ZMQ源码分析(二)-- 网络&线程模型



   class poller_base_t

        poller_base_t ();
        virtual ~poller_base_t ();

        //  Returns load of the poller. Note that this function can be
        //  invoked from a different thread!
        int get_load ();

        //  Add a timeout to expire in timeout_ milliseconds. After the
        //  expiration timer_event on sink_ object will be called with
        //  argument set to id_.
        void add_timer (int timeout_, zmq::i_poll_events *sink_, int id_);

        //  Cancel the timer created by sink_ object with ID equal to id_.
        void cancel_timer (zmq::i_poll_events *sink_, int id_);


        //  Called by individual poller implementations to manage the load.
        void adjust_load (int amount_);

        //  Executes any timers that are due. Returns number of milliseconds
        //  to wait to match the next timer or 0 meaning "no timers".
        uint64_t execute_timers ();


        //  Clock instance private to this I/O thread.
        clock_t clock;

        //  List of active timers.
        struct timer_info_t
            zmq::i_poll_events *sink;
            int id;
        typedef std::multimap  timers_t;
        timers_t timers;

        //  Load of the poller. Currently the number of file descriptors
        //  registered.
        atomic_counter_t load;

        poller_base_t (const poller_base_t&);
        const poller_base_t &operator = (const poller_base_t&);


    class epoll_t : public poller_base_t

        typedef void* handle_t;

        epoll_t (const ctx_t &ctx_);
        ~epoll_t ();

        //  "poller" concept.
        handle_t add_fd (fd_t fd_, zmq::i_poll_events *events_);
        void rm_fd (handle_t handle_);
        void set_pollin (handle_t handle_);
        void reset_pollin (handle_t handle_);
        void set_pollout (handle_t handle_);
        void reset_pollout (handle_t handle_);
        void start ();
        void stop ();

        static int max_fds ();


        //  Main worker thread routine.
        static void worker_routine (void *arg_);

        //  Main event loop.
        void loop ();

        // Reference to ZMQ context.
        const ctx_t &ctx;

        //  Main epoll file descriptor
        fd_t epoll_fd;

        struct poll_entry_t
            fd_t fd;
            epoll_event ev;
            zmq::i_poll_events *events;

        //  List of retired event sources.
        typedef std::vector  retired_t;
        retired_t retired;

        //  If true, thread is in the process of shutting down.
        bool stopping;

        //  Handle of the physical thread doing the I/O work.
        thread_t worker;

        epoll_t (const epoll_t&);
        const epoll_t &operator = (const epoll_t&);

epoll_t的变量中包含一个worker作为工作线程,zmq的线程操作主要封装在thread_t中,在windows上使用原生的线程库,在linux等其他平台上是使用pthread来现实。epoll_t 定义了一个poll_entry_t结构体作为handle_t,当需要使用epoll监听一个描述符时需要首先调用add_fd方法:

zmq::epoll_t::handle_t zmq::epoll_t::add_fd (fd_t fd_, i_poll_events *events_)
    poll_entry_t *pe = new (std::nothrow) poll_entry_t;
    alloc_assert (pe);

    //  The memset is not actually needed. It's here to prevent debugging
    //  tools to complain about using uninitialised memory.
    memset (pe, 0, sizeof (poll_entry_t));

    pe->fd = fd_;
    pe-> = 0;
    pe-> = pe;
    pe->events = events_;

    int rc = epoll_ctl (epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd_, &pe->ev);
    errno_assert (rc != -1);

    //  Increase the load metric of the thread.
    adjust_load (1);

    return pe;


        void set_pollin (handle_t handle_);
        void reset_pollin (handle_t handle_);
        void set_pollout (handle_t handle_);
        void reset_pollout (handle_t handle_);


    struct i_poll_events
        virtual ~i_poll_events () {}

        // Called by I/O thread when file descriptor is ready for reading.
        virtual void in_event () = 0;

        // Called by I/O thread when file descriptor is ready for writing.
        virtual void out_event () = 0;

        // Called when timer expires.
        virtual void timer_event (int id_) = 0;

ZMQ源码分析(二)-- 网络&线程模型_第1张图片
