流程制造包括重复生产(Repetitive Manufacturing)和连续生产(Continuous Manufacturing)两种类型。重复生产又叫大批量生产,与连续生产有很多相同之处,区别仅在于生产的产品是否可分离。重复生产的产品通常可一个个分开,它是由离散制造的高度标准化后,为批量生产而形成的一种方式;连续生产的产品是连续不断地经过加工设备,一批产品通常不可分开。
Dynamics AX 2012 之于离散制造:
1. 可执行多种生产策略,如configure-to-order, assemble-to-order,make-to-order.使用推动式生产和拉动式生产管理机制。
2. 优化产品和物料计划、预算和排程。同时执行物料和产能排程。 计算ATP(available-to-promise)和CTP(capable-to-promise)交付
3. 创建、计划、查看、跟踪、分割、回滚和分类生产订单。
• Understand WIP and actual cost through production tracking and reporting. Track detailed resource and throughput costs, including work
center costs. Report production variances to standard costs.
• Manage routing: Plan simple, sequential, and complex networks; use simultaneous routes in the same network. Use rough-cut capacity and
detailed scheduling capabilities. Organize the shop floor into logical production units at individual sites.
• Quickly schedule/reschedule jobs and simulate alternatives by dragging Gantt chart items. Resolve scheduling overloads by reassigning
operations to alternate work centers. Optimize scheduling across the organization with a unified resource model and scheduling engine.
Dynamics AX 2012 To Process Manufacturing
• Facilitate regulatory compliance with agencies such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) by validating manufacturing processes.
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