

首先来看看MPI_Send的标准通信模式,以下翻译自MPI: A Message-Passing Interface Standard Version 3.0(当前最新版本为3.1),3.4 Communication Modes。


3.4 Communication Modes 通信模式

The send call described in Section 3.2.1 is blocking: it does not return until the message data and envelope have been safely stored away so that the sender is free to modify
the send buffer. The message might be copied directly into the matching receive buffer, or it might be copied into a temporary system buffer.



#include "mpi.h"

const int MAX_STRING = 100;

int main()
	char greeting[MAX_STRING];
	int comm_sz;
	int my_rank;


		sprintf(greeting,"Greeting from process %d of %d!",my_rank,comm_sz);
		printf("rank %d has returned from MPI_Send\n",my_rank);
	}else if(my_rank==2){
		sprintf(greeting,"Greeting from process %d of %d!",my_rank,comm_sz);
		printf("rank %d has returned from MPI_Send\n",my_rank);
	}else if(my_rank==3){
		sprintf(greeting,"Greeting from process %d of %d!",my_rank,comm_sz);
		printf("rank %d has returned from MPI_Send\n",my_rank);
	}else if(my_rank==0){

	return 0;


rank 2 has returned from MPI_Send
rank 3 has returned from MPI_Send(运行至此处要等待一些时间)
rank 1 has returned from MPI_Send
Greeting from process 1 of 4!
Greeting from process 2 of 4!
Greeting from process 3 of 4!



Message buffering decouples the send and receive operations. A blocking send can complete as soon as the message was buffered, even if no matching receive has been 
executed by the receiver. On the other hand, message buffering can be expensive, as it entails additional memory-to-memory copying, and it requires the allocation of 
memory for buffering. MPI offers the choice of several communication modes that allow one to control the choice of the communication protocol.

消息缓冲机制使得发送与接收机制解耦合。阻塞发送可以在消息被缓冲后立刻返回,即使接收端还没有开始运行接收程序。另一方面,消息缓冲可能是代价高昂的,因为它需要额外的“内存到内存”的拷贝操作,同时它还需要申请用于缓冲的存储区。MPI 提供了多种不同的消息模式,允许用户选择特定的通信协议。

The send call described in Section 3.2.1 uses the standard communication mode. In this mode, it is up to MPI to decide whether outgoing messages will be buffered. MPI may
buffer outgoing messages. In such a case, the send call may complete before a matching receive is invoked. On the other hand, buffer space may be unavailable, or MPI 
may choose not to buffer outgoing messages, for performance reasons. In this case, the send call will not complete until a matching receive has been posted, and the 
data has been moved to the receiver.
在3.2.1中描述的发送函数使用标准通信模式。在这一模式中,由MPI来决定是否对将要发送的信息进行缓冲。MPI 也许会缓冲将要发送的消息。在这种情况下,发送函数可能在相对应的接收函数被调用前返回。另一方面缓冲空间可能是无法使用的,或者MPI也许选择不缓冲即将发送的消息,基于性能方面的考虑。在这种情况下,发送函数将不会返回,直到一个对应的接收函数被调用,并且数据已经被移动到接收者。


Thus, a send in standard mode can be started whether or not a matching receive has been posted. It may complete before a matching receive is posted. The standard mode 
send is non-local: successful completion of the send operation may depend on the occurrence of a matching receive.

Rationale. The reluctance of MPI to mandate whether standard sends are buffering or not stems from the desire to achieve portable programs. Since any system will run
out of buffer resources as message sizes are increased, and some implementations may want to provide little buffering, MPI takes the position that correct (and therefore,
portable) programs do not rely on system buffering in standard mode. Buffering may improve the performance of a correct program, but it doesn’t affect the result of the
program. If the user wishes to guarantee a certain amount of buffering, the user-provided buffer system of Section 3.6 should be used, along with the buffered-mode
send. (End of rationale.)
原理的阐述(应该是这么翻译吧)。MPI 标准没有强制要求使用缓冲区,以使程序可移植性更好。随着消息尺寸的增加,任何系统都将用尽缓冲区资源,同时某些系统可能会提供较少的缓冲区,在标准模式下 MPI 不依赖与消息缓冲(这一句翻译的不是很好)。缓冲可能会提升正确程序的性能,但是它不影响程序的结果。如果用户希望保证一定数量的缓冲区,在3.6节中描述的用户提供的缓冲系统应该被使用,这一缓冲区也可被缓冲模式的发送所使用。

