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  • [ Economics Report ]EU May Help Mineral Exporters from Eastern Congo (2013-11-1)
  • [ AS IT IS ]Scientists Say Air Pollution Threatens Honeybees (2013-11-1)
  • [ Standard English ]Health Secretary Apologizes as Health Care Law Draws More Heat (2013-11-1)
  • [ Standard English ]Polio Outbreak in Syria Prompts Fears of Regional Spread (2013-11-1)
  • [ Standard English ]Europeans Seek Answers from US on NSA Spying (2013-11-1)
  • [ Bilingual News ] Khmer Rouge Ex-Leaders Give Final Statements at War Crimes Tribunal (2013-11-1)
  • [ Education Report ]Cambodian School Educates New Generation of Social Workers (2013-10-31)
  • [ The Making of a Nation ]How America's First President Led the Nation (2013-10-31)
  • [ AS IT IS ]Philippines Plans for Disasters (2013-10-31)
  • [ Standard English ]US Lawmakers Question Wisdom of Withholding Aid to Egypt (2013-10-31)
  • [ Standard English ]Struggling Italian Business Owners Seek Chinese Investors (2013-10-31)
  • [ Standard English ]Top 5 Songs for Week Ending November 2 (2013-10-31)
  • [ Standard English ]Getting into the Halloween Spirit; Skeeball, Costumes, Beer (2013-10-31)
  • [ Standard English ]Freed Palestinian Prisoner Spends First Day at Home in West Bank (2013-10-31)
  • [ Standard English ]Century-long Experiment Tests Forest Diversity (2013-10-31)
  • [ Standard English ]Virginia Vote Could Send National Message on Political Gridlock (2013-10-31)
  • [ Standard English ]Fossils at California Tar Pits Yield Possible Climate Change Clues (2013-10-31)
  • [ Standard English ]Updated Apple Map Sparks Controversy in Taiwan (2013-10-31)
  • [ Learn A Word ]1890 fervor (2013-10-31)
  • [ Learn A Word ]1889 exhibit (2013-10-31)
  • [ Learn A Word ]1888 projected (2013-10-31)
  • [ Learn A Word ]1887 decorative (2013-10-31)
  • [ Learn A Word ]1886 contractor (2013-10-31)
  • [ Words And Idioms ]799 string someone along (2013-10-31)
  • [ Bilingual News ] NSA Chief:US Does Not Spy on European Citizens (2013-10-31)
  • [ Health Report ]Need a Doctor? Turn on Your Electronic Device (2013-10-30)
  • [ AS IT IS ]US Nuclear Negotiator Suggests Easing Sanctions on Iran (2013-10-30)
  • [ Standard English ]Groundbreaking Ceremony for US Missile Defense Facility Held in Romania (2013-10-30)
  • [ Standard English ]China Pins Hopes on Bigger Spending to Boost Economy (2013-10-30)
  • [ Standard English ]Texas Poet Finds Inspiration in Police Work (2013-10-30)
  • [ Bilingual News ] Reports:Obama Considers Ending Spying on Allied Leaders (2013-10-30)
  • [ Agriculture Report ]Three Biotechnology Scientists Win 2013 World Food Prize (2013-10-29)
  • [ Science in the News ]New Treatment Found for Ebola Fever (2013-10-29)
  • [ AS IT IS ]Race May Be Issue in Next South Africa Elections (2013-10-29)
  • [ Standard English ]Americans Experience Shift In Living Arrangements (2013-10-29)
  • [ Standard English ]Doctors Carry Out Mass Surgeries in Burma to Reverse Blindness (2013-10-29)
  • [ Standard English ]Africa May be Next Factory to World (2013-10-29)
  • [ Standard English ]Young Washingtonian Makes DC Smile (2013-10-29)
  • [ Standard English ]Saudi-US Rift Causes Severe Diplomatic Strain (2013-10-29)
  • [ Standard English ]Hurricane Sandy’s Impact: Still Reeling After One Year (2013-10-29)
  • [ Bilingual News ] Report:US Ended Spying of Merkel,Others (2013-10-29)
  • [ Technology Report ]License Plate Readers Raise Privacy Concerns (2013-10-28)
  • [ This is America ]How Does it Feel Not to Be Famous Anymore? (2013-10-28)
  • [ AS IT IS ]Chimpanzees May Recognize Emotions in Others (2013-10-28)
  • [ Standard English ]Washington Week: Lawmakers Return to Budget Battle (2013-10-28)
  • [ Standard English ]Assault On Medical Neutrality In Syria (2013-10-28)
  • [ Standard English ]Nuclear Discussions Continue Between Iran and P1+5 (2013-10-28)
  • [ Standard English ]U.S. Condemns Syrian Regime39;s Siege of Mouadimiya (2013-10-28)
