

by Kara Luton

卡拉·卢顿(Kara Luton)

我在训练营两年后学到了什么 (What I’ve Learned Two Years Post-Bootcamp)

It’s been two entire years since I left behind my career of being a music publicist — one I worked towards all of college and miraculously landed a coveted spot in — to start a three-month-long frontend engineering program at The Iron Yard. I had no idea about anything within the tech industry, and I barely knew what a div was. The past two years have been some of the most trying times in my life, but I’m so glad I started this journey.

从我成为音乐公关员的职业生涯到现在已经整整两年了–我在整个大学工作,奇迹般地找到了梦a以求的地方–在Iron Iron Yard开始了为期三个月的前端工程计划。 我对科技行业内的任何事情一无所知,而且我几乎不知道div是什么。 过去两年是我一生中最艰难的时期,但我很高兴能踏上这一旅程。

To give you some background on why I decided to transition to the tech world read my article ‘From Music Publicist to Web Developer’. I was stressed out. I spent most of my days emailing hundreds of journalists hoping they would say yes to an interview or a story about one of my clients. I wanted something new. Something where I would be pushed every single day and would always be learning. Well, working as a developer is exactly that. Here are some things I’ve learned since graduating from my bootcamp.

为了让您了解为什么我决定过渡到技术世界,请阅读我的文章“ 从音乐公关到Web开发人员 ”。 我感到压力很大。 我大部分时间都在向数百名记者发送电子邮件,希望他们对采访或某个客户的故事说“是”。 我想要新的东西。 我每天都会被推而至并且一直在学习。 好吧,作为开发人员工作就是这样。 这是我从训练营毕业后学到的一些东西。

你总是要学习 (You’re always going to be learning)

Not a day goes by when I don’t learn something new as a web developer. This is one of my absolute favorite things about this job but it can also be overwhelming. Whenever imposter syndrome is taking over for me I like to sit back and think about how far I’ve come.

没有一天,当我不学习网络开发人员的新知识时。 这是我对此工作绝对喜欢的事情之一,但它也可能使人不胜其烦。 每当冒名顶替者综合症为我接任时,我都会坐在那里思考我走了多远。

As I said earlier, I started my bootcamp knowing nothing about web development. All I knew was what I had learned on Codecademy. It still amazes me what I can do now that I didn’t have any clue about two years ago. I can’t wait to look back and see what else I can do in two more years.

如前所述,我开始了我的训练营,对Web开发一无所知。 我所知道的就是我在Codecademy中学到的东西。 两年前我一无所获,这仍然令我惊讶。 我迫不及待地想回头,看看我两年后还能做什么。

总是问问题 (Always ask questions)

When I worked as a publicist, I felt that asking questions was a sign of weakness. It meant I didn’t know how to do my job so I steered away from it.

当我担任公关人员时,我觉得提出问题是软弱的迹象。 这意味着我不知道该怎么做,所以我避开了工作。

But in order to get better at coding, you have to ask questions. It’s something I’ve had to get used to. Sometimes I still feel hesitant to ask a senior developer about an issue I’m having with my code. Never be afraid to ask.

但是为了更好地编码,您必须提出问题。 这是我必须习惯的东西。 有时,我仍然犹豫不决,向高级开发人员询问我的代码存在的问题。 永远不要害怕问。

Make sure you’ve done your research before you do reach out, though. Have you thoroughly Googled the issue you’re having? Have you run the debugger to see if you’re missing a step? Do all you can before you ask. Explain what you’ve done to your senior developer so they don’t have to walk through the same steps. Gordon Zhu has a great article on this as well.

不过,请务必先完成研究工作。 您是否已彻底搜索了您遇到的问题? 您是否运行调试器以查看是否缺少步骤? 在您问之前尽一切可能。 向高级开发人员说明您所做的事情,这样他们就不必执行相同的步骤。 Gordon Zhu在这方面也有一篇很棒的文章 。

一百万种做某事的方式不同 (There are a million different ways to do one thing)

My office recently had a lunch and learn where we made an automated gauge with Vanilla JavaScript. As we all were going around explaining our solutions I realized that every single person went about the problem in a different way. I love seeing how my coworkers and I go about the same problem. I learn something new from each person’s perspective.

我的办公室最近吃了一顿午餐,了解我们使用Vanilla JavaScript制作自动量规的地方 。 当我们四处解释我们的解决方案时,我意识到每个人都以不同的方式解决问题。 我喜欢看到我和我的同事如何处理相同的问题。 我从每个人的角度学到一些新东西。

大步获取反馈 (Take feedback in stride)

Being a developer means you’re always going to have code reviews. It doesn’t matter how senior you are, it will always be something that happens. Learn to take the feedback from your code reviews in stride.

成为开发人员意味着您将始终要进行代码审查。 年龄有多大无关紧要,总会发生。 学会从代码审查中获得反馈。

Writing code is something that is so personal. You’re building something from scratch and you’re proud of it. Don’t get offended when you receive feedback on a review. The person reviewing your code isn’t trying to be malicious. They’re trying to make you a better developer. I’ve seen some developers get so heated about their code reviews and it’s only hurting themselves. Code reviews are another opportunity to learn and grow.

编写代码是如此个人化。 您正在从头开始构建某些东西,并为此感到自豪。 当您收到有关评价的反馈时,请不要生气。 审查您代码的人不是恶意的。 他们正在努力使您成为更好的开发人员。 我已经看到一些开发人员对他们的代码审查变得如此热情,这只会伤害自己。 代码审查是另一个学习和成长的机会。

If you liked this article don’t forget to tap ❤! Be sure to follow me on Twitter for my latest articles, tweets about tech and, if I’m honest, lots of cute dog videos too.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请不要忘记点击❤! 请确保在Twitter上关注我,以获取我的最新文章,关于技术的推文,以及老实说,还有很多可爱的狗狗视频。

Kara Luton (@karaluton) | TwitterThe latest Tweets from Kara Luton (@karaluton). Front end developer + former music publicist. Retired ballerina…twitter.com

卡拉·卢顿(@karaluton)| Twitter 来自Kara Luton(@karaluton)的最新推文。 前端开发人员+前音乐宣传员。 退休的芭蕾舞演员… twitter.com

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/what-ive-learned-two-years-post-bootcamp-49812d33e2b7/

