SMPP Command and Error descriptions

SMPP Command and Error descriptions


SMPP Command ID values

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0x80000000 ESME_NACK Negative Acknowledgement
0x00000001 ESME_BNDRCV Bind to SMSC Kernel as a receiver
0x80000001 ESME_BNDRCV_RESP Response to bind_receiver
0x00000002 ESME_BNDTRN Bind to SMSC Kernel as transmitter
0x80000002 ESME_BNDTRN_RESP Response to bind_transmitter
0x00000003 ESME_QUERY_SM Query status of a short-message
0x80000003 ESME_QUERY_SM_RESP Response to query_sm
0x00000004 ESME_SUB_SM Submit a short-message
0x80000004 ESME_SUB_SM_RESP Response to submit_sm
0x00000005 SMSC_DELIVER_SM Submit a short-message to ESME
0x80000005 SMSC_DELIVER_SM_RESP Response to deliver_sm
0x00000006 ESME_UBD Unbind from SMSC Kernel
0x80000006 ESME_UBD_RESP Response to unbind
0x00000007 ESME_REPLACE_SM Replace a short message
0x80000007 ESME_REPLACE_SM_RESP Response to replace_sm
0x00000008 ESME_CANCEL_SM Cancel a short message(s)
0x80000008 ESME_CANCEL_SM_RESP Response to cancel_sm
0x00000009 ESME_BIND_TRANSCEIVER Bind to SMSC Kernel as transmitter
0x80000009 ESME_BIND_TRANSCEIVER_RESP Response to bind_transmitter
0x0000000B SMSC_OUTBIND An outbind request to remote server
0x00000015 ESME_QRYLINK Link confidence check
0x80000015 ESME_QRYLINK_RESP Response to enquire_link
0x00000021 ESME_SUB_MULTI Submit a short message to
an SME Address
a Distribution list
Multiple Recipients
0x80000021 ESME_SUB_MULTI_RESP Respose to submit_multi.
0x00000102 SMSC_ALERT_NOTIFICATION Notifcation that a device is read to receive messages
0x00000103 ESME_DATA_SM Submit a short data message
0x80000103 ESME_DATA_SM_RESP Response to data_sm

SMPP Error codes

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0 ESME_ROK Ok - Message Acceptable
1 ESME_RINVMSGLEN Invalid Message Length
2 ESME_RINVCMDLEN Invalid Command Length
3 ESME_RINVCMDID Invalid Command ID
4 ESME_RINVBNDSTS Invalid bind status
5 ESME_RALYBND Bind attempted when already bound
6 ESME_RINVPRTFLG Invalid priority flag
7 ESME_RINVREGDLVFLG Invalid registered-delivery flag
8 ESME_RSYSERR SMSC system error
10 ESME_RINVSRCADR Invalid source address
11 ESME_RINVDSTADR Invalid destination address
12 ESME_RINVMSGID Invalid message-id
13 ESME_RBINDFAIL Generic bind failure
14 ESME_RINVPASWD Invalid password
15 ESME_RINVSYSID Invalid System-ID
17 ESME_RCANCELFAIL Cancel failure
19 ESME_RREPLACEFAIL Replace failure
21 ESME_RMSGQFUL Too many messages in queue, at present
22 ESME_RINVSERTYP Invalid services type
51 ESME_RINVNUMDESTS Invalid number of destination addresses
52 ESME_RINVDLNAME Invalid name
64 ESME_RINVDESTFLAG Invalid Destination Flag Option
66 ESME_RINVSUBREP Invalid value for submit with replace option
67 ESME_RINVESMCLASS Invalid value for esm_class field
68 ESME_RCNTSUBDL Cannot submit to a distribution list
69 ESME_RSUBMITFAIL Generic submission failure
72 ESME_RINVSRCTON Invalid type of number for source
73 ESME_RINVSRCNPI Invalid numbering plan indicator for source
74 ESME_RINVDSTTON Invalid type of number for destination
75 ESME_RINVDSTNPI Invalid numbering plan indicator for destination
77 ESME_RINVSYSTYP Invalid esm type
78 ESME_RINVREPFLAG Invalid submit with replace flag option
85 ESME_RINVNUMMSGS Invalid number of messages specified for query_last_msgs
88 ESME_RTHROTTLED SMSC is throttling inbound messages
98 ESME_RINVEXPIRY Invalid Validity Date
103 ESME_RQUERYFAIL Query failure
194 ESME_RINVPARLEN Invalid optional parameter length
195 ESME_RMISSINGOPTPARAM Missing optional parameter
196 ESME_RINVOPTPARAMVAL Invalid optional parameter value
254 ESME_RDELIVERYFAILURE Generic devliery failure
255 ESME_RUNKNOWNERR Unknown Error
