create table cars(
province string, --省份
month int, --月
city string, --市
county string, --区县
year int, --年
cartype string,--车辆型号
productor string,--制造商
brand string, --品牌
mold string,--车辆类型
owner string,--所有权
nature string, --使用性质
number int,--数量
ftype string,--发动机型号
outv int,--排量
power double, --功率
fuel string,--燃料种类
length int,--车长
width int,--车宽
height int,--车高
xlength int,--厢长
xwidth int,--厢宽
xheight int,--厢高
count int,--轴数
base int,--轴距
front int,--前轮距
norm string,--轮胎规格
tnumber int,--轮胎数
total int,--总质量
curb int,--整备质量
hcurb int,--核定载质量
passenger string,--核定载客
zhcurb int,--准牵引质量
business string,--底盘企业
dtype string,--底盘品牌
fmold string,--底盘型号
fbusiness string,--发动机企业
name string,--车辆名称
age int,--年龄
sex string --性别
row format delimited
fields terminated by '\t';
load data local inpath '/usr/local/hive/Test/cars.txt' into table cars;
(输入select * from cars limit 2;检测是否插入成功)
nature string, --使用性质
select nature,count(number) from cars where nature!='' group by nature;
解析:这里的count是计数函数,会统计使用性质的数量,后面我们限制使用性质这列不可以为空,这是一次简单的数据清洗,清洗掉垃圾数据,然后group by根据使用性质列不同的内容进行划分,并分别计数。
month int,–月份
select count(*) from cars;总数量
select month from (select month,count(*) from cars group by month);每个月的数量
select month,round(mei/zong,2)as resl from (select month,count(*) as mei from cars where month is not null group by month)as mm,(select count(*) as zong from cars)as zz;
sex String,性别
select sex,count(*) from cars;总人数
select sex,count(*) from cars where sex is not null and sex !='' group by sex;男女
select sex,round(nv/zong,2)as resl from (select sex,count(*) as nv from cars where sex is not null and sex !='' group by sex)as nnvv,(select sex,count(*) as zong from cars)as zz;
mold string,–车辆类型
owner string,–所有权
cartype string,–车辆型号
select owner,cartype,mold,count(*) from cars group by owner,cartype,mold;
mold string,–车辆类型
month int, --月
select mold,month,count(*) from cars group by mold,month;
brand string, --品牌
ftype string,–发动机型号
fuel string,–燃料种类
select brand,collect_set(ftype),collect_set(fuel) from cars where brand is not null and brand != '' group by brand;
select brand,collect_set(concat(ftype,fuel)) from cars where brand is not null and brand != ''and ftype is not null and ftype != ‘’ group by brand;
brand string, --品牌
month int, --月
select brand,month,count(*) from cars where brand='五菱' and month is not null group by brand,month;