20080603 - Acrobat9 and Adobe Buzzword

伴随着 Acrobat9 的推出,Adobe 推出 Adobe Buzzword Beta,这是 Adobe 公司推出的一个在线文本处理平台,适合编写报告、计划等需要在线协作的文档。它外观和行为和普通桌面应用类似,但它是在网页浏览器内运行的,所以,它不需要安装。而且它是免费的,只要拥有一个 Adobe 帐号。

Adobe Buzzword - Write and collaborate on documents, anywhere, anytime.


Adobe Buzzword is a new online word processor, perfect for writing reports, proposals, and anything else you need to access online or work on with others. It looks and behaves like your normal desktop word processor, but it operates inside a web browser, so there's no installation required.

