ksh basic

Table 2.1: Command Execution Format2
Table 2.2: Some I/O Redirection Operators. 2
Table 2.3: File Descriptors. 2
Table 2.4: Redirect Operators and File Descriptors. 3
Table 2.5: Basic Pattern-Matching Characters. 3
Table 2.6: Other Patterns. 3
Table 2.7: Tilde Substitution. 4
Table 3.1: Assigning Values to Variables. 4
Table 3.2: Assigning Values/Attributes to Variables. 4
Table 3.3: Some Variable Attributes. 4
Table 3.4: Some Preset Special Parameters. 5
Table 3.5: Variable Expansion Formats. 5
Table 3.6: More Variable Expansion Formats. 5
Table 3.7: Array Variables. 6
Table 3.7.1: Quote. 6
Table 4.2: Some Vi Command Mode Commands. 6
Table 4.3: Some Emacs/Gmacs In-Line Edit Commands. 7
Table 5.1: Job Control Commands. 8
Table 6.1: (( ))Arithmetic Operators (in order of precedence)8
Table 7.1: Some Korn Shell Environment Variables. 9
Table 7.2: Some Korn Shell Options. 9
Table 8.1: Positional Parameters. 10
Table 8.2: [[...]] String Operators. 10
Table 8.3: [[...]] File Operators. 11
Table 8.4: [[...]] Integer Operators. 11
Table 8.5: [[...]] Other Operators. 11
Table 8.5.1: case syntax. 12
Table 8.5.2: for syntax. 12
Table 8.5.3: if syntax. 12
Table 8.5.4: while syntax. 13
Table 8.5.5: until syntax. 13
Table 8.5.6: select syntax. 13
Table 8.6: print Escape Characters. 13
Table 8.6.1 READ Command. 14
Table 8.7: print Options. 14
Table 8.8: read Options. 14
Table 8.9: Korn Shell Debugging Options. 14
Table 8.10: Co-Processes. 15
Table 9.1: ulimit Options. 15
Table 2.1: Command Execution Format
command1 ; command2 execute command1 followed by command2
command & execute command asynchronously in the background; do not wait for completion
command1 | command2 pass the standard output of command1 to standard input of command2
command1 && command2 execute command2 if command1 returns zero (successful) exit status
command1 | | command2 execute command2 if command1 returns non-zero (unsuccessful) exit status
command |& execute command asynchronously with its standard input and standard output attached to the parent shell; use read .
p / print -p to manipulate the standard input/output (see Chapter 8 ) command / continue command onto the next line
{ command ; } execute command in the current shell
( command ) execute command in a subshell
Table 2.2: Some I/O Redirection Operators
< file redirect standard input from file
> file redirect standard output to file . Create file if non-existent, else overwrite.
>> file append standard output to file . Create file if non-existent.
>| file redirect standard output to file . Create file if non-existent, else overwrite even if noclobber is enabled.
<> file open file for reading and writing as standard input
<& - close standard input
>& - close standard output
Table 2.3: File Descriptors
0 standard input
1 standard output
2 standard error
3-9 unassigned file descriptors
Table 2.4: Redirect Operators and File Descriptors
<& n redirect standard input from file descriptor n
>& n redirect standard output to file descriptor n
n < file redirect file descriptor n from file
n > file redirect file descriptor n to file
n >> file redirect file descriptor n to file . Create file if non-existent, else overwrite.
n >| file redirect file descriptor n to file . Create file even if noclobber is enabled.
n <& m redirect file descriptor n input from file descriptor m
n >& m redirect file descriptor n output to file descriptor m
n <> file open file for reading and writing as file descriptor n
n << word redirect to file descriptor n until word is read
n << - word redirect to file descriptor n until word is read; ignore leading tabs
n <& -   close file descriptor n for standard input
n >& - close file descriptor n for standard output
print -u n args redirect arguments to file descriptor n . If n is greater than 2 , it must first be opened with
exec . If n is not specified, the default file descriptor argument is 1 (standard output).
read -u n args read input line from file descriptor n . If n is greater than 2 , it must first be opened with
exec . If n is not specified, the default file descriptor argument is 0 (standard input).
