
Since machine learning is inherently data driven, data is at the core data
of machine learning. The goal of machine learning is to design general-
purpose methodologies to extract valuable patterns from data, ideally
without much domain-specific expertise. For example, given a large corpus
of documents (e.g., books in many libraries), machine learning methods
can be used to automatically find relevant topics that are shared across
documents (Hoffman et al., 2010). To achieve this goal, we design mod-
els that are typically related to the process that generates data, similar to model
the dataset we are given. For example, in a regression setting, the model
would describe a function that maps inputs to real-valued outputs. To
paraphrase Mitchell (1997): A model is said to learn from data if its per-
formance on a given task improves after the data is taken into account.
The goal is to find good models that generalize well to yet unseen data,
which we may care about in the future. Learning can be understood as a learning
way to automatically find patterns and structure in data by optimizing the
parameters of the model.

