Learn Apache Hive even if you are non programmer

Learn Apache Hive online here

Do you know?

Why hive created?

Facebook was using traditional RDBMS but time to time data was increasing rapidly, RDBMS could not able to handle huge amount of data (Facebook was generating around 25-30 TB of data), so to overcome this problem, Facebook initially using MapReduce but programming was very difficult for developer so they created a solution called Apache Hive.

If you know the basisc of SQL you can easily learn the Apache Hive and can become the Big Data cum Hive Developer.

Below are the Topics that should need to learn.

1. Introduction - Why created, What is the use of Hive, Feature, advantages, disadvantages and problems overcome by Hive.

2. Details - Architecture of Hive, Hive Commands, Hive Functions and core details of Apache Hive

3. Practice with Real time Example:  Table Operations with Hive along with ETL example using Hive

I got lot of experience and learning from http://beyondcorner.com/learn-apache-hive/apache-hive-introduction/

你可能感兴趣的:(Learn Apache Hive even if you are non programmer)