Table 2.5: Basic Pattern-Matching Characters
? match any single character
* match zero or more characters, including null
[ abc ] match any character or characters between the brackets
[ x-z ] match any character or characters in the range x to z
[ a - ce-g ] match any character or characters in the range a to c , e to g
[ ! abc ] match any character or characters not between the brackets
[ ! x - z ] match any character or characters not in the range x to z - strings
Table 2.6: Other Patterns
?( pattern-list ) match zero or one occurrence of any pattern
*( pattern-list ) match zero or more occurrences of any pattern
+( pattern-list ) match one or more occurrence of any pattern
@( pattern-list ) match exactly one occurrence of any pattern
!( pattern-list ) match anything except any pattern pattern-list multiple patterns must be separated with a | character
?(pattern1 | pattern2 | ... | patternn) matches zero or one occurrence of any pattern
*(pattern1 | pattern2 | ... | patternn) matches zero or more occurrences of any pattern
@(pattern1 | pattern2 | ... | patternn) matches exactly one occurrence of any pattern
+(pattern1 | pattern2 | ... | patternn) matches one or more occurrence of any pattern
!(pattern1 | pattern2 | ... | patternn) matches all strings except those that match
Table 2.7: Tilde Substitution
~ replaced with $HOME
~ user replaced with the home directory of user
~- r eplaced with $OLDPWD ( previous directory)
~+ replaced with $PWD (current directory)
Table 3.1: Assigning Values to Variables
variable = declare variable and set it to null
typeset variable = declare variable and set it to null variable = value assign value to variable
typeset variable = value assign value to variable
Table 3.2: Assigning Values/Attributes to Variables
typeset - attribute variable=value assign attribute and value to variable
typeset - attribute variable assign attribute to variable
typeset +attribute variable remove attribute from variable
Table 3.3: Some Variable Attributes
typeset -i var Set the type of var to be integer
typeset -l var Set var to lower case
typeset -L var Left justify var ; the field width is specified by the first assignment
typeset -L n var Left justify var ; set field width to n
typeset -LZ n var Left justify var ; set field width to n and strip leading zeros
typeset -r var Set var to be readonly (same as the readonly command)
typeset -R var Right justify var ; the field width is specified by the first assignment
typeset -R n var Right justify var ; set field width to n
typeset -RZ n var Right justify var ; set field width to n and fill with leading zeros
typeset -t var Set the user-defined attribute for var . This has no meaning to the Korn shell.
typeset -u var Set var to upper case
typeset -x var Automatically export var to the environment (same as the export command)
typeset -Z var Same as typeset -RZ
Table 3.4: Some Preset Special Parameters
? exit status of the last command
$ process id of the current Korn shell
- current options in effect
! process id of the last background command or co-process
ERRNO error number returned by most recently failed system call (system dependent)
PPID process id of the parent shell
Table 3.5: Variable Expansion Formats (%% ##)
${# variable } length of variable
${variable:-word} value of variable if set and not null,else print word
${variable:=word} value of variable if set and not null,else variable is set to word, then expanded
${variable:+word} value of word if variable is set and not null, else nothing is substituted
${variable:?} value of variable if set and not null,else print "variable: parameter null or not set"
${variable:?word} value of variable if set and not null,else print value of word and exit
${variable#pattern} value of variable without the smallest beginning portion that matches pattern
${variable##pattern} value of variable without the largest beginning portion that matches pattern
${variable%pattern} value of variable without the smallest ending portion that matches pattern
${variable%%pattern} value of variable without the largest ending portion that matches pattern
${variable//pattern1/pattern2} replace all occurrences of pattern1 with pattern2 in variable
