

SNAP(Stanford Large Network Dataset Collection)实验数据集 主要包含以下数据集:


  • Social networks : online social networks, edges represent interactions between people
  • Networks with ground-truth communities : ground-truth network communities in social and information networks
  • Communication networks : email communication networks with edges representing communication
  • Citation networks : nodes represent papers, edges represent citations
  • Collaboration networks : nodes represent scientists, edges represent collaborations (co-authoring a paper)
  • Web graphs : nodes represent webpages and edges are hyperlinks
  • Amazon networks : nodes represent products and edges link commonly co-purchased products
  • Internet networks : nodes represent computers and edges communication
  • Road networks : nodes represent intersections and edges roads connecting the intersections
  • Autonomous systems : graphs of the internet
  • Signed networks : networks with positive and negative edges (friend/foe, trust/distrust)
  • Location-based online social networks : Social networks with geographic check-ins
  • Wikipedia networks and metadata : Talk, editing and voting data from Wikipedia
  • Twitter and Memetracker : Memetracker phrases, links and 467 million Tweets
  • Online communities : Data from online communities such as Reddit and Flickr
  • Online reviews : Data from online review systems such as BeerAdvocate and Amazon

Social networks

Name Type Nodes Edges Description
ego-Facebook Undirected 4,039 88,234 Social circles from Facebook (anonymized)
ego-Gplus Directed 107,614 13,673,453 Social circles from Google+
ego-Twitter Directed 81,306 1,768,149 Social circles from Twitter
soc-Epinions1 Directed 75,879 508,837 Who-trusts-whom network of Epinions.com
soc-LiveJournal1 Directed 4,847,571 68,993,773 LiveJournal online social network
soc-Pokec Directed 1,632,803 30,622,564 Pokec online social network
soc-Slashdot0811 Directed 77,360 905,468 Slashdot social network from November 2008
soc-Slashdot0922 Directed 82,168 948,464 Slashdot social network from February 2009
wiki-Vote Directed 7,115 103,689 Wikipedia who-votes-on-whom network


Networks with ground-truth communities

Name Type Nodes Edges Communities Description
com-LiveJournal Undirected, Communities 3,997,962 34,681,189 287,512 LiveJournal online social network
com-Friendster Undirected, Communities 65,608,366 1,806,067,135 957,154 Friendster online social network
com-Orkut Undirected, Communities 3,072,441 117,185,083 6,288,363 Orkut online social network
com-Youtube Undirected, Communities 1,134,890 2,987,624 8,385 Youtube online social network
com-DBLP Undirected, Communities 317,080 1,049,866 13,477 DBLP collaboration network
com-Amazon Undirected, Communities 334,863 925,872 151,037 Amazon product network

Communication networks

Name Type Nodes Edges Description
email-EuAll Directed 265,214 420,045 Email network from a EU research institution
email-Enron Undirected 36,692 367,662 Email communication network from Enron
wiki-Talk Directed 2,394,385 5,021,410 Wikipedia talk (communication) network

Citation networks

Name Type Nodes Edges Description
cit-HepPh Directed, Temporal, Labeled 34,546 421,578 Arxiv High Energy Physics paper citation network
cit-HepTh Directed, Temporal, Labeled 27,770 352,807 Arxiv High Energy Physics paper citation network
cit-Patents Directed, Temporal, Labeled 3,774,768 16,518,948 Citation network among US Patents

Collaboration networks

Name Type Nodes Edges Description
ca-AstroPh Undirected 18,772 396,160 Collaboration network of Arxiv Astro Physics
ca-CondMat Undirected 23,133 186,936 Collaboration network of Arxiv Condensed Matter
ca-GrQc Undirected 5,242 28,980 Collaboration network of Arxiv General Relativity
ca-HepPh Undirected 12,008 237,010 Collaboration network of Arxiv High Energy Physics
ca-HepTh Undirected 9,877 51,971 Collaboration network of Arxiv High Energy Physics Theory

Web graphs

Name Type Nodes Edges Description
web-BerkStan Directed 685,230 7,600,595 Web graph of Berkeley and Stanford
web-Google Directed 875,713 5,105,039 Web graph from Google
web-NotreDame Directed 325,729 1,497,134 Web graph of Notre Dame
web-Stanford Directed 281,903 2,312,497 Web graph of Stanford.edu

Product co-purchasing networks

Name Type Nodes Edges Description
amazon0302 Directed 262,111 1,234,877 Amazon product co-purchasing network from March 2 2003
amazon0312 Directed 400,727 3,200,440 Amazon product co-purchasing network from March 12 2003
amazon0505 Directed 410,236 3,356,824 Amazon product co-purchasing network from May 5 2003
amazon0601 Directed 403,394 3,387,388 Amazon product co-purchasing network from June 1 2003
amazon-meta Metadata 548,552 1,788,725 Amazon product metadata: product info and all reviews on around 548,552 products.