There are three additional communication modes.
A buffered mode send operation can be started whether or not a matching receive has been posted. It may complete before a matching receive is posted. However, unlike
the standard send, this operation is local, and its completion does not depend on the occurrence of a matching receive. Thus, if a send is executed and no matching receive is
posted, then MPI must buffer the outgoing message, so as to allow the send call to complete. An error will occur if there is insufficient buffer space. The amount of available 
buffer space is controlled by the user — see Section 3.6. Buffer allocation by the user may be required for the buffered mode to be effective.


A send that uses the synchronous mode can be started whether or not a matching receive was posted. However, the send will complete successfully only if a matching 
receive is posted, and the receive operation has started to receive the message sent by the synchronous send. Thus, the completion of a synchronous send not only 
indicates that the send buffer can be reused, but it also indicates that the receiver has reached a certain point in its execution, namely that it has started executing the 
matching receive. If both sends and receives are blocking operations then the use of the synchronous mode provides synchronous communication semantics: 
a communication does not complete at either end before both processes rendezvous at the communication. A send executed in this mode is non-local.


A send that uses the ready communication mode may be started only if the matching receive is already posted. Otherwise, the operation is erroneous and its outcome is 
undefined. On some systems, this allows the removal of a hand-shake operation that is otherwise required and results in improved performance. The completion of the 
send operation does not depend on the status of a matching receive, and merely indicates that the send buffer can be reused. A send operation that uses the ready mode 
has the same semantics as a standard send operation, or a synchronous send operation; it is merely that the sender provides additional information to the system 
(namely that a matching receive is already posted), that can save some overhead. In a correct program, therefore, a ready send could be replaced by a standard send 
with no effect on the behavior of the program other than performance.


Three additional send functions are provided for the three additional communication modes. The communication mode is indicated by a one letter prefix: B for buffered, 
S for synchronous, and R for ready.


There is only one receive operation, but it matches any of the send modes. The receive operation described in the last section is blocking: it returns only after the receive 
buffer contains the newly received message. A receive can complete before the matching send has completed (of course, it can complete only after the matching send 
has started).

Advice to implementors. Since a synchronous send cannot complete before a matching receive is posted, one will not normally buffer messages sent by such an operation.
It is recommended to choose buffering over blocking the sender, whenever possible, for standard sends. The programmer can signal his or her preference for blocking the
sender until a matching receive occurs by using the synchronous send mode.

A possible communication protocol for the various communication modes is outlined below.
ready send: The message is sent as soon as possible.
synchronous send: The sender sends a request-to-send message. The receiver stores this request. When a matching receive is posted, the receiver sends back a 
permission-to-send message, and the sender now sends the message.
standard send: First protocol may be used for short messages, and second protocol for long messages.
buffered send: The sender copies the message into a buffer and then sends it with a nonblocking send (using the same protocol as for standard send).
Additional control messages might be needed for flow control and error recovery. Of course, there are many other possible protocols.
Ready send can be implemented as a standard send. In this case there will be no performance advantage (or disadvantage) for the use of ready send.
A standard send can be implemented as a synchronous send. In such a case, no data buffering is needed. However, users may expect some buffering.
In a multithreaded environment, the execution of a blocking communication should block only the executing thread, allowing the thread scheduler to de-schedule this
thread and schedule another thread for execution. (End of advice to implementors.)









3.5 Semantics of Point-to-Point Communication
A valid MPI implementation guarantees certain general properties of point-to-point communication, which are described in this section.

3.5 点到点通信语义


Messages are non-overtaking: If a sender sends two messages in succession to the same destination, and both match the same receive, then this operation cannot 
receive the second message if the first one is still pending. If a receiver posts two receives in succession,and both match the same message, then the second receive 
operation cannot be satisfied by this message, if the first one is still pending. This requirement facilitates matching of sends to receives. It guarantees that message-passing 
code is deterministic, if processes are single-threaded and the wildcard MPI_ANY_SOURCE is not used in receives. (Some of the calls described later, such as MPI_CANCEL 
or MPI_WAITANY, are additional sources of nondeterminism.)