$ X=/usr/spool/cron
$ print ${X##*/}
$ X=file.Z
$ print ${X%.*}
Table 3.6: More Variable Expansion Formats
${variable//pattern1/pattern2} replace all occurrences of pattern1 with pattern2 in variable
${variable/pattern1/pattern2} replace first occurrence of pattern1 with pattern2 in variable
${variable/#pattern1/pattern2} replace first occurrence of pattern1 with pattern2 in variable if variable begins with pattern1
${variable/%pattern1/pattern2} replace last occurrence of pattern1 with pattern2 in variable if variable ends with pattern1
${variable:start} return variable from character position start to end
${variable:start:length} return length characters from variable from character position start to end
Table 3.7: Array Variables
${ array }, $ array array element zero
${ array [ n ]} array element n
${ array [ n +2 ]} array element n +2
${ array [ $i ]} array element $i
${ array [*]}, ${ array [@]} all elements of an array
${# array [*]}, ${# array [@]} number of array elements
${# array [ n ]} length of array element n
${! array [*]}, ${! array [@]} all initialized subscript values
${! array [*] : n : x } x array elements starting with element n
${! array [@] : n } all array elements starting with element n
Table 3.7.1: Quote
Double quotes are like single quotes, except that they do not remove the meaning of the special characters $ , ` , and / .
Single quotes are also used to hide the meaning of special characters like $ , * , / , ! , " , ` and / . Any characters between single quotes, except another single quote, are displayed without interpretation as special characters:
Back quotes are used to assign the output of a command to a variable. This format, from the Bourne shell, is accepted by the Korn shell but considered obsolescent. This command sets the variable SYS to the
Table 4.2: Some Vi Command Mode Commands
h , move left one character
l , move right one character
b move left one word
B move left one word; ignore punctuation
w move right one word
W move right one word; ignore punctuation
e move to the end of the next word
E move to end of next word; ignore punctuation
^ move to beginning of the line
$ move to end of line
f c move right to character c
F c move left to character c
a add text after the current character
A append text to end of the current line
i insert text left of the current character
r c replace current character with c
x delete the current character
u undo the last text modification command
k get previous command from history file
j get next command from history file / string search backward in the history file for command that matches string ? string search forward in the history file for command that matches string
. repeat the last text modification command
~ toggle the case of the current character
Table 4.3: Some Emacs/Gmacs In-Line Edit Commands
Ctl-b move left one character
Ctl-f move right one character
Esc-b move left one word
Esc-f move right one word
Ctl-a move to beginning of line
Ctl-e move to end of line
Ctl- ] c move right to character c
Ctl-h delete preceding character
Ctl-x , @ kill the entire line
Ctl-k delete from cursor to end of line
Ctl-d delete current character
Esc-d delete current word
Ctl-w delete from cursor to mark
Ctl-y undo last delete (w/ Esc-p )
Ctl-p get previous command from history file
Ctl-n get next command from history file
Ctl-r string search backward in history file for command that contains string
Ctl-c change current character to upper case
Esc-l change current character to lower case
Esc-p save to buffer from cursor to mark
Esc- mark current location
Ctl-l redisplay current line
Table 5.1: Job Control Commands
bg put the current stopped job in the background
bg % n put the stopped job n in the background
fg move the current background job into the foreground
fg % n move background job n into the foreground
jobs display the status of all jobs
jobs -l display the status of all jobs along with their process ids
jobs -p display the process ids of all jobs
kill % n kill job n
kill -l list all valid signal names
kill . signal % n send the specified signal to job n
