxValue))

    * Computes shortest paths to the given set of landmark vertices.
    * @tparam ED the edge attribute type (not used in the computation)
    * @param graph the graph for which to compute the shortest paths
    * @param landmarks the list of landmark vertex ids. Shortest paths will be computed to each
    * landmark.
    * @return a graph where each vertex attribute is a map containing the shortest-path distance to
    * each reachable landmark vertex.
  def run[VD, ED: ClassTag](graph: Graph[VD, ED], landmarks: Seq[VertexId]): Graph[SPMap, ED] = {
    val spGraph = graph.mapVertices { (vid, attr) =>
      if (landmarks.contains(vid)) makeMap(vid -> 0) else makeMap()

    val initialMessage = makeMap()

    def vertexProgram(id: VertexId, attr: SPMap, msg: SPMap): SPMap = {
      addMaps(attr, msg)

    def sendMessage(edge: EdgeTriplet[SPMap, _]): Iterator[(VertexId, SPMap)] = {
      val newAttr = incrementMap(edge.dstAttr)
      if (edge.srcAttr != addMaps(newAttr, edge.srcAttr)) Iterator((edge.srcId, newAttr))
      else Iterator.empty

    Pregel(spGraph, initialMessage)(vertexProgram, sendMessage, addMaps)





3.4 连通图(参考)

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.graphx._

/** Connected components algorithm. */
object ConnectedComponents {
    * Compute the connected component membership of each vertex and return a graph with the vertex
    * value containing the lowest vertex id in the connected component containing that vertex.
    * @tparam VD the vertex attribute type (discarded in the computation)
    * @tparam ED the edge attribute type (preserved in the computation)
    * @param graph the graph for which to compute the connected components
    * @param maxIterations the maximum number of iterations to run for
    * @return a graph with vertex attributes containing the smallest vertex in each
    *         connected component
  def run[VD: ClassTag, ED: ClassTag](graph: Graph[VD, ED],
                                      maxIterations: Int): Graph[VertexId, ED] = {
    require(maxIterations > 0, s"Maximum of iterations must be greater than 0," +
      s" but got ${maxIterations}")

    val ccGraph = graph.mapVertices { case (vid, _) => vid }
    def sendMessage(edge: EdgeTriplet[VertexId, ED]): Iterator[(VertexId, VertexId)] = {
      if (edge.srcAttr < edge.dstAttr) {
        Iterator((edge.dstId, edge.srcAttr))
      } else if (edge.srcAttr > edge.dstAttr) {
        Iterator((edge.srcId, edge.dstAttr))
      } else {
    val initialMessage = Long.MaxValue
    val pregelGraph = Pregel(ccGraph, initialMessage,
      maxIterations, EdgeDirection.Either)(
      vprog = (id, attr, msg) => math.min(attr, msg),
      sendMsg = sendMessage,
      mergeMsg = (a, b) => math.min(a, b))
  } // end of connectedComponents

    * Compute the connected component membership of each vertex and return a graph with the vertex
    * value containing the lowest vertex id in the connected component containing that vertex.
    * @tparam VD the vertex attribute type (discarded in the computation)
    * @tparam ED the edge attribute type (preserved in the computation)
    * @param graph the graph for which to compute the connected components
    * @return a graph with vertex attributes containing the smallest vertex in each
    *         connected component
  def run[VD: ClassTag, ED: ClassTag](graph: Graph[VD, ED]): Graph[VertexId, ED] = {
    run(graph, Int.MaxValue)




3.5 三角(参考)

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.graphx._

  * Compute the number of triangles passing through each vertex.
  * The algorithm is relatively straightforward and can be computed in three steps:
  * <ul>
  * <liCompute the set of neighbors for each vertexli>
  * <liFor each edge compute the intersection of the sets and send the count to both>
  * <liCompute the sum at each vertex and divide by two since each triangle is counted>
  * ul>
  * There are two implementations.  The default `TriangleCount.runimplementation first removes
  * self cycles and canonicalizes the graph to ensure that the following conditions hold:
  * <ul>
  * <liThere are no self edgesli>
  * <liAll edges are oriented src > dstli>
  * <liThere are no duplicate edgesli>
  * ul>
  * However, the canonicalization procedure is costly as it requires repartitioning the graph.
  * If the input data is already in "canonical form" with self cycles removed then the
  * `TriangleCount.runPreCanonicalizedshould be used instead.
  * {{{
  * val canonicalGraph = graph.mapEdges(e => 1).removeSelfEdges().canonicalizeEdges()
  * val counts = TriangleCount.runPreCanonicalized(canonicalGraph).vertices
  * }}}
object TriangleCount {

  def run[VD: ClassTag, ED: ClassTag](graph: Graph[VD, ED]): Graph[Int, ED] = {
    // Transform the edge data something cheap to shuffle and then canonicalize
    val canonicalGraph = graph.mapEdges(e => true).removeSelfEdges().convertToCanonicalEdges()
    // Get the triangle counts
    val counters = runPreCanonicalized(canonicalGraph).vertices
    // Join them bath with the original graph
    graph.outerJoinVertices(counters) { (vid, _, optCounter: Option[Int]) =>

  def runPreCanonicalized[VD: ClassTag, ED: ClassTag](graph: Graph[VD, ED]): Graph[Int, ED] = {
    // Construct set representations of the neighborhoods
    val nbrSets: VertexRDD[VertexSet] =
      graph.collectNeighborIds(EdgeDirection.Either).mapValues { (vid, nbrs) =>
        val set = new VertexSet(nbrs.length)
        var i = 0
        while (i < nbrs.length) {
          // prevent self cycle
          if (nbrs(i) != vid) {
          i += 1