Internet peer-to-peer networks

Name Type Nodes Edges Description
p2p-Gnutella04 Directed 10,876 39,994 Gnutella peer to peer network from August 4 2002
p2p-Gnutella05 Directed 8,846 31,839 Gnutella peer to peer network from August 5 2002
p2p-Gnutella06 Directed 8,717 31,525 Gnutella peer to peer network from August 6 2002
p2p-Gnutella08 Directed 6,301 20,777 Gnutella peer to peer network from August 8 2002
p2p-Gnutella09 Directed 8,114 26,013 Gnutella peer to peer network from August 9 2002
p2p-Gnutella24 Directed 26,518 65,369 Gnutella peer to peer network from August 24 2002
p2p-Gnutella25 Directed 22,687 54,705 Gnutella peer to peer network from August 25 2002
p2p-Gnutella30 Directed 36,682 88,328 Gnutella peer to peer network from August 30 2002
p2p-Gnutella31 Directed 62,586 147,892 Gnutella peer to peer network from August 31 2002

Road networks

Name Type Nodes Edges Description
roadNet-CA Undirected 1,965,206 5,533,214 Road network of California
roadNet-PA Undirected 1,088,092 3,083,796 Road network of Pennsylvania
roadNet-TX Undirected 1,379,917 3,843,320 Road network of Texas

Autonomous systems graphs

Name Type Nodes Edges Description
(733 graphs)
Undirected 103-6,474 243-13,233 733 daily instances(graphs) from November 8 1997 to January 2 2000
as-Skitter       Undirected 1,696,415 11,095,298 Internet topology graph, from traceroutes run daily in 2005
(122 graphs)
Directed 8,020-26,475 36,406-106,762 The CAIDA AS Relationships Datasets, from January 2004 to November 2007
(9 graphs)
Undirected 10,670-11,174 22,002-23,409 AS peering information inferred from Oregon route-views between March 31 and May 26 2001
(9 graphs)
Undirected 10,900-11,461 31,180-32,730 AS peering information inferred from Oregon route-views between March 31 and May 26 2001

Signed networks

Name Type Nodes Edges Description
soc-sign-epinions Directed 131,828 841,372 Epinions signed social network
wiki-Elec Directed, Bipartite ~7,000 ~100,000 Wikipedia adminship election data
soc-sign-Slashdot081106 Directed 77,357 516,575 Slashdot Zoo signed social network from November 6 2008
soc-sign-Slashdot090216 Directed 81,871 545,671 Slashdot Zoo signed social network from February 16 2009
soc-sign-Slashdot090221 Directed 82,144 549,202 Slashdot Zoo signed social network from February 21 2009

Location-based online social networks

Name Type Nodes Edges Description
loc-Gowalla Undirected, Geo-Location 196,591 950,327 Gowalla location based online social network
loc-Brightkite Unirected, Geo-Location 58,228 214,078 Brightkite location based online social network

Wikipedia networks and metadata

Name Type Nodes Edges Description
wiki-Vote Directed 7,115 103,689 Wikipedia who-votes-on-whom network
wiki-Talk Directed 2,394,385 5,021,410 Wikipedia talk (communication) network
wiki-Elec Bipartite ~7,000 ~100,000 Wikipedia adminship election data
wiki-meta Edits 2.3M users,
3.5M pages
250M edits Complete Wikipedia edit history (who edited what page)

Memetracker and Twitter

Name Type Nodes Edges Description
twitter7 Tweets 17,069,982 users 476,553,560 tweets A collection of 476 million tweets collected between June-Dec 2009
memetracker9 Memes 96 million 418 million links Memetracker phrases and hyperlinks between 96 million blog posts from Aug 2008 to Apr 2009
ksc-time-series Time
2,000 418 million links Time series of volume of 1,000 most popular Memetracker phrases and 1,000 most popular Twitter hashtags

Online Communities

Name Type Number of items Description
Reddit Reddit submissions 132,308 submissions Resubmitted content on reddit.com
flickr Images 2,316,948 related images Images sharing common metadata on Flickr

Online Reviews

Name Type Number of items Description
BeerAdvocate Beer reviews 1,586,259 beer reviews Beer reviews from BeerAdvocate
RateBeer Beer reviews 2,924,127 beer reviews Beer reviews from RateBeer
CellarTracker Wine reviews 2,025,995 wine reviews Wine reviews from CellarTracker
Amazon reviews Amazon reviews (all categories) 34,686,770 product reviews Reviews from Amazon
Fine Foods Food reviews 568,454 food reviews Food reviews from Amazon
Movies Movie reviews 7,911,684 movie reviews Movie reviews from Amazon


Network types

  • Directed : directed network
  • Undirected : undirected network
  • Bipartite : bipartite network
  • Multigraph : network has multiple edges between a pair of nodes
  • Temporal : for each node/edge we know the time when it appeared in the network
  • Labeled : network contains labels (weights, attributes) on nodes and/or edges

Network statistics

Dataset statistics
Nodes Number of nodes in the network
Edges Number of edges in the network
Nodes in largest WCC Number of nodes in the largest weakly connected component
Edges in largest WCC Number of edges in the largest weakly connected component
Nodes in largest SCC Number of nodes in the largest strongly connected component
Edges in largest SCC Number of edges in the largest strongly connected component
Average clustering coefficient Average clustering coefficient
Number of triangles Number of triples of connected nodes (considering the network as undirected)
Fraction of closed triangles Number of connected triples of nodes / number of (undirected) length 2 paths
Diameter (longest shortest path) Maximum undirected shortest path length (sampled over 1,000 random nodes)
90-percentile effective diameter 90-th percentile of undirected shortest path length distribution (sampled over 1,000 random nodes)
