
41 additional questions 其他問題 To address additional questions regarding the Pb-Free Development Program, please contact your sales representative or field quality engineer, or email us at:  若還有其他關於無鉛發展計劃的問題請洽您的業務代表或駐地品管工程師,或email到:
42 additional questions regarding 其他關於的問題 To address additional questions regarding the Pb-Free Development Program, please contact your sales representative or field quality engineer, or email us at:  若還有其他關於無鉛發展計劃的問題請洽您的業務代表或駐地品管工程師,或email到:
43 Advanced power management techniques 高级电源管理技术 Advanced power management techniques coupled with 45nm process technology yields the lowest-power XXX architecture platform to date, ideal for battery powered, small form-factor embedded designs. 高级电源管理技术结合 45 纳米制程工艺技术,产生当今能耗最低的XXX 架构平台,特别适用于电池供电的小外形尺寸嵌入式设计。
44 advanced security 高级安全性 Digital signs with XXX vPro technology inside deliver rich multimedia content while enabling remote management, advanced security, energy savings, and lower TCO. 采用XXX 博锐技术的电子标牌在提供丰富多媒体内容的同时,还能实现远程管理、高级安全性、电源节能和更低的总拥有成本(TCO)。
45 Advanced Vector Extension (AVX) Technology  高级矢量扩展(AVX)技术  New levels of performance enable FLOPS demanding applications with XXX Advanced Vector Extension (AVX) Technology  新水平的性能使得要求严苛的 FLOPS 应用可以使用XXX 高级矢量扩展(AVX)技术 
46 Advanced Vector Extensions 高级矢量扩展 XXX Advanced Vector Extensions XXX 高级矢量扩展
47 advertising 广告 Correlate advertising to purchases  使广告与实际购买挂钩
48 Advisor 顾问  Embedded Product Advisor 嵌入式产品顾问 
49 aerospace 航天 To achieve network-centric focus, developers for military, aerospace and government applications must cost-effectively deploy solutions that can integrate with a vast array of existing systems and adapt as new technologies become available. 为了达到以网络为中心这一目的,面向军事、航天和政府应用的开发人员必须以合理的成本部署可以集成大量不同类型的现有系统,并能适应日后出现的新型技术的解决方案。
50 aid 协助 Robust processing performance enables networked devices to exchange information in real-time without human intervention, reduce data traffic and use analytics to aid decision support. 强大的嵌入式处理性能使得联网设备能够在无人工干预的情况下实时交换信息、减少数据流量并使用分析工具来协助决策。  