set -m , set -o monitor enable job control; execute background jobs in a separate process group, and report the exit status of background jobs
stty tostop prevent background jobs from generating output
stty -tostop allow background jobs to generate output (default)
wait wait for all background jobs to complete
wait % n wait for background
Table 6.1: (( ))Arithmetic Operators (in order of precedence)
. unary minus
! logical negation
~ bitwise negation
*, /, % multiplication, division, remainder (modulo)
+, . addition, subtraction
<<, >> left shift, right shift
<=, < less than or equal to, less than
>=, > greater than or equal to, greater than
== equal to
!= not equal to
& bitwise AND
^ bitwise exclusive OR
| bitwise OR
&& logical AND
| | logical OR
= assignment
*=, /=, %= multiply assign, divide assign, modulo assign
+=, .= increment, decrement
<<=, >>= left shift assign, right shift assign
&=, ^=, |= bitwise AND assign, bitwise exclusive
OR assign, bitwise OR assign
(...) grouping
Table 7.1: Some Korn Shell Environment Variables
CDPATH search path for cd when not given a full pathname (no default)
COLUMNS window width for in-line edit mode and select command lists (default 80 )
EDITOR pathname of the editor for in-line editing (default /bin/ed )
ENV pathname of the environment file (nodefault)
HISTFILE pathname of the history file (default $HOME/.sh_history )
HISTSIZE number of commands to save in the command history file (default 128 )
HOME home directory
IFS internal field separator (default space,tab, newline)
LANG locale
MAIL name of mail file
MAILCHECK specifies how often to check for mail (default 600 seconds)
MAILPATH search path for mail files (no default)
PATH search path for commands (default /bin:/usr/bin: )
PS1 primary prompt string (default $ , # )
PS2 secondary prompt string (default > )
PS3 select command prompt (default #? )
PS4 debug prompt string (default + )
SHELL pathname of the shell
TERM specifies your terminal type (no default)
TMOUT Korn shell timeout variable (default 0)
VISUAL pathname
Table 7.2: Some Korn Shell Options
set -a, set -o allexport automatically export variables when defined
set -o bgnice execute all background jobs at a lower priority
set -o emacs , set -o gmacs use emacs / gmacs in-line editor
set -o ignoreeof do not exit on end of file; use exit (default Ctl-d )
set -o markdirs display trailing / on directory names resulting from file name substitution
set -m , set -o monitor enable job control (system dependent)
set -n , set -o noexec read commands without executing them
set -o noclobber prevent I/O redirection from truncating existing files
set -f , set -o noglob disable file name expansion
set -u , set -o nounset return error on substitution of unset variables
set -h , set -o trackall make commands tracked aliases when first encountered
set -o vi use vi -style editor for in-line editing
set -x , set -o xtrace display commands and arguments as they are executed
Table 8.1: Positional Parameters
$0 name of script or function or pathname of Korn shell for set
$ n n th argument to script, function, or set
${ n } n th argument to script, function, or set when n is greater than 9
$# number of positional parameters
$*, $@ all positional parameters separated with a blank
"$*" all positional parameters enclosed in double quotes
${*: X } all X to the last positional parameters
"${*: X }" all X to the last positional parameters enclosed in double quotes
${*: X : n } n positional parameters beginning with X th
"${*: X : n }" n positional parameters beginning with X th enclosed in double quotes
Table 8.2: [[...]] String Operators
-n string true if length of string is not zero
-o option true if option is set
-z string true if length of string is zero
string1 = string2  true if string1 is equal to string2
string1 != string2 true if string1 is not equal to string2
string = pattern true if string matches pattern
string != pattern true if string does not match pattern
string1 < string2 true if string1 less than string2
string1 > string2 true if string1 greater than string2
note that:
[[$X = $Y]]
while this is correct:
[[ $X == $Y ]] there is white space between $X , $Y , and the = operator.
