


Thus, the productformulation suggests that modulation of a standard Rayleigh variable by acentral chi-distributed geometric term can account for observed sea clutterdistributions.


Additionalinformation on the K distribution is given in App. A.


More recent researchhas begun to bridge the gap between the physics of scattering and the apparentsuccess of compound clutter models of the type promoted by Ward and Jakeman andPusey.


Sangston summarizesthe work on extensions of the “many scatterer” physical model thatleads to the Rayleigh distribution (Sangston, 1994).


Specifically,consider the model of Eq. (2.50), but let the number of scatterers N be arandom variable instead of a fixed constant.


This representationis referred to as a number fluctuations model.


Depending on thechoice of the statistics of the number N of scatterers contributing to thereturn at any given time, this modified version of Eq. (2.50) can result in K,Weibull, gamma, Nakagami-m, or any of a number of other distributions in theclass of so-called Rayleigh mixtures.


Much of the work incompound RCS models has been performed in the context of sea clutter analysis,and empirical sea clutter data have often been observed to exhibit non-Rayleighstatistics such as Weibull, K, and log-normal distributions.


The numberfluctuation model is intuitively appealing in this case because it can berelated to the physical behavior of waves.


Specifically,scattering theory suggests that the principal scatterers on the ocean surfaceare the small capillary waves, as opposed to the large swells.


These smallscattering centers tend to cluster near the crest of the swells, with fewer ofthem in between.


In other words, theyare nonuniformly distributed over the sea surface.


Consequently, a radarilluminating the sea will receive echoes from a variable number N of scatterersas the crests of the swells move into and out of a given resolution cell.


By summing echoesfrom a variable number of scatterers, the number fluctuation model predicts theWeibull and K distributions and provides a link between a phenomenologicalmodel of sea scatter and these empirically observed statistics.

——本文译自Mark A. Richards所著的《Fundamentals of Radar Signal Processing(Second edition)》