    // join the sets with the graph
    val setGraph: Graph[VertexSet, ED] = graph.outerJoinVertices(nbrSets) {
      (vid, _, optSet) => optSet.getOrElse(null)

    // Edge function computes intersection of smaller vertex with larger vertex
    def edgeFunc(ctx: EdgeContext[VertexSet, ED, Int]) {
      val (smallSet, largeSet) = if (ctx.srcAttr.size < ctx.dstAttr.size) {
        (ctx.srcAttr, ctx.dstAttr)
      } else {
        (ctx.dstAttr, ctx.srcAttr)
      val iter = smallSet.iterator
      var counter: Int = 0
      while (iter.hasNext) {
        val vid =
        if (vid != ctx.srcId && vid != ctx.dstId && largeSet.contains(vid)) {
          counter += 1

    // compute the intersection along edges
    val counters: VertexRDD[Int] = setGraph.aggregateMessages(edgeFunc, _ + _)
    // Merge counters with the graph and divide by two since each triangle is counted twice
    graph.outerJoinVertices(counters) { (_, _, optCounter: Option[Int]) =>
      val dblCount = optCounter.getOrElse(0)
      // This algorithm double counts each triangle so the final count should be even
      require(dblCount % 2 == 0, "Triangle count resulted in an invalid number of triangles.")
      dblCount / 2



第4章 PageRank实例

     采用的数据是wiki数据中含有Berkeley标题的网页之间连接关系,数据为两个文件:graphx-wiki-vertices.txtgraphx-wiki-edges.txt ,可以分别用于图计算的顶点和边。

第一步   上传数据



第二步   RDD加载数据转换Edges

scala> val erdd = sc.textFile("hdfs://master01:9000/graphx-wiki-edges.txt")

erdd: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = hdfs://master01:9000/graphx-wiki-edges.txt MapPartitionsRDD[586] at textFile at :31


scala> val edges = => {val para = x.split("\t");Edge(para(0).trim.toLong,para(1).trim.toLong,0)})

edges: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[org.apache.spark.graphx.Edge[Int]] = MapPartitionsRDD[587] at map at :33


第三步 RDD加载数据转换vertices

scala> val vrdd = sc.textFile("hdfs://master01:9000/graphx-wiki-vertices.txt")

vrdd: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = hdfs://master01:9000/graphx-wiki-vertices.txt MapPartitionsRDD[593] at textFile at :31


scala> val vertices = => {val para = x.split("\t");(para(0).trim.toLong,para(1).trim)})

vertices: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(Long, String)] = MapPartitionsRDD[594] at map at :33


第四步   构建Graph

scala> val graph = Graph(vertices,edges)

graph: org.apache.spark.graphx.Graph[String,Int] = org.apache.spark.graphx.impl.GraphImpl@59cbceb2


第五步   运行配置RageRank

scala> val prGraph = graph.pageRank(0.001).cache()

prGraph: org.apache.spark.graphx.Graph[Double,Double] = org.apache.spark.graphx.impl.GraphImpl@16008c13


第六步   输出RageRank结果

scala> val titleAndPrGraph = graph.outerJoinVertices(prGraph.vertices) {(v, title, rank) => (rank.getOrElse(0.0), title)}

titleAndPrGraph: org.apache.spark.graphx.Graph[(Double, String),Int] = org.apache.spark.graphx.impl.GraphImpl@464ae9c4


scala> { (VertexId, (Double, String))) => entry._2._1) }.foreach(t => println(t._2._2 + ": " + t._2._1))


4.0.1 实现代码

import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger}
import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext
import org.apache.spark.{SparkContext, SparkConf}
import org.apache.spark.graphx._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Row
object GraphX {
    def main(args: Array[String]) {

val erdd = sc.textFile("hdfs://master01:9000/graphx-wiki-edges.txt")

val edges = => {val para = x.split("\t");Edge(para(0).trim.toLong,para(1).trim.toLong,0)})


val vrdd = sc.textFile("hdfs://master01:9000/graphx-wiki-vertices.txt")

val vertices = => {val para = x.split("\t");(para(0).trim.toLong,para(1).trim)})

        val graph = Graph(vertices, edges, "").persist()
        val prGraph = graph.pageRank(0.001).cache()
        val titleAndPrGraph = graph.outerJoinVertices(prGraph.vertices) {
            (v, title, rank) => (rank.getOrElse(0.0), title)
   (VertexId, (Double, String))) => entry._2._1)
          }.foreach(t => println(t._2._2 + ": " + t._2._1))





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