Table 8.3: [[...]] File Operators
-a file true if file exists
-d file true if file exists and is a directory
-f file true if file exists and is a regular file
-G file true if file exists and its group id matches the effective group id of the current process
-L file true if file exists and is a symbolic link
-O file true if file exists and its user id matches the effective user id of the current process
-r file true if file exists and is readable
-s file true if file exists and its size is g reater than zero
-S file true if file exists and is a socket
-u file true if file exists and its set user-id bit is set
-w file true if file exists and is writable
-x file true if file exists and is executable. If   file is a directory, then true indicates that the directory is searchable.
file1 -ef  file2 true if file1 exists and is another name for file2
file1 -nt  file2 true if file1 exists and is newer than file2
file1 - ot  file2 true if file1 exists and is older than file2
Table 8.4: [[...]] Integer Operators
exp1 -eq exp2 true if exp1 is equal to exp2               =
exp1 -ne exp2 true if exp1 is not equal to exp2            !=
exp1 -le exp2 true if exp1 is less than or equal to exp2      <=
exp1 -lt exp2 true if exp1 is less than exp2               <
exp1 -ge exp2 true if exp1 is greater than or equal to exp2   >=
exp1 -gt exp2 true if exp1 is greater than exp2            >
Table 8.5: [[...]] Other Operators
[[ expression1 && expression2 ]] true if both expression1 and expression2 are true
[[ expression1 || expression2 ]] true either expression1 or expression2 are true
[[ ( expression ) ]] true if expression evaluates to true. The ()'s are used to override the precedence rules.
[[ ! expression ]] true if expression evaluates to false
Table 8.5.1: case syntax
case value in
pattern1 command
command ;;
pattern2 command
command ;;
patternn command
command ;;
Table 8.5.2: for syntax
for variable in word1 word2 . . . wordn
Table 8.5.3: if syntax
if command1
if command1
if command1
elif command2
. . .
elif commandn
Table 8.5.4: while syntax
while command1
Table 8.5.5: until syntax
until command1
Table 8.5.6: select syntax
select variable in word1 word2 . . . wordn
Table 8.6: print Escape Characters
/a bell character
/b backspace
/c line without ending newline (remaining arguments ignored)
/f formfeed
/n newline
/r return
/t tab
/v vertical tab
// backslash
/0 x 8-bit character whose ASCII code is the 1-, 2-, or 3-digit octal number x
Table 8.6.1 READ Command
$ print "This is output" | read X Y Z
$ print $X
$ print $Y
$ print $Z
Table 8.7: print Options
- treat everything following . as an argument, even if it begins with .
-n do not add a ending newline to the output
-p redirect the given arguments to a coprocess
-r ignore the / escape conventions
-R ignore the / escape conventions; do not interpret . arguments as options (except .n )
-s redirect the given arguments to the history file
-u n redirect arguments to file descriptor n . If the file descriptor is greater than 2 , it must first be opened with the exec command. If n is not specified, the default file descriptor is 1 .
Table 8.8: read Options
-p read input line from a co-process
-r do not treat / as the line continuation character
-s save a copy of input line in the command history file
-u n read input line from file descriptor n . If the file descriptor is greater than 2 , it must first be opened with the exec command. If n is not specified, the default file descriptor is 0 .
Table 8.9: Korn Shell Debugging Options
set-e , set-o errexit execute ERR trap (if set) on non-zero exit status from any commands
set-n , set-o noexec read commands without executing them
set-v , set-o verbose display input lines as they are read
set-x , set-o xtrace display commands and arguments as they are executed
typeset-ft function display the commands and arguments from function as they are executed
Table 8.10: Co-Processes
command |& execute command in the background with the standard input and output attached to the shell
n <& p redirect input from co-process to file descriptor n . If n is not specified, use standard input.
n >& p redirect output of co-process to file descriptor n . If n is not specified, use standard output.
print -p write to the standard input of a coprocess
read -p read from the standard output of a coprocess
Table 9.1: ulimit Options
-a displays all the current resource limits
-c n set the core dump size limit to n 512 - byte blocks
-d n set the data area size limit to n kilobytes
-f n set the child process file write limit to n 512-byte blocks (default)
-m n set the physical memory size limit to n kilobytes
-s n set the stack area size limit to n kilobytes
-t n set the process time limit to n seconds
