Main must return int error in C++ ?

 My program is the tempera trun to the Huashi  C:


  #include "iostream"

using namespace std;

class tempera
      float cels;
      float change()
           return (9*cels)/5+32;

void main()
    tempera c;
    cout << "输入摄氏温度值:"<     cin >>c.cels;
    cout << "转化为华氏温度为:" << c.change() <<"度" <


I used the g++ to  build this program ,It always says "main must retrun int ".


bd@bd-desktop:~/Documents$ g++ -o tempera tempera.cpp
tempera.cpp:17: error: ‘::main’ must return ‘int’

it should be "int main()" instead of "void main(void)" and then put a "return 0" at the end of the function.



这是 C 语言标准的规定, 而 Dev C++ 严格的遵守这个规定.
DOS 版的 Turbo C 3 并不符合语言标准, 它没错误并不表示它是对的.


