Network Group

Network Group局域网部分


public static NetworkConnectionError InitializeServer(int connections, int listenPort);
public static NetworkConnectionError InitializeServer(int connections, int listenPort, bool useNat);


public static NetworkConnectionError Connect(string IP, int remotePort);
public static NetworkConnectionError Connect(string[] IPs, int remotePort);
public static NetworkConnectionError Connect(string GUID, [DefaultValue("\"\"")] string password);
public static NetworkConnectionError Connect(HostData hostData, [DefaultValue("\"\"")] string password);
public static NetworkConnectionError Connect(string IP, int remotePort, [DefaultValue("\"\"")] string password);
public static NetworkConnectionError Connect(string[] IPs, int remotePort, [DefaultValue("\"\"")] string password);

NetworkConnectionError 也是一个枚举变量,用来接收服务器端初始化或客户端连接的错误信息:

    // Summary:
    //     ///
    //     Possible status messages returned by Network.Connect and in MonoBehaviour.OnFailedToConnect|OnFailedToConnect
    //     in case the error was not immediate.
    //     ///
    public enum NetworkConnectionError
        // Summary:
        //     ///
        //     Client could not connect internally to same network NAT enabled server.
        //     ///
        InternalDirectConnectFailed = -5,
        // Summary:
        //     ///
        //     No host target given in Connect.
        //     ///
        EmptyConnectTarget = -4,
        // Summary:
        //     ///
        //     Incorrect parameters given to Connect function.
        //     ///
        IncorrectParameters = -3,
        // Summary:
        //     ///
        //     Internal error while attempting to initialize network interface. Socket possibly
        //     already in use.
        //     ///
        CreateSocketOrThreadFailure = -2,
        // Summary:
        //     ///
        //     Cannot connect to two servers at once. Close the connection before connecting
        //     again.
        //     ///
        AlreadyConnectedToAnotherServer = -1,
        // Summary:
        //     ///
        //     No error occurred.
        //     ///
        NoError = 0,
        // Summary:
        //     ///
        //     Connection attempt failed, possibly because of internal connectivity problems.
        //     ///
        ConnectionFailed = 15,
        // Summary:
        //     ///
        //     We are already connected to this particular server (can happen after fast disconnect/reconnect).
        //     ///
        AlreadyConnectedToServer = 16,
        // Summary:
        //     ///
        //     The server is at full capacity, failed to connect.
        //     ///
        TooManyConnectedPlayers = 18,
        // Summary:
        //     ///
        //     We presented an RSA public key which does not match what the system we connected
        //     to is using.
        //     ///
        RSAPublicKeyMismatch = 21,
        // Summary:
        //     ///
        //     We are banned from the system we attempted to connect to (likely temporarily).
        //     ///
        ConnectionBanned = 22,
        // Summary:
        //     ///
        //     The server is using a password and has refused our connection because we did
        //     not set the correct password.
        //     ///
        InvalidPassword = 23,
        // Summary:
        //     ///
        //     The NAT target we are trying to connect to is not connected to the facilitator
        //     server.
        //     ///
        NATTargetNotConnected = 69,
        // Summary:
        //     ///
        //     Connection lost while attempting to connect to NAT target.
        //     ///
        NATTargetConnectionLost = 71,
        // Summary:
        //     ///
        //     NAT punchthrough attempt has failed. The cause could be a too restrictive NAT
        //     implementation on either endpoints.
        //     ///
        NATPunchthroughFailed = 73


public static NetworkPeerType peerType { get; }

    // Summary:
    //     ///
    //     Describes the status of the network interface peer type as returned by Network.peerType.
    //     ///
    public enum NetworkPeerType
        // Summary:
        //     ///
        //     No client connection running. Server not initialized.
        //     ///没有客户端连接,客户端未初始化
        Disconnected = 0,
        // Summary:
        //     ///
        //     Running as server.
        //     ///服务器端运行
        Server = 1,
        // Summary:
        //     ///
        //     Running as client.
        //     ///客户端运行
        Client = 2,
        // Summary:
        //     ///
        //     Attempting to connect to a server.
        //     ///连接到了一个服务器端
        Connecting = 3


void OnServerInitialized();


void OnPlayerConnected(NetworkPlayer player);

参数NetworkPlayer player包含连接服务器的player的序号信息


void OnConnectedToServer();


int group = int.Parse(Network.player + "");


public static Object Instantiate(Object prefab, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, int group);

int group = int.Parse(Network.player + "");