If a process has a single thread of execution, then any two communications executed by this process are ordered. On the other hand, if the process is multithreaded, then the
semantics of thread execution may not define a relative order between two send operations executed by two distinct threads. The operations are logically concurrent, 
even if one physically precedes the other. In such a case, the two messages sent can be received in any order. Similarly, if two receive operations that are logically 
concurrent receive two successively sent messages, then the two messages can match the two receives in either order.

If a pair of matching send and receives have been initiated on two processes, then at least one of these two operations will complete, independently of other actions 
in the system: the send operation will complete, unless the receive is satisfied by another message, and completes; the receive operation will complete, unless the message 
sent is consumed by another matching receive that was posted at the same destination process.



3.7 Nonblocking Communication
One can improve performance on many systems by overlapping communication and computation. This is especially true on systems where communication can be executed 
autonomously by an intelligent communication controller. Light-weight threads are one mechanism for achieving such overlap. An alternative mechanism that often 
leads to better performance is to use nonblocking communication. A nonblocking send start call initiates the send operation, but does not complete it. The send start 
call can return before the message was copied out of the send buffer. A separate send complete call is needed to complete the communication, i.e., to verify that the data 
has been copied out of the send buffer. With suitable hardware, the transfer of data out of the sender memory may proceed concurrently with computations done at 
the sender after the send was initiated and before it completed. Similarly, a nonblocking receive start call initiates the receive operation, but does not complete it. The call can 
return before a message is stored into the receive buffer. A separate receive complete call is needed to complete the receive operation and verify that the data has been 
received into the receive buffer. With suitable hardware, the transfer of data into the receiver memory may proceed concurrently with computations done after the receive 
was initiated and before it completed. The use of nonblocking receives may also avoid system buffering and memory-to-memory copying, as information is provided early
on the location of the receive buffer.
3.7 非阻塞式通信



  1. 发送初始化函数,仅负责初始化发送环境,不负责具体的发送工作。
  2. 发送完成函数,仅负责确认发送工作是否完成,这一函数返回后原来的用户发送缓冲区就可以被重新使用了。同样不负责具体的发送工作,发送工作是由通信控制器完成。
  3. 接收初始化函数,仅负责接收初始化工作(具体工作内容不明)。
  4. 接收完成函数,负责确认消息是否已经被拷贝进入用户消息缓冲区。

Nonblocking send start calls can use the same four modes as blocking sends: standard, buffered, synchronous and ready. These carry the same meaning. 
Sends of all modes, ready excepted, can be started whether a matching receive has been posted or not; a nonblocking ready send can be started only if a matching receive 
is posted. In all cases, the send start call is local: it returns immediately, irrespective of the status of other processes. If the call causes some system resource to be exhausted, 
then it will fail and return an error code. Quality implementations of MPI should ensure that this happens only in “pathological” cases. That is, an MPI implementation 
should be able to support a large number of pending nonblocking operations.
非阻塞式初始化函数可以使用与阻塞式发送相同的四种模式:标准,缓冲,同步与就绪。上述四种模式意义相同。所有四种模式的发送操作,就绪模式除外,可以被启动无论对应的接收函数是否被开始调用;一个非阻塞式就绪发送可以被开始调用仅在一个对应的接收函数被调用后开始执行。在所有四种情况中,发送初始化函数是本地的:它立刻返回,无论其他进程的状态。如果函数调用导致系统资源被耗尽,那么它将会失败并且返回一个错误码。高质量的MPI实现应该保证这种情况只在“病态”的情况发生。那么,MPI 实现应该能够支持大量挂起的非阻塞操作。

The send-complete call returns when data has been copied out of the send buffer. It may carry additional meaning, depending on the send mode.
If the send mode is synchronous, then the send can complete only if a matching receive has started. That is, a receive has been posted, and has been matched with the send. 
In this case, the send-complete call is non-local. Note that a synchronous, nonblocking send may complete, if matched by a nonblocking receive, before the receive complete 
call occurs. (It can complete as soon as the sender “knows” the transfer will complete, but before the receiver “knows” the transfer will complete.)
If the send mode is buffered then the message must be buffered if there is no pending receive. In this case, the send-complete call is local, and must succeed irrespective of 
the status of a matching receive.
If the send mode is standard then the send-complete call may return before a matching receive is posted, if the message is buffered. On the other hand, the 
receive-complete may not complete until a matching receive is posted, and the message was copied into the receive buffer.
Nonblocking sends can be matched with blocking receives, and vice-versa.





