JDBC™ API Tutorial and Reference, Third Edition

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Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced JDBC programmer you will find useful information in this book. The book is divided into two sections. The first section is a tutorial on using JDBC which makes up four chapters. The tutorial starts with a look at JDBC 1.0. The next chapter looks at the additional features added to JDBC in 2.0 and 3.0. The third tutorial chapter looks at metadata. The final chapter examines the RowSet interface, which is complex enough to need its own chapter.

The remainder of the book (about 800 pages) is a reference containing a chapter for each class or interface in JDBC. Each chapter contains an overview of a class or interface, sections on anything of either special interest or complexity, and then a list of all the methods of the class or interface with complete descriptions. If a section applies to a particular version of JDBC, the version it applies to is clearly marked. The information contained in the reference is much more than you can find in the APIs. The reference section itself is well laid out to make the information you need easy to find.

This is probably the only JDBC book you will ever need. No matter which version of JDBC your database drivers support, you will find your answers in this book. The book is well written with clear explanations and plenty of code samples (which can be downloaded from the Sun web site) . Anyone working with JDBC will want this book by their side while they are coding.