Network View用于数据通信

Network Group_第1张图片
想要让在每个端创建的GameObject在其他端同步,还要在GameObject添加Network View组件。
 network view组件用来在局域网内同步一个游戏物体的组件属性
 network view会把创建出来他的客户端作为主人,其他客户端的数据都以创建他出来的客户端为准
 network view的state synchronization属性在5.0以上版本unity为数值,在5.0以下版本总共有三种属性

Properties 属性
  • State Synchronization
    The type of State Synchronization used by this Network View
  •     Off  关闭
    No State Synchronization will be used. This is the best option if you only want to send  RPCs
  •     Reliable Delta Compressed
    The difference between the last state and the current state will be sent, if nothing has changed nothing will be sent. This mode is ordered. In the case of packet loss, the lost packet is re-sent automatically
  •     Unreliable  不可靠的
    The complete state will be sent. This uses more bandwidth, but the impact of packet loss is minimized
  • Observed
    The Component data that will be sent across the network
  • View ID  视图编号
    The unique identifier for this Network View. These values are read-only in the Inspector
  •     Scene ID  场景编号
    The number id of the Network View in this particular scene
  •     Type  类型
    Either saved to the Scene or Allocated at runtime

state synchronization是一个枚举型变量,其变量内容如下所示:

    // Summary:
    //     ///
    //     Different types of synchronization for the NetworkView component.
    //     ///
    public enum NetworkStateSynchronization
        // Summary:
        //     ///
        //     No state data will be synchronized.
        //     ///
        Off = 0,
        // Summary:
        //     ///
        //     All packets are sent reliable and ordered.
        //     ///
        ReliableDeltaCompressed = 1,
        // Summary:
        //     ///
        //     Brute force unreliable state sending.
        //     ///
        Unreliable = 2

状态同步的细节 State Synchronization Details

You can enable State Synchronization per Network View by choosing either Reliable Delta Compressed or Unreliable from the State Synchronization drop-down. You must then choose what kind of data will synchronized in the Observed property.


Unity can pack/unpack some specific classes: Transform, Animation, Rigidbody and MonoBehaviour.


Transforms are serialized by storing position, rotation and scale. Parenting information is not transferred over the network.


Animation serializes each running animation state, that is time, weight, speed and enabled.


Rigidbody serializes position, rotation, velocity and angular velocity.


Scripts (MonoBehaviours) call the function OnSerializeNetworkView().


Reliability and bandwidth 可靠性和带宽

Network Views currently support two types of reliability. Reliable Delta Compressed and Unreliable.


Both have their own advantage and disadvantages, and the right mode should be chosen on a case by case basis.


For additional information about minimizing bandwidth, please read the Minimizing Bandwidth page.

更多关于最小化带宽的附加信息,请查阅Minimizing Bandwidth page。

Reliable Delta Compressed 压缩的延迟的可靠性

Reliable Delta Compressed mode will automatically compare the data that was last received by the client. If no data has changed compared to it, no data will be sent. But on top of that the data will also be compared on a per property basis. For example, if your position has changed but your rotation has not. Only the position has to be sent across the network.


In this mode, Unity internally packs one bit prior to each property that determines if the data has actually changed. If it has not changed, the property will not be included in the serialized data thus saving a lot of bandwidth.


Unity will also ensure that every packet that is sent will arrive by resending the packet in the case of UDP packet drop until it is received. This means that if a packet is dropped, any packets sent later will not be applied until the dropped packet is re-sent and received. Until then, all later packets will wait in the buffer.


Unreliable 不可靠

In Unreliable mode, Unity will send out the current state regardless of if it has changed or not. State will not be delta compressed since it is unknown if the sent data will actually arrive on the receiver.


Deciding which method to use 决定使用何种方法

The Network layer uses UDP which is an unreliable unordered protocol but it can send reliable ordered packets, just like TCP does. It internally uses ACKs and NACKs to control packet transmission, ensuring no packets are dropped. The downside to using reliable ordered packets is that if a packet is dropped or delayed, everything stops until that packet has arrived safely. This can cause noticeable delays in transmission in lag intensive networks.


Unreliable sending is useful for data where you know that it is going to change every frame anyway. For example, in a racing game, you can practically rely on that the player's car is always moving. Thus delta compression and reliable transfer only adds overhead without adding an practical gain.