3.7.2 Communication Initiation
We use the same naming conventions as for blocking communication: a prefix of B, S, or R is used for buffered, synchronous or ready mode. In addition a prefix of I 
(for immediate)indicates that the call is nonblocking.

3.7.2 通信初始化


Start a nonblocking receive.
These calls allocate a communication request object and associate it with the request handle (the argument request). The request can be used later to query the status of the
communication or wait for its completion.
A nonblocking send call indicates that the system may start copying data out of the send buffer. The sender should not modify any part of the send buffer after a nonblocking
send operation is called, until the send completes.
A nonblocking receive call indicates that the system may start writing data into the receive buffer. The receiver should not access any part of the receive buffer after a 
nonblocking receive operation is called, until the receive completes.





3.7.3 Communication Completion
The functions MPI_WAIT and MPI_TEST are used to complete a nonblocking communication. The completion of a send operation indicates that the sender is now free to 
update the locations in the send buffer (the send operation itself leaves the content of the send buffer unchanged). It does not indicate that the message has been received, 
rather, it may have been buffered by the communication subsystem. However, if a synchronous mode send was used, the completion of the send operation indicates that 
a matching receive was initiated,and that the message will eventually be received by this matching receive.
 3.7.3 通信完成

MPI_WAIT与MPI_TEST 函数用于完成非阻塞式通信操作。一个发送操作的完成意味着发送端现在可任意的更新发送缓冲区(发送操作本身保持发送缓冲区上下文保持不变)。这部意味着消息应该已经被接收,相反,它可能已经被通信子系统所缓冲。而后,如果一个同步模式的发送被使用,发送操作的完成意味着一个对应的接收函数被初始化,并且消息将最终被这个对应的接收函数所接收。

The completion of a receive operation indicates that the receive buffer contains the received message, the receiver is now free to access it, and that the status object is set. It
does not indicate that the matching send operation has completed (but indicates, of course, that the send was initiated).


We shall use the following terminology: A null handle is a handle with value MPI_REQUEST_NULL . A persistent request and the handle to it are inactive if the request is 
not associated with any ongoing communication (see Section 3.9). A handle is active if it is neither null nor inactive. An empty status is a status which is set to 
return tag = MPI_ANY_TAG , source = MPI_ANY_SOURCE , error = MPI_SUCCESS , and is also internally configured so that calls to MPI_GET_COUNT, MPI_GET_ELEMENTS, and
MPI_GET_ELEMENTS_X return count = 0 and MPI_TEST_CANCELLED returns false . We set a status variable to empty when the value returned by it is not significant. Status is set
in this way so as to prevent errors due to accesses of stale information.
我们应该使用以下术语:一个空的句柄的值为MPI_REQUEST_NULL。请求对象与指向它的句柄是非活动的如果请求对象没有与任何正在进行的通信相关联。一个句柄是活跃的如果它不是空的或者非活跃的(通过这句话的描述,感觉句柄就三种状态“活跃”、“不活跃”、“空”)。一个空的状态对象被设置为tag = MPI_ANY_TAG , source = MPI_ANY_SOURCE , error = MPI_SUCCESS,同时被内部设置以便于MPI_GET_COUNT, MPI_GET_ELEMENTS与MPI_GET_ELEMENTS_X函数返回0,MPI_TEST_CANCELLED函数返回错误。我们设置一个状态变量为空当由它(应该指这几个函数:MPI_GET_COUNT、MPI_GET_ELEMENTS、MPI_GET_ELEMENTS_X、MPI_TEST_CANCELLED)返回的值是无效的。以这种方式设置状态对象是为了避免由于使用失效信息而产生的错误。