In general, you should use Unreliable sending when you know data is changing all the time and minimizing lag is critical. If the data tracked by the Network View is not changing every frame and bandwidth is important to you, then delta compressed is preferred.


It is important to understand that lag is not the same thing as bandwidth. They are two separate properties that you want to optimize for in different use case.


Prediction 预测

When the server has full authority over the world state, the clients only update the game according to these states they receive from the server. One problem which arises is that controls feel unnatural as when a player pushes the forward button for example, he won't move until the updated state is received from the server. This delay depends on the latency of the connection so the worse the connection the more unnatural the actions of the player become.


One way to help with this is Player Prediction which means the client, knowing how the server calculates his movement, predicts the movement himself. So the player moves instantly with the control but the server sees his position from his last update. When the state update arrives from the server, the client will compare what he predicted with what actually happened. This might differ as the server might know more about the environment around the player, the client just knows what he needs to know. Errors in prediction are corrected as they happen, if they are corrected gradually the correction will look more smooth and less noticeable.


Dead reckoning or interpolation/extrapolation 航位推测法或内插/外插法

It is possible to apply the same principle with player prediction to the opponents of the player. Extrapolation is when several last (buffered) known position, velocity and direction of an opponent is used to predict where he will be in the next frames. When the next state update finally arrives with the correct position, the client state will be updated with accurate information, possibly skipping if the prediction was bad. In FPS games the behavior of players can be very erratic so this kind of prediction only has limited effect. If the lag gets high enough the opponent will skip badly as the errors in prediction get larger.


Interpolation is when packets get dropped on the way to the client and the opponent position would normally pause and then jump to the newest position when a new packet finally arrives. By delaying the world state by some set amount of time (like 100 ms) and then interpolating the last known position with the new one, the movement between these two points, where packets were dropped, will be smooth.



using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class MyCube : MonoBehaviour {
    public int speed = 5;
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {
        float h = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
        float v = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
		transform.Translate(new Vector3(h * speed * Time.deltaTime, 0, v * speed * Time.deltaTime));



using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

/// 既是服务器端,也是客户端
public class MyNetwork : MonoBehaviour {
    public int connections = 10;   //连接数量上限
    public int listenPort=8899;    //端口号
    public bool useNat = false;    //Nat是否开启
    public string ip = "";//主机ip
    public GameObject playerPrefab;//所要创建的GameObject 

    void OnGUI()
        if (Network.peerType == NetworkPeerType.Disconnected)
            if (GUILayout.Button("Initialize Server."))
                NetworkConnectionError error = Network.InitializeServer(connections, listenPort, useNat);
            if (GUILayout.Button("Connected Server."))
                NetworkConnectionError error=Network.Connect(ip, listenPort);
        else if(Network.peerType==NetworkPeerType.Server)
            GUILayout.Label("Server has been initialize.");
        else if(Network.peerType==NetworkPeerType.Client)
            GUILayout.Label("Client has been connected.");

    /// 在服务器端运行,当服务器被初始化时调用
    void OnServerInitialized()
        print("Server has been Inintialize.");
        int group = int.Parse(Network.player + "");
        Network.Instantiate(playerPrefab, new Vector3(0, 10, 0), Quaternion.identity, group);

    /// 在服务器端运行,当有player连接时被调用
    /// 连接服务器的player的序号信息
    void OnPlayerConnected(NetworkPlayer player)
        print("Player Connected,index number:"+player.ToString());

    /// 在客户端运行,当连接到服务器时运行
    void OnConnectedToServer()
        print("Connected server successfully.");
        int group = int.Parse(Network.player + " ");
        Network.Instantiate(playerPrefab, new Vector3(0, 10, 0), Quaternion.identity, group);



在PlayerSettings中的Settings for Web Player和Settings for PC,Mac & Linux Standalone下面,都有这么一句


Run in background Check this if you dont want to stop executing your game if the player looses focus.



可以看到,PlayerSettings中的Run in background后面有一个字符*,也就是Run In Background*

后面还有一句提示:* shared setting between multiple platform


就如Run In Background这个选项被WebPlayer和Standalone这两个平台共享使用,当其中一个平台下勾选了或者勾掉了这个选项,另外一个平台下也会同时勾选或勾掉。



当运行这句代码时,PlayerSettings下面的Run In Background选项会做出相应的更改。


Run In Background这个选项只在WebPlayer和Standalone这两个平台下才有,是否意味着在别的平台下不能后台运行呢